New shitter compared to old.
I rate this toilet 10 out of 10 because I made it and it is eco friendly.
You may note the light outside is also eco friendly. Solar and there is no plumbing to this toilet so no water consumed and no need for drainage.
The Greta friendliness of this should put me on Greta's xmas card list but then again I am not in the g20 am I so I will not hold my breath.
"You ruined my childhood" Well no not exactly, that was your mother and father that did that and possibly some elite perverts. I just made a toilet.
It gets greener with indoor lighting again solar, made by some kids in a sweatshop in China.
10 out of 10 I give the lighting in the dark as then I can see where to s(h)it.....
Here is the outside view of this modern day marvel.
Note the cat trying to break in!....
On the inside I give the amenities a cool 10 out of 10 too as I fitted them all. A bin, so handy when you hanker a little.
I did say hanker did I not? Old age you see.
And even the handles and toilet paper holder has been recycled (Where is my fecking card Greta?)
I give it 10 out of ten for smell too. It wreaks on a hot day.
But it is eco friendly is it not.
The old toilet had a sunroof fitted.
In reality I should be a green eco warrior star
But reality is detached is it not from money and ideals. (ideology)
I should be every eco warriors wet dream. Solar even powers my garage/workshop or 1 of them at least.
I do not even have a shower fitted at the farm, I shit yee not. I shower in the privacy of my own yard in the spring and summer.
I have no central heating. I have 40 motorbikes plus that I can only ride one at a time in the sunshine. Making me greener than a green thing that eats green things.
Even my doctor prescribed me Greta green tablets!.
Even the trees have had enough of this crap weather.
I give my shitepost 10 out of 10 for effort. I built the toilet. I own it. It stinks but only I have to put up with it. I smell on occasions. I am am a hanker. :-)
Hope you enjoyed my review of my toilet?
Have a superb and very happy week ahead.
Going on other shitposts, i think yours deserves at least an 80 dollar payout.
$1.17 on a shitpost, are you insane? I can build another shitter now :-) 2 Shitters, yippee
I have to fling my wedge at someone!
Wedge, more like a large hung thing. Just keep it away from my face or bum please. :-)
You need to figure out a methane capture system for your little home away from home in your thinking mans castle. Then you could take one of your two stroke frames and build a methane run two stroke bike. You could always go steal some cow chips if you do not generate enough methane gas yourself, or through a spiked chili con carne feed, with lots of extra beans, less beef, (got to keep them cows alive for the cow chips).
I agree that was a 10 on the shit post scale.
Glad you joined in on the shitpost ride. The world is going insane with rules, so we have to shitty it a little with some fun.
I have noted down your ideas on some toilet paper, thank you for them.
Now can you make a good shitpost please? :-)
I'll have to try and find one somewhere, I think I have some pictures that would fit, but I have to find them, or go and take a new picture or two.
Make a shitter bro. You live in a frozen place in time too. Get with it, make a shitter lol
I just spent a little time trying to find a picture, the one I wanted I can not find, so my shit post may ahve to wait until June. if we are all still around,
all the little blue boys lined in a row
parking lot full, with places to go
out on the beach, lines in a row
sometiems fishermen need to go
the water is cold to cold to go
even if one is a brave brave soul
the tide is strong and will rip clothes away
so to avoid those types of embarrassing days
all the little blue boys lined in a row
Fishing is Alaska at times can be brutal. Lots of them little blue boys still nowhere to go for some as they wait in line for one.
Nice one mate well done and I give a 10 out of 10 rating, so listen up Greta and send him that eco card.
Little freak is she not, Look at her world now
😵 and not surprised microshit is involved.
Hey!! This would have been a perfect shitpost for The LooLoo Community!!!! Pop by next time if you build another one! 😄
Cheers and noted :-)