Norway: a Future "Shithole" Nation?

When mediocrity becomes the norm, excellence dies a painful death. Beware of the lollipop of mediocrity; lick it once and you'll suck forever!

Enjoy the video.

As always, thoughtful, relevant comments are appropriately rewarded...cause this is the BEST DANG platform on the planet!

Steem on!!!


I still don't really get how you can put together such insightful videos so quickly. This takes a lot of work. Applause! So little I know about the rest of the world is so obvious. Truly enjoy these videos. I think I am wise but now humbled. Norway looks good in the HD pictures...:) No, I can't remember ever seeing a "Made in Norway" on anything I buy that is essential. Little discretionary spending going on here.

Thank you my friend.

BTW, I run a business and have since 2005. I used my own venture capital for it. I'm doing OK but not as good as I was used to. 2008 was a hit. Excellence is a hard sell....Crap is easy. I won't go there.

Steemit is surpassing any other platform in the globe because is scintilating,interesting ,educative and rewarded .

Norway will not last in this scheme. When the SHTF from worldwide currency failures, Norway will collapse under their socialism.
Thanks for sharing . yeah steem will boom . keep posting here man . Good job . @highimpactflix

No doubt but everyone seems to want to learn the hard way !

It's sad to see a people go from seafaring, conquering, explorers to social justice warriors.

"Shithole" wasn't even a real quote? Well I guess they tricked me with that one. I feel like I should know better that to trust ANYTHING the M.S.M. puts out there. We should be using this fact to wake some of our still slumbering brothers & sisters.
And on Norways broken weath distibution, eventualy you run out of other peoples money.

Nice" sharing my dear friend @highimpactflix & thank you very much for sharign with us . have a nice day.

The one thing I do not like about your work, mr Highimpact, is that you are finding opertunitys to present everything about the subject at hand as negative, even if there is positive sides to it.

Yes i may be biased in what I write here seeing as I am from Norway. But still. IM fully aware of the authoritarien system and thus I do clasify myself as an anarchist, but you are still wrong on some of your bashing of what the world clasify as Norway.

Like janeloven, that in effect places everyone as being of equal value. It may be missused in some ways, but it is a moral natural law view. That allowes for a greater degree of self expression. That is, if the system we lived in was free of media propaganda and materialism.

Even though, yes taxation is theft, I agree, there is more positive systems in place that the extortion money is used for here then in USA. But in the longterm yes its not sustainable, because of the dependancy on oil revinue.

My poin is (before you start to pump out counterarguments) Dont paint EVERYTHING black in whatever topic you talk about. There is positive sides AND negative sides to most scenarios. But the eisnt much point in debating "whos got the most positive aspects" Since all "countrys" today is ultimattely dependant on the same system that is an authoritarian centraly controlled mafia system.

But you insist ton it, sure ill go into the diferences between Norway and USA and what the resulting effect of them are.

To be completely fair his name is @highimpactflix not fairandbalancedflix. I personally agree that although immoral and unethical there can be positive uses for stolen money. But these ends never justify the means. I would wager that in his personal life Brian is much more apt to look at all the different sides of a given situation. I believe that his purpose here is to wake people up to the total lie which is "The System." This can only be done by boldly calling out injustice, regardless of how much "good" can result from said Injustice.

I refer you to my rant below as a reply to @choosefreedome's insistance one accusing me of not understanding anarchism.

Sorry bro, there’s nothing positive about taking people’s hard earned money under threat of violence. No matter what you use it for.

And there is nothing positive gained from replying without actually reading reading.

Even though, yes taxation is theft, I agree, there is more positive systems in place that the extortion money is used for here then in USA.

I read your comment fully. You are arguing that Norway uses the money it steals at gunpoint for "better" things than the US. Sure, maybe they are, that's debatable. What is not debatable, is the stealing of the money in the first place. Your profile says you are an anarchist, but your argument here in favor of Norway's govornment programs says you are not.

Definition of Anarchism~Wikipedia

Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions. These are often described as stateless societies, although several authors have defined them more specifically as institutions based on non-hierarchical or free associations. Anarchism holds the state to be undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful.

you want a LONG rant? sure. But before I do, I wil point out that you are agrument for ignorance. and I didnt explain every detail in my reasoning as it was besides hte point i was making.. But fine you seem to not be content with anything but EVERYTHING.

Yes i know what an anarchist is and no i did not at any point in that comment claim that taxation is moral or right. If you DID read (somehting your comments clearly to me shows you did not, and if you did clearly did not udnerstand it) you wil find that I wrote " I agree, taxation is theft" There is the teaspoon for you.

Further more i do not adhear to gouvernment being lawfull or moral at all, i did not at all declare anything that should be seen as meaning that i did. Since any gouvernment is as the word actually means, Mind control. And any gouverning entity is in effect a ruler or archon.

My point was, AND I REPEAT, that there is positive sides and negative sides to all situations. The totallity of hte sociatal situation is, yes (take a note here, so you dont forget), YES i agree that its a imoral and as i did also write "mafia oranisation" that we live udner in all socalled civilized nation. Meaning, again, that i in no way considder it right to steal money from others in order to "be a good ruler and give some of it back"

If you are still not sure of my position. then go watch all of Larken Rose's material knowing that i agree with 90% of it (I havent watched 100% of it so cant say 100%).

Back to the point. Even though (asuming you now know my position) things are far from optimal, there is liht in the darkness that one myst not ignore. And to cast aside everything jus because msot is bad is to betray yourself by trashing what can be usefull. Whould you trash 1000 oranges just because 400 of them was rotten? Do you trash your gasolene car because it exist electric once?

I am also aware teht because we ahve it easyer, one might argue, in norway - results in yes less inovation because its adversity that creates true potesials in people, but it is also a more peacefull country as there isnt that insane level of police brutality as there is in USA.

But in terms of longter sustainability, No socalled civilised country is working. So focus on what is hte overall issue, not what this or that country is doin that is worse or better then what "my country" is doing.

Socialism, patriotism, "democracy", "laws", all have theyre issues, bashing 1 of them does nothing.

Sorry for what typoos there likely is. You content now? mr @choosefreedom ?

I had to laugh...because you said: "My point was, AND I REPEAT, that there is positive sides and negative sides to ALL situations."

However, prior to that, you said, "there is NOTHING POSITIVE gained from replying without actually reading reading"

There may be some some more wrangling you have to do with some inconsistencies within your own mind. Thanks for the interaction.

I see can Jostein's point of view. While I agree wholly with anarchy and voluntaryism at heart, it is logical to conclude that given today's collective level of consciousness, we are not mature enough spiritually for it, as a whole. Those of us in this thread are but realize we are a tiny, tiny minority. Too many people still, have low or no morality and would take the opportunity to be aggressors, seeing no force other than their own conscience stopping them. Freedom is the answer, but the question remains, how do we get from here to there? These awful governments have paved the path, and we are slowly crawling out of the muck.

There is a significant percentage of the population that are psychopaths (~3%), and our rulers are highly weighted by them. There is another far vaster portion of H. sapiens that are born slaves.

At least a third of people want nothing more than Norway offers: a particular role to fill in exchange for 128 hours off a week.

The rest of us are scattered into every other possible political stance. Those of us that are here are outnumbered by all the rest, and the largest group, H. domesticus, drives society.

This is why revolutions fail, and why evolution will succeed. The eventuation of libertarian, agorist mechanisms of wealth distribution, which we can see in cryptocurrencies, potentiates free peoples commerce, outside of the control imposed by psychopaths enslaving willing servants.

The old game in town can be left behind, to those that find they are fulfilled by it, while the rest of us do everything else, at our sole options.

This seems a fairly "negative" outlook that you have chosen to present, wouldn't you say?

I dont have my headphones with me right now @highimpactflix and I am not at home, but i will upvote this post anyway without even seeing it as your videos are always on point and well produced !! I will watch it later for sure ) steem On !

You make a very good point. I use to wish I lived in Norway. But after seeing it without the sugar coating. It definitely doesn't sound like somewhere I want to live. Thank you for all your awesome info/vids. I wish more people would hurry and leave Youtube and come to Steemit. So I don't have to do this back and forth thing btwn the two...just to watch my fav creators.

Bread and circuses as always bro. I disagree a bit on the norway subject. I believe its better that everyone be given the ability to forfill their potential and pursue their goals. I understand some people would abuse this system and slack off, but if the alternative is mass homelessness, an inability to afford food, most working soul crushing jobs and a suction of wealth to the top, i think the former is the better alternative. Dog eat dog has got us where we are now. Good to see this platform is treating you and the other truthers better than the (in progress) internet home of the MSM. Keep up the excellent work HIF.