Now, no one with any good intentions will EVER ask you for your keys to help you and if you give them to someone, you better be really, really sure you can trust them. I would say, never trust anyone.
If your keys are your lifeline on Steemit, losing them is like being naked, thrown out and left for the dead. Trust must be earned. We shouldn’t be quick to open our doors to just anyone.
Unfortunately in this world there are people willing to behave in disgusting ways for small amounts and unfortunately there are many who's own greed supports it.
A man’s greed leads him to the slaughter slab. Don’t be quick to swallow every free meal. Some free meals have hooks hidden inside them. Ask the tilapia fish.
Greed makes us blind as we start to limit our critical thinking abilities (if we have some) and focus on the win only. That is why so many people get scammed, not because the scams are so cleverly masterminded.
Most people who get scammed want something at a price far less than the market price. And beneath that is something called greed. The Yorubas have a saying, “He who seeks free things, seek destruction. When you want cheap or free things, you overlook red flags crying to be heard, and more easily become easy prey .
In this world, no matter where you live, how often is it that strangers willingly offer you financial value for very little? Does it happen a lot to you? No? Well why the hell would you think that people would be any more willing to provide value to you here without either getting something in return or taking something from you?
People forget that life is value for value. It’s foolish to expect something in instances you are not willing to give something in return.