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RE: What is sexual energy all about? Answer is given and winners announced

in #sex6 years ago (edited)

I am still here teacher, and spirit has guided me over this year to send her Heart-to-Heart messages here and then to release my own deeply buried blockages and by doing so her blockages as well. This also icludes the healing of the entire familial lineage. So basically, I specifically address her Heart, which is key because the Trust issue is one of the main issues ( basically for all Humans, but as the Twin Flame is your Soul Mirror, the Trust issue is at maximum). You could also say the Trust issue is maximized for her because in the face of her Soul Mirror her fears are most exposed, she cannot hide. This trust issue then is something that she has been dragging through her entire life, reflecting itself in relationships based on lack and fear. So by speaking to her Heart, I allow her to gradually learn to trust while releasing mutual fears at the same time.

The day I got to know that she is my Twin Flame, the energetic exchange immediately allowed me to know her beyond her facade, and over the entire year that followed the energetic work made her ever more familiar to me so that right now I feel as if I kow her from the inside out. She too gets ever more familiar but more slowely. Thing is, we haven't been in a real relationship yet physically, because she was running away back then.

In many Twin Flame relationships the "chaser" gets emotionally so embroiled, despite more emotional and spiritual maturity than the "runner", that the "chaser" too might take decisions, based on fear of loss and need, which make the runner even run more. Simply because the "chaser" has difficulties accepting this. By doing so, the relationship is constantly procrastinating and being pushed away from Happening because the runner doesn't get the time and space to reflect on the whole thing and introspect. It might take many years, if at all, that there is real reunion.

So in all humbleness, I was able to not get lost in that vicious cycle, and instead managed to detach from the chaser attitude after roughly 3-4 weeks. She indoctrinated all of her co-workers and family and friends, so in a sense it was all against me, but finally I was the one pushing the red button. From that moment onward at the end of last year, my dreams have been constantly keeping me up to date as to her state, and as I have been continuing doing the inner work and removing blockages, she was kind of forced to do the same. The period from July to August was then an Apex period of these energies where at one day she saw me from the distance and instantly ran way out of fear of rejection and shame. Well, as the energies were heralding this already, spirit guided me to write her and her father these Heart to Heart Messages for mutual healing, and my last message to them was apparently THE door opener for real physical reunion according to my consequent dream messages but since I wasn't aware of that at the time I sent that message I included " that I won't be online for some time now to get some break" . So over the next weeks some huge progress seems to be on the horizon. But at first I need that break :)

So long story short, the relationship has never REALLY started in the first place, because I decided to first get most of the inner work done for the best and most stable long-term result. So the choice was: either the slow way with lots of procrastination in doing one's energetic work (which means periods of physical reunion yet unstable so that physical Separation follows, vicious circle) OR the quick way with no procrastination in doing one's energetic work at all, hence most intense energetic work in short time (which means no real periods of physical reunion but WHEN then it is most stable from the very beginning). So I preferred the latter :)

Very long comment, enjoy :)


Thanks for the sharing. Enriching. Sounds like a series of posts can be written around the experience.

I think my best wish for you is to meet another twin soul, on a higher degree/level, as it feels that you have done your internal work that that karmic connection came to entice within you. Doing so without being dragged down by her human-level frequencies.

Intersting to follow through your journey.

Interesting that you say "another" Twin Soul. Sometimes I have been thinking that she might be my "catalyser Twin" preparing me for my real Twin, but finally I am always strongly being guided and told that she is "the One" heavily preparing herself for this union to happen ( which only makes sense, after all I had the apparently unmistakable Dream message back then, but you never know spirit's surprises). I am constantly balancing myself out here to not get attached to any of my thoughts' assumptions.

We will se what surprises are in store for me :)