Thank you! This is a really important discussion that really needs to be had. And not in a shaming way, but in an informational and educational way.
You know, I always was led to believe I was "weird" because I didn't like or get into porn, even in my late teens and 20's. Nothing to do with being prudish or repressed, although people tried to persuade me of that... but it felt fake and "artificial," somehow and I just didn't get anything from it.
Yet I really enjoyed reading (and creating my own imagery from) what could be loosely described as "erotica," in which the actual sex act was more like an end point than the "star" of the show, if that makes sense.
Thanks for your reply!
I do think respectful, informational, and educational conversations are key, but I also think we have to ramp things up a bit if people are being harmed. The argument here is porn, as it is today, does actually cause a lot of harm. We should expose that as being "bad" and that process, I think, can include some shaming. Shaming based on a well-supported moral position ("Don't do that, it provably lowers human wellbeing") is much different than shaming based on ignorance, insecurity, etc, etc. It's just a tool and to me it's a much better tool than something as extreme as censorship or anything the government does which is always backed by violence.