in #sex7 years ago

Lifestyles are like hairstyles, and people have a lot of freedom to choose from a wide variety.

I've certainly had quite a few hairstyles, and quite a few lifestyles. After many that only brought grief and woe, I've been in a monogamous relationship with @mama-pepper for over eleven years now. In this vlog below I share some of the reasons that I love being in a monogamous relationship. Again, these are just my opinions, but I'm free to have them and to share them! I hope this helps someone out there.


here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and


Until next time…

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I feel like once I found"THE ONE" it hurt my heart to even imagine being with anyone but him. I love your post! Following too.

Cool! I'm glad that you loved it!

Granted you are pushing what is working for you. It leads to harmony and humility. It shows care and love.
Keep on steemin’

It certainly does work for us. Thanks @pouchon!

I think people really need to consider what you are saying here. It has more weight behind it when you have lived both lifestyles and you know which one brings a lot more peace and happiness. I have been in a monogamous marriage for over 16 years. It's not perfect but it is better than the alternative lifestyles out there in my humble opinion.

Oh yeah, I definitely lived both lifestyles.

keep on sharing your knowledge with us, and for your followers here.
cool, this is very much the people who petrified from your post this @papa-pepper. success for you my friend @papa-pepper.

Thank you @jasonmunapasee!

your welcome, my friend.

@papa-pepper, you see your first post i read two days ago about your life outside steemit (those cage and bird stuff). This is the second and i really like it.

Great to see people putting up intentional, great content on steemit. Pls keep it up. Newcormers like us draws inspiration from you.

Great posts! Not marriage yet. About to this August. Monogamy have my heart always.

People usually get into relationships while their lives are mess, with no certain direction and set priorities. With every change in their lives a relations doesn't feel fit so they usually ends it. I believe every individual shouldn't get involved in a relationship unless he defines exactly what is that he want out of it and of his life altogether.
Thanks @papa-pepper for sharing your experience.

Poeple can sometimes take kindness for love when on the internet. It's wonderful for all to see how you feel about marriage and now ALL your follows know this too.

Peace to you and yours !!

Yeah, now they ALL know. Thanks @snook!

the papa has spoken! papa bless

To correct you, just 'cause I can,
You say that being monogamous prevents STD's,
Unfortunately, as you have already found out 5 times, it is the cause of Small, Triangular Diapers.
After 55 years + of a happy marriage, I must agree totally that it is the way to go.
Once the sex novelty wears off [after 50 + years] you have to have somebody that you can live with for the rest of your life.
I have been told that if you have cheated it can and will be brought up in any discussions that you have, and that is another discussion you have lost.
May you be as happy as I have been, for as long as I have been, or longer if you are lucky.

I meant something slightly different than Small Ttriangular Diapers.

Put it down to my age, not knowing what STDs are, or, my tongue in the cheek's chance to make a smart arse comment.

LOL! Got it!

S mart A rse C omments a speciality.

Yes you are right it's like hairstyle & people will also giving suggestions to change it,but we have to stick to our ones ,if it felt good to us than free suggestions should be ignored .thanks for reminding me about other kind of people.

@ papa-pepper I really support you, the family is a very important person in life. without our family will not be perfect.


I agree! Thank you very much!

Cheating is wrong and we should all be faithful to our partners, Excellent your lifestyle friend.

Thank you. I am blessed to be in such a relationship.

Sorry, I disagree, you don't need to use hardwoods all the time. Well treated locally sawn softwoods will last just as long.

Not mahogany! LOL, monogamy!

Sorry mate, I really should watch before commenting ;-) You and your family have a lovely weekend, one of the best proper blogs on here.

LOL - I still thought it was hilarious! Thanks @nathen007~

You just got caught 'cheating.' lol.

I’ll be honest, I’m out with the family and can’t watch your video now. Nonetheless, I wish more people were encouraged to have a monogamous relationship that leads to marriage. Making marriages work is the secret to success in saving the world. That might be a bit extreme, but it would do a ton of good.

admirable!!!!! I wish everyone thought so, congratulations.

Monogamy brings peace of mind!

It certainly does for us.

every person has a different lifestyle, hair style, dress style, the more advanced the development of the era samakin many modern styles that will appear, I like as long as it brings good

I've been reading to you for a few weeks now and I always congratulate you on the family union I cherish in your life! Today I appreciate him even more for the value he gives to the woman, congratulations to both are a good couple and surely good parents.

Wow! Thank you very much for that.

In my first relationship it was rough . I didn’t really trust him or there was some sorts in my heart where it was difficult to be with him. He used to doubt me , and then abuse me . Now I have been married for a year with someone and I’m very happy that I can trust him, I know we wouldn’t catch anything either because we are loyal to each other and there is a lot of emotional attachment and so forth . I’m thankful, it’s a blessing and recently we have been blessed with our son

Glad to hear that you are married to someone you can trust.

i agree with you....
its a ideal way...

Thanks for checking it out, and glad to hear that you agree.

Wow very strong monogamy relationship @papa-pepper if a relationship have a trusting, faith, loyal and understanding to each other the monogamy relationship is healthy thanks to share @papa-pepper

Thanks @denver86!

Your welcome sir and it is my pleasure.

Hope you visit my blog sometimes sir thank you so much

Do you think there is another relationship better than Monogamy? I sincerely doubt that. Monogamy brings peace of mind, you feel relaxed, you are in for your partner and your partner is in for you.

Well, I need to see the proofs in your vlog before knowing what to say next!

Good point. I agree.

But i from a polygamous family you know. It was hell. Will share the story soon

@papa-pepper Im glad you found love and your relationship is going strong. Trust is the most important aspect in a health relationship. A happy wife is a happy life. Treat her nice and be faithful and she will do the same in return. Kids are very important and should always see there parents in a happy and positive state this is a excellent up bringing for a child and this way they have good childhood memories. God bless you and your family.

Thanks @godofbit!

Your welcome pappa. Just do me a favor and let them little peppers grow up healthy ;)

Yes Sir! Will do!

I'm glad I could find someone like you on this platform to get such words of encouragement from.
Staying true to one's spouse helps a lot.
Thank you for this @papa-pepper.

Staying true to one's spouse is the only way in my opinion!

Wow very strong monogamy relationship @papa-pepper if a relationship have a trusting, faith, loyal and understanding to each other ......

Yup, it's the way that we like to do it! Thanks!

I'm happy you brought up this topic.
This is indeed a very serious matter. I've been through a divorce, when my ex wife left me after almost 9 years of marriage. It causes pain and for the children it leaves strong emotional marks. Now I'm happy remarried.
Marriage is an institution that God gave to us. Basically when God created us, it was his intent for man and wife to be 1 flesh and to be a family.
Jesus restated this when saying that even looking (with lust) to another woman is already fornication in the heart.
Matthew 5:28 -
28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart

Matthew 5:32 -
32But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

So both God a Jesus basically showed the viewpoint on the matter.
Since God is the Creator he knows what is best for us humans.
Fornication causes pain, emotional stress, uncertainty, children get in difficult situations.

The idea of evolution has had a big influence on today's world's view on marriage. If we are merely a part of evolution, we need to spread out genes, as animals do. Trying to survive.
This goes against the belief in a loving God.

As you rightly concluded, monogamy is the best way to live your life and be protected from a lot of misery.

Thanks again for your positive message on the matter

The idea of evolution has had a big influence on today's world's view on marriage. If we are merely a part of evolution, we need to spread out genes, as animals do. Trying to survive.

Yeah, unfortunate times where people reap what they sow. Thank you for sharing and for the encouragement.

Cheers for monogamy! It is a true sanctuary and also, as Robert Augustus Masters says, it is an ashram.

"Intimate relationship is perhaps the ashram of the 21st Century — a place especially ripe with transformational possibility, a combination crucible and sanctuary for the deepest sort of healing and awakening, through which the full integration of our physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions is more than possible."

This has been my experience too, as I embark on the 20th year of marriage with my beloved husband.

Nice! We are halfway there after just crossing ten. I'll tell you what, you two keep it up and we won't catch up!

most of bangladeshies are belief in monogamous relationship...
be happy with your partner...
god bless you

Glad to hear it!

God bless your relationship with @mama-pepper, I congratulate you for being free and do as your heart dictates. Greetings.

I agree with you man! I love not having to put effort and money into flirting around. Instead to just spend quality time my good, ol lady.

I love not having to put effort and money into flirting around. Instead to just spend quality time my good, ol lady.

Amen to that! This is a whole lot easier, safer, and healthier!

Your openness on the subject is so refreshing and your character really speaks through.
Thanks for sharing.

I wish you and your family a lot of happy years together.I and @jackmiller have been married for 20 years, we had together a lot of good and bad years, but we all endured it. No marriage is ideal and requires compromises, understanding, supporting one another. Today it is unfortunately modern to change married partners more often than socks. That's very sad.

Very sad indeed. Glad you guys are wiser than that!

Great post I must say. Monogamy is the best thing that could happen to any relationship even God is the number respecter of this.

Here our fore father's had cause a lot of atrocities with polygamy which has brought us to this level we are today.

Monogamy for me is the only thing that has brought notable peace to our lives today unlike in the past.

Thank you for this piece once again. God bless you.


There's something to be said for both. There was a time when I enjoyed an open marriage. I have come to prefer monogamy. I'm not just comfortable with it. I enjoy it. There is comfort in it, but there is more.

So what lead you to changing your lifestyle? Cause people don’t change that easily...

Jesus Christ. I couldn't change me, I had already had all the encouragement that this world had to offer. He did that which was impossible though.

I love monogamy too, unfortunately my ex wife didn't love it as much as I did and started cheating on me after five years together. So yeah I didn't think I had to worry, until I did. After we split up I didn't even remember how to date people because I had gotten so used to having her. After I finally moved on and found someone new to try monogamy once again with, of course my ex wife tried to come back into my life. I don't know if I'll ever enjoy monogamy the same as before because of the doubt that has been added to the equation by what happened with my ex. So yeah monogamy is great, unless you pick the wrong person. It sounds like you found the right one for you though. I do disagree with what you said about waiting until marriage to have sex though, because if you wait until then to find out you are not sexually compatible, well that's an important part of any relationship and in my opinion you should know before you get married if you are going to even enjoy having sex with each other. That doesn't mean sex has to be any less special. I just think waiting until marriage is a bit extreme. I don't think having sex on the first date is a great idea either though. Somewhere in between maybe. But what do I know, not much obviously because I failed at my monogamous relationship. I do agree the world would be better off with more monogamy and not less. Thanks for sharing, and I wish you and your significant other many more years of happiness together, and congratulations on finding the right one.

First off, thanks so much for watching the video and checking me out. It means a lot to me!

But what do I know, not much obviously because I failed at my monogamous relationship

Don't be too hard on yourself, it sounds like you held your end of the deal up.

I do agree the world would be better off with more monogamy and not less.

I agree, and thanks for sharing.

"People are free to choose the lifestyle they want, but i choose this lifestyle". Papa, that is the key thing; choice. Like you said few days ago, we should be ready to live with our choices. You made a great choice, because that is the same choice i want in my life as i am taking steps for that next phase. Well done Papa. You have spoken once, i heard it with resounding effect.

There definitely a lot to be said about a monogamous relationship! I was blessed to spend 40 years with my better half until the Lord called him home. I have no desire to step into today's dating world. I feel sorry for the younger generation as the world is a crazy and dangerous place.

Peace of mind is key in such relationship...thanks for sharing

wow...great post. thanks for sharing

I am newcomer friend please help me friend

This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @sibbir.

Dear friend @papa-pepper i come to your blog after long days, really your awesome post , i love your post D: thank you for sharing with us.

Thank you for enjoying what I have to offer!