
I am aware.

Since the whole Jacob witch-hunt, it has been clear that something is slowly rotting over there .. and one cannot help but notice how allegations of sexual misconduct are being thrown at prominent members of the tech community (Linus, Assange, Jacob, the list goes on..)

Almost as if fabricating accusations and claiming people to be guilty by the default is the new form of
character assassination.

Definitely less messier than .. well, assassination.

I hope the Tor project gets its shit together soon.

You know, a VPN is not such a big challenge for an adversary that can monitor large portions of the network, you connect to VPN, VPN connects elsewhere, by analyzing the packets and their timings it is pretty clear who is doing what.

Something pretty cool and VPN-like that never really got a lot of traction is onioncat -- do you know it? (not for the average user though, but pretty cool idea)

Ill check onioncat out!

I know TOR, i2p, ZeroNet, Maidsafe so far... TOR is kinda meh currently and ZeroNet routes through TOR. not many alternatives