You need to figure out a methane capture system for your little home away from home in your thinking mans castle. Then you could take one of your two stroke frames and build a methane run two stroke bike. You could always go steal some cow chips if you do not generate enough methane gas yourself, or through a spiked chili con carne feed, with lots of extra beans, less beef, (got to keep them cows alive for the cow chips).
I agree that was a 10 on the shit post scale.
Glad you joined in on the shitpost ride. The world is going insane with rules, so we have to shitty it a little with some fun.
I have noted down your ideas on some toilet paper, thank you for them.
Now can you make a good shitpost please? :-)
I'll have to try and find one somewhere, I think I have some pictures that would fit, but I have to find them, or go and take a new picture or two.
Make a shitter bro. You live in a frozen place in time too. Get with it, make a shitter lol
I just spent a little time trying to find a picture, the one I wanted I can not find, so my shit post may ahve to wait until June. if we are all still around,
all the little blue boys lined in a row
parking lot full, with places to go
out on the beach, lines in a row
sometiems fishermen need to go
the water is cold to cold to go
even if one is a brave brave soul
the tide is strong and will rip clothes away
so to avoid those types of embarrassing days
all the little blue boys lined in a row
Fishing is Alaska at times can be brutal. Lots of them little blue boys still nowhere to go for some as they wait in line for one.