Your Protection is Poor! Get a VPN

in #security9 years ago (edited)

This is a wake up call.

Go To

If you see your correct IP address & many other correct intel on your system - you got a leak.

What you see is what they see.
Hackers dwelling in open Wifis/Honeypots waiting for you to connect without a condom.
Data Miners like Google digging for even more private data on you.
The Government... we all know what our Governments love to do.

AirVPN for your privacy.This is truly alarming. Ipleak as well as many other reputable sites like (and me) recommend using

What I like about AirVPN is their time offers - if you're on vacation for a week or two, just grab the 7€ (payable in BTC) 1 Month offer and you're absolutely safe on your Laptop/Tablet/Mobile.



A VPN based on OpenVPN and operated by activists and hacktivists in defense of net neutrality, privacy and against censorship.
A VPN tunnel encrypts your connection to the Internet. This impenetrable tunnel prevents criminal organizations, your ISP or even your government to spy on your communications.

VPN is necessary if you use Open WiFi such as Starbucks or Hotels, so no fun without it on the go is the golden rule I follow.

Full List of recommended VPNs:

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Your Protection is Poor! Get a VPN

Image: Pixabay


@ ash,

I used openvpn for some time since it is free. but then I checked on the net my IP address and it was still showing my IP address. Since I use a VPN , shouldn't my IP address be hidden? Or else is there a reason why to use for eg. openvpn since my IP is shown?
Is it because it was free? Do you know anything free to hide my IP?

you sure you got it setup correctly? if it shows your real IP... well you got a problem :)

here's a free (2GB) alternative you can test


you need to buy a spot on someone's VPN server... you don't just install it and go. not sure if that's what happened, but the way you described it... i think @ash is confused as well. ;)

another good (by reputation) and cheap VPN provider is NordVPN:

price isn't the only issue. you have to think about what country the VPN is hosted in if you want full security. it sounds paranoid, but why are you getting a VPN then? amirite?

Random Agent Spoofer is a useful tool for hiding your IP, as well as spoofing your browser fingerprint:

@ash and @peppernrino thank you very much both for your replies!

Does this support p2p

Be careful, lots of VPN providers really do keep info and essentially track users. I know for a fact HMA (Hide My Ass) does. I currently use PIA (Private Internet Access) and they are worth every penny. If you really want anonymity you can go buy a gift card with cash (Starbucks, Mcdonalds, etc.) and make them an offer, essentially allowing you to pay for your VPN service with cash. Never had a problem with them, and they take your privacy and security seriously.

exactly the reason why PIA HMA and all the other half baked VPN are NOT listed here

You must search for a VPN Provider that are "Bulletproof and non logging" and have a solution to hide DNS Leaks!
I pay with Bitcoin, Paysafecard or Ukash my VPN Provider.

which VPN provider do you use?

I use
This VPN Provider have a programm for hide DNS Leaks, Web RTC Leaks, IPv6 Leaks, and normal IP Leaks, and i use,
i checked on this site my DNS Leaking -> or here ->

thanks for the recommendation :)

Or use Tor.

It's free, and it offers better protection.

I am aware.

Since the whole Jacob witch-hunt, it has been clear that something is slowly rotting over there .. and one cannot help but notice how allegations of sexual misconduct are being thrown at prominent members of the tech community (Linus, Assange, Jacob, the list goes on..)

Almost as if fabricating accusations and claiming people to be guilty by the default is the new form of
character assassination.

Definitely less messier than .. well, assassination.

I hope the Tor project gets its shit together soon.

You know, a VPN is not such a big challenge for an adversary that can monitor large portions of the network, you connect to VPN, VPN connects elsewhere, by analyzing the packets and their timings it is pretty clear who is doing what.

Something pretty cool and VPN-like that never really got a lot of traction is onioncat -- do you know it? (not for the average user though, but pretty cool idea)

Ill check onioncat out!

I know TOR, i2p, ZeroNet, Maidsafe so far... TOR is kinda meh currently and ZeroNet routes through TOR. not many alternatives

It would be nice if you would mark your affiliate links so anyone could make their mind up if you are promoting the services because they are paying well or because you are actually convinced of using them. (Depending on your jurisdiction this is also required by law.)

As to give an alternative i'd recommend: a Germany based VPN company that is focusing highly on protecting the user and not just built to be a business like many big vpn providers. What do I mean with that? Well they use a lot of tracking tools on their sites, most of them use google analytics to track users, plenty use third party affiliate tools with an unbelievable amount of data stored and also services for newsletters ran by us companies and sharing data with those (many use MailChimp for example).

privacy policy covers promotional links on

other than that, it's the blockchain, and she does not care what you post to her.

also, you may find affiliate links disturbing, I find your shilling for an unknown, untrusted 3rd party VPN you want me to let in my middle even more alarming. I recommend you to use "mute" and move on :)

i work in the websecurity field and am using them as a paying customer - as far as disclosure goes. i'll send the guys a message to introduce themself, maybe that helps you with your feelings :*

Hey @ash

I use a VPN service provider called IP Vanish. I personally think they are great! sometimes you have to restart but not a biggie.


does it hide your IP? did you test with ipleak?

I use onavo protect; you can download from the App Store and is totally free!!

totally free is always dangerous with VPN. remember: VPN hosts are the single point of failure in this scenario.

Dont use Free Proxys or Free VPNs! is also a good tool to have in the bag.

nice, thanks!

no problem! i like helping. :D

It is always good to enhance your privacy when browsing online.

Sadly, the use of VPN services can get you banned from many sites for absolutely no reason.

Steam, Amazon, Paypal, and many other companies are fast to lay down the banhammer if you use a VPN, and it's pretty depressing. Even if I'm not using it to bypass any sort-of region locking, they disallow it.

amazon? proof? i order stuff from amazon all the time...

if you're using a "free" VPN, e.g. HotSpotShield, then i could see you being blacklisted for abuse.
other than that, some forums are just straight up crazy about their blacklisting policies... and basically, fuck them for not understanding security concerns and learning how to mitigate abuse without cutting off access entirely.