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RE: Catfishing and How to Avoid the Scam

in #security8 years ago

Great advice @finnian! Never had the opportunity to do the online dating thing and I am ok with that..LOL My brother in-law has been using Tinder or something and has had some interesting characters try all sorts of scams. He took one girl out on a first date and she gave him a long, sad story about how her car was impounded and she had no money to get it back - ASKED HIM FOR HIS CC - what a first date! I can't believe people do that, but they do!

I met my wife in high school and have been together since (15 years ago!). We both often joke about how bad it would be to try to date in this new age of tech - I don't think I could do it. Relationships are a bond and bonds are formed by trust. The online world makes it too attractive for liars, con artists, and dishonest people; they can't say no to fishing in the bucket. It's too easy. I can't tell you how glad I'm not in that bucket..

You ever heard of the actual catfishing technique: Noodling? 😆Also known as "Hillbilly Hand-Fishing"- basically yanking a catfish from a hole using your fingers as bait. The catfish sees what it believes to be food, which of course is too good to be true - because it's a trap!

Like @dullhawk said

And trust your gut. If something feels fishy, it probably is.


I had not heard of noodling. lol I really, really wanted children, and I was already 34. I was willing to try anything as a successful professional. Both @elyce and me were ready to give up too when we met each other online. We were both "too good to be true," but we were true.

She still jokes that I took a deep breathe in smelling her the first weekend we met. Man, did she smell good! That, for those that don't know, usually means you'll make good babies!

We did too. haha

really know if it'll work out if you can sustain a healthy relationship..😆Haha that's a beautiful story, @finnian. I can relate too, I was blessed with two beautiful kids and that's momma's I knew from the start that she was the one, but we waited until we had been together 9 years (living together for 7) before we got married. You really don't know a person until you've lived with them for a while. Then you

Primal animals we are. Congratulations on finding your soul mate and creating life, it's beautiful man!