A very interesting question and here's my take on it.
I don't fear death because it is inevitable. I've been around death long enough to know that it's usually harder on the survivors than it is for the dying.
I believe in the Conservation of Energy which states "Energy cannot be created or destroyed." We change shape.
I do not ascribe to any one religion but I have faith that there are greater forces at work which I am not privy to - and I'm okay with that.
But I attribute this "change in energy" to be the reason certain sounds trigger an emotion or memory of my youth; why I can sometimes catch the merest scent of my father's deoderant, or hear my aunt's laugh.
Is it my imagination or can I sense a change in the energy around me? I don't know. So, death... yeah, no big deal in my book as long as I don't accomplish that feat doing something stupid a la Darwin Awards.