The Seven Day B&W Challenge - Day One / 七天黑白挑戰 - 第一天 / by @deanliu

in #sevendaybnwchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Thanks to @rea (link) and @helene (link) for nominating me for the Black & White Photo Challenge! Now I finally know why I saw these kind of posts lately ...

My entry:

The rules :

  • Take 7 black & white photos that represent an aspect of your life
  • Present one image every day for seven days
  • No people
  • No explanation
  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
  • Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags


  • 7張代表你生命一部分的黑白照片
  • 一天發出一張照片
  • 没有人的照片
  • 没有解釋
  • 每天提名一個人但任何人都可参加
  • 其中一個標籤必須用: #sevendaybnwchallenge

I nominate @deanliu.

[ok, this is not the result of a copy&paste, but my own deliberate using-a-loophole-in-the-rules kind of thing as I don't want to really nominate full seven of my friends here... but I will at least nominate one in the following 6 days to come. By the way, tomorrow I will thank myself for nominating myself too. lol.]

Note. no one says photo cannot be a processed image, as a photo without people and must represent my life is too hard. But I will try to avoid this in the next six.

還得找六張照片或影像,來代表我的人生?我既然玩了就會認真。所以,繼續等著瞧囉!(今天這張還不錯吧?過去這一年多,這... 唉呀,嗶嗶!差點犯規哪!^^)


哈哈 你的黑白steemit历史。。



great work sir @deanliu nice entry in #sevendaybnwchallenge, after nominated you for this contest. impressive work. best of luck.

It seems to me that your post is very important but I can not understand your writings

Upvoted you. But where is your picture? I can't see it.

Wow! @deanliu is on board as well! I just started a contest where you can talk about your photos! 😊

被抓來了 ^^ 不敢不從 ^^ 扭曲規則抵抗中.... 哈哈,你的比賽還好我也不能參加(才第一天而已),否則shieha一定把我淘汰... 第一張就不是照片...

還有六天,任何一張也可以喔! But only the best for Aaron!

lol @ the loop nomination!!!

I am good at playing the rules... hehe...
