This post was inspired by @isabellelauren 's Open question of why violence and not sex?
NOTE: Trigger Warning For Awkward Sex Stuff And Artistic Nudity-- and Lima being very damned serious
Claustrophobia and Aversion to Touching
One of my earliest memories from childhood was when my dad lived in Bend, OR. My sister and I were visiting him as my parents were divorced shortly after I was born. He liked to drink, my dad. This particular time he had gotten a babysitter who gave me peptobismal even though I told her I didn't like it. I'm not sure what made me sick but I went to my dads rolling waterbed to sleep. I proceeded to sleep and then routinely puke into a bucket with a big , fat, purple, Grimace (from Mc'D's) smiling back after I was done. Later that night my dad came home and passed out in the same bed. I remember at one point he cuddled me and I didn't like it. I got up and slept on the floor. I remember it vividly and not very much else from my early childhood. Maybe this is normal.
It sucks that I always wonder why I didn't like my own father cuddling me when I was sick. To this day I have a very complicated relationship hugging and touching that I'm learning to sort out. I love giving hugs and I love getting them except only sometimes do I feel comfy doing it. One time I was told there was a guy-friend of my mom's that we called "the tickle-monster" I remember it being a fun thing and I also remember drinking wine coolers alone as a toddler so anything is possible. As an adult I am very claustrophobic and will detail later how that further manifested in my bad relationship with sex. Something happened that made me feel unsafe I may never truly know what it was.
Negative Associations To Sex, Nudity, And Love
To be quite frank, my amazing mom married a guy that almost turned me off men and possibly sex completely. Whatever happened before him could have been sorted. He drove that dark nail deep into my soul. He moved in with us and proceeded to not only have loud sex with my mom every night. I was a light sleeper, used to quiet, and sensitive to everything. I Would cry and beg them to stop. My mom would tell me that I would understand when I got older. I do. AND then he would shame me for it the next day. Quit your crying he'd say. Then he'd sit in his lazy boy chair with nothing but a robe, control the remote, control dinner, and insist that we go to the bathroom to burp or fart while he sang "I like to go swimming with bow-legged women and swim between their legs". Later when we were at a different house, I was in my room (which I was using because my stepbrother was never there, due to his moms physical abuse case on my stepdad) dancing and singing and getting dressed as a do when I am alone and free. Unfortunately because I have adhd and it was the first time being in my own room i didnt realize the curtains were open. I was 9. At the dinner table that night my stepfather announced, "That was a really great show you put on for us today. Your little boyfriend across the street liked it. Yea, thats right, you left your curtains open you little slut. Keep them shut." introducing: intense shame As a teen (yesss my mom was still married to this dude) I started to wonder if he was abusing my older sister. The loud sex and stopped because they had different work schedules but then it suddenly started up again when my mom got a day shift. I cried, again my mom said "you'll understand when you get older" and left it at that. She felt ashamed too. She had no idea what to do. I don't blame her, as she had no tools to deal with it and she married a guy that was treating her and us as commodities. Clean this, do that.. etc. However, it was this lack of knowledge that made it harder. One day at school a boy gave me a ring. I will admit that i was very interested in a lot of boys at that age. I kissed that boy and another one in a car on a dare. Just a peck but still. It wasn't totally crazy for mom to be suspicious. I took it home to my mom, I WAS SO HAPPY!! "Mommy! a boy loves me. He gave me this ring to prove it and I love him too. He sings to me, 'Take me down to the paradise city...'(lol I was 9-10 okay?)!" She took it away. She told me this means he wants to have sex with me. I had to return it and never talk to him again. That summer I went to live with my dad in Cali. No sex/body shame there so we'll skip it.
Gendernonconforming? Tomboy? Boobs or just fat?
Before I left for CALIFORNIA My ability to make friends was atrocious. SHOCKER I'm very shy and awkward in groups IRL. SO when "the cool girl" in 6th grade invited me to her house for a sleepover I was both ecstatic and terrified. I remember sitting on the floor in my pajamas that might have been tight on me, silent. One girl said to me, "wow-- you have boobs!"
"No she's just fat." Replied Cool Girl. Thanks, for that cool girl. Cue years of body dysmorphia.
After coming back from my dads though I had a new confidence. I was awoken to punk and grunge while En vogue was telling me to "Free Your Mind"! I wore boots and too big overalls with crazy barrets. I somehow gave very little fux in junior high. If only I had that now... lol. I stood up for nerds when popular girls would belittle them. ( I was always good in school regardless of my adhd). Pretty soon I found a guy to crush on who had no idea I existed. I think I liked it that way. I proceeded to never kiss anyone or flirt with anyone until freshman year. I had two crushes. One was a guy with long eyelashes and the other was a girl with black hair and a free spirit. She became my best friend and I had no idea I was in love with her. We laugh about it now!
Pretty soon people started to point out my style and the way I treated some of my friends that were girls. Whenever we were at parties they would hook up with older guys while I waited outside a house or a tent. One time I had to give a guy a hand job because I didn't want to have sex with him and had no idea to tell him. He decided to brag about this conquest and people went back to "ah shes a slut like all the other girls. only pretending to be prude". Prude came up a lot. One day I finally looked it up in the dictionary (as I slowy began ignoring the world and exploring books, drawing, music, and computers)
"A prude (Old French prude meaning honourable woman)[1] is a person who is described as (or would describe themselves as) being concerned with decorum or propriety, significantly in excess of normal prevailing standards. "
I began to wear it and demand that it meant that I have standards. When the truth is that I didn't understand who I was or what I wanted sexually and I was holding on to some trauma from childhood. I watched all of my friends get pregnant or married one by one.
----Then one day. I kissed a girl and liked it ( Hardee Har har)
We were both drunk and i was *sort of * dating a guy and we were all at this table. She was beautiful. Someone said something about kissing. I exclaimed that I would kiss her and she was also willing it seemed. There was definitely tongue and it lasted for more than a minute. I'm pretty sure lightning bolts shot through the air and baby cherubs smiled on us. But that was it. Went home to sleep it off and came back to meet my new friend. I knocked on her door, not knowing that I was attracted to her .She yelled at me, "I'm not gay!" and slammed the door in my face.
But... I'm not either! was my thought... (but im a cheerleader....)
Then of course I decided to shave my head. This really helped the rumors and jokes about me being a closeted "dyke". I loved the freedom of it. However, immediately I started wearing makeup because I thought I looked like a boy. Others said so. My boyfriend at the time broke up with me because of something else but he later told me that he hated when I had shaved my head. He had long hair. GO figure.
flash forward quite a lot
After I was living in Boston, my cousins mom found some pics of us jokingly pretend to have "lesbian cousin sex". We had a weird relationship and I had never imagined anyone would think it was real. I had my hair short at that time as well and was living in Portland OR, loving ANi DiFranco in my kahkis and band t's.
Her mom, MY AUNT, insisted that I WAS GAY. She was angry. My mom confronted me on the phone. I was not comfy with my sexuality but those pics were not real. I was angry at both my aunt and my mom for judging us and being angry about it. If I was gay I told my mom THEN WHO CARES?!?! Secretly I knew that I wasn't going to be able to hide this forever but the fact that people consistently insisted they know who I was and were angry about it made me start moving away from my external family. My sister, awesome as she is, also liked to make jokes. Implying that all my boyfriends were sissies and she was waiting for me to bring home an actual woman. I know this is from her own insecurity but it just helped me dig further.
Over time I confided in various people about my confusion with my identity, my womanhood, and my feelings. In Boston I had started therapy when I walked into a restaurant and caught the eye of a cute boy (adult boy) but to my "horror" the boy had boobs. I left the restaurant and took a few weeks to tell my therapist even though i was resisting it the entire time. "You want me to be gay!!" I yelled at him. You see, I still found myself attracted to men. This was not the time for something to give. I left that therapist and began exploring dating and sex with men more than ever.
Up until I was about 30 ish? I was unable to have intercourse. I was perfectly happy with "everything but" and not including the butt. But I would clench up and twitch in my entire body when I get wanted penetration. I tried. I really did. ANd it was always extremely painful and I would cry. I have had guys say: you're gay, there's something wrong with you, its only cuz your tight just let it hurt, etc. Every time it got worse and worse. By the time I was with my therapist that wanted to explore my sexuality i was practically celebate. I was focused on schoolwork and hadn't even masturbated in months. When I saw the cute BOI it was the first time I had felt attracted to someone in a while. NOTE: i did not go tell her that i liked her. I never went to that place where she worked again, actually. Awwwkward.
But then I met someone that changed everything he was a man(very much) AND he was very in touch with his feminine side (you guessed it, not American). He actually even had a high voice sometimes and the cutest smile. When we were together it was fire because he let me be strong and dominant. We watched tv shows, played music... but i still couldn't have intercourse even though I really felt like I wanted to with him. I trusted him and felt safe. SO I went to a doctor and it was awkward as hell.
(no pics you pervs :P)
She, the doctor, was attractive and had me on all fours doing kegels. I was extremely embarrassed but I ot the jist of what she was saying and after 2 visits i started to unlock the magic of my vagina. It's pretty stupid sounding but at the same time I went to my first The VAGINA MONOLOGUES. I wasn't ready. I was red in the face.. all those women talking about their complicated experiences with their vaginas.. i was intrigued, aroused, impressed and also scared.
But then I started to get the hang of it with men so... I explored that. ;) I can't say it was entirely unsuccessful but lets just say my bf type guy and I broke up because I realized it was just weirdly hot, friend sex and he was super christian so it really wasn't gonna work out. I proceeded to explore the entire summer and then had enough because I confused myself. Was I supposed to feel love? If I don't love this person, am I a bad person? If someone likes me as a person, but all we do is have sex how do we get to the relationship part? It was a mess because I was honest and told people I was sleeping with others. Apparently its not a cool thing for a woman to do, lol. Even in the city?? in 2013??
Shortly after that experience I met a man who broke my heart into maniacal little pieces. I still have feelings hanging on for him tbh but one thing he liked was short hair. I was embracing that and also exposing myself to shows like Orange Is the New Black and Girls and The L Word. I was always reading erotica alone but now I was watching porn. Sadly it often took me a good hour to find something that was to my liking (that was free and didn't have any cover charge). I started coming around to the idea that it was possible that I was bisexual. I began looking online for ways to explore this and came up empty. Not a lot of lesbians want to date someone who is bisexual, especial bi-curious and unsure of themselves. I wanted love , but I also really wanted to explore sex more. I'm pretty sure I came off as a horny teenager. I have never successfully gotten a date with a woman. BUT I did find a great group in Boston called MAD FEMME PRIDE. I was super awkward girl. I was also bouncing between trying to rock the suit thing and trying to be femme cuz i'm still all over that spectrum but I found amazing humans who were very gentle and welcoming. I attended my first pride parade.
As you can tell it was quite an amazing and freeing time.
But Nope, RIGHT Back In THe Closet
I had some fun at these events but soon found it more painful than fun. Due to my insecurities and awkwardness I couldn't decide who i liked or who liked me or if we were supposed to hit on each other or if we were just friends. I googled. It turns out lesbian dating is really hard! There are some books that I found but eventually, I just gave up.
I sort of have become a recluse except for the times when I went to Kenya, where I met my "husband" that I'm still unfortunately married to even though I never claimed it here or took his last name. Somehow the fear of the 40's and never being pregnant or having a family was frightening enough for me to rush into something that I never had my heart in. I think that was the appeal. Can't get your heart broken if you tie yourself to someone that you have almost zero feelings for. Sadly for both of us it didn't work out.
I still abhor cat-calling and don't want to be forced to talk about sex when I'm not feeling safe or respected. Id rather put on my headphones than listen to my neighbors do it and I'm still very much into both sexes. MY BIGGEST HURDLE--- is being able to be open about all of this and I think, I know, it all goes back to my body. It all goes back to the confusion of nudity and sex of loving and sex. SO ive decided to end on a somewhat revolutionary note. In fact I'm sort of shaking right now.
But, in the spirit of highlighting the vast spectrum from self-love to hardore core exploitative porn...
I have drawn myself.
As I am.
Reading a Book.
Yes, I'm cuddly sized so x out now if you dont wanna see me in all my artistic cuddlyness.
What a lovely, honest post about something so personal as your own personal sexuality. You already know how I feel about sex-positivity, I appreciate your willingness to share your story with the community.
Kegels, along with other solo activities, are so helpful in understanding the states of contraction/tension, as well as relaxation that is so vital in understanding how we may experience vaginal penetration, and partners of either sex can join in! I wish all homework was as fun! ;)
To be honest I still dong have full control. If im not feeling it, im not feeling it. I think sometimes i was trying to force myself to have sex when what i wanted was love.
Well... I'm hetero but definitely have issues thanks to a much older brother who molested me when I was around 4. I think your journey's amazing and that you are too!! Stay true. Stay you which is beautiful!! ❤️😊
I love how raw and open you can be about your experiences, It's not easy to share these things in a blog,but someone reading might be able to help someone going through the same thing.
Honestly, I hope it does but im kinda selfish in that I'm focusing on how it is helping me lol!
Receiving benefit from something does not make it "wrong". Self-care is important and you're the only person that you can guarantee will be in your corner; selfish does not equal bad. You can only control how this piece will impact you, everything else can be the added perk. Give yourself credit for exploring this "heavy" mental topic for yourself and celebrate that we have a platform that others may gain confidence from your demonstrated bravery, but why feel bad for personal growth?
I dont feel bad!!! Im focused on how its helping me lol!!
Thank you for sharing your journey and being so open. Sending virtual hugs if wanted.
Lol virtual hugs are the best kind for me !! No touching involved!!
That was a really wonderful to read, thanks for sharing your story, self-love is a beautiful thing, looking forward to reading more from you.
Thanks im not always this open or serious! I will probably revert back to my silly ways now and then. But i do plan to write some sff erotica in the near future.
Beautiful ⭐️
We were all ashamed at times
Oh wow Lima.
This is incredible!
Thank you for being so courageous and dropping all of your feelings onto here!
It is magnificently beautiful to see you be so open and honest about it all!
I hope you recognise the raw inspiration that you are and within that inspire yourself even more to fall lovingly into that space of complete self-love, acceptance and just being!
Im trying girl im trying!
her amazing post. I 100% support talking about sex and sexuality in an open and honest manner. I am proud to call you my friend. <3 CarlYou are beautiful. Thanks for going on that journey with us and sharing so much of yourself. Thanks for putting yourself out there (literally) and continuing this conversation that @isabellelauren started with
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awww thanks bud! you inspire me too!
cue happy tears because you are amazing @limabeing - through all of your pain and struggle, you have become the voice of many and hope for even more. Thank you for vulnerably sharing your story and for being willing to confront the difficult truths that lurk beneath the surface for all of us.
We are so proud to feature you in this week's #LadiesofSteemit curation!
Lol what?!
YES for writing this! There are so many shades in sexuality, intimacy, sensuality, erotica, attraction, seduction, love making... The words alone are an example of this. So it's only 'normal' to feel so confused about much of this stuff. Glad you wrote this down and I hope you can expand this honesty and clarity in your daily life as well <3
Thank you for being so open! Gender and sexuality is something that can be very confusing, and simply not talked about enough. Thank you for sharing your process and helping make these subjects less taboo! Very relatable to me as well. I'm bi, too.
wow what a story. shame people do not know how powerful words can be. I do believe that the step-dad needs his face smashed in. You are awesome keep fighting the good fight!
Thank you for being strong and open and sharing the tale of your life. I had to read it twice before posting this comment so ensure my words won't appear fake. You are truly amazing! A wonderful person who found the strength to go on despite the bumps and hits laid on your path.
You are welcome. We are strong together.
While I adore silly Lima, serious, no bs, Lima is just what was needed here. Well done in putting it ALL out there! tip!
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I love this on So many level. I see myself in a lot of your experience, I still feel my awkwardness and everything we feel as women. Thank you for sharing your soul on all spectrums. This touched my heart. I love how even though you are finding your way, everything is so Freeing. I love the art and photos a lot. My favorite is the Pride photo. You are so very talented! I am thankful that I got to read such a lovely piece of writing and share from a great woman. xx
i knew people were gonna think that was me. It wasn't me. sadly. That girl is sooo beautiful. Those are pics of the audience as I was IN the parade lol. TY
You are beautiful. YW.
You wicked ROCK, girl!
I've actually got a post in the works about my experiences as a bisexual woman who's been married for a million years (can't even tell you how many times people have said I'm just "bi for my guy" - UGH!). Brava to your bravery, and I think you self-portrait is as gorgeous as you are. 💜
Whats the clip from?
Grey's Anatomy.
Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. It’s all a journey, but at the end of it you always find yourself.
I feel like every journey has its own journey and sometimes when i think im walking in circles im actually just climbing a spiral staircase.
What an experience, literally cried reading through
Awww im sorry. I trued to make a triumphant happyish ending!! Still waiting to find my person(s) but writing this was really cathardic in unlocking the shame.
Very interesting read. I think more people should share their personal life experiences on Steemit. I have never done so but after reading your post, I am thinking of doing that.
Yes!!! Feel free to tag sexpositive and teamgirlpowa!! We support you!!
Wow, how brave of you to share this private part of your life with us. It’s makes you more beautiful believe it or not. God bless you love, I hope you find the answer you seek :)
Awww thnx kubbsster!!!
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Post is very cool
And its content is very good
I’m pretty much late to reading this, super glad I scrolled down your blog and found this. Thank you for been open on this one, such a good read