Your right, but you will have to sell some eventually, we all have wants and needs. So you are going to have to let go of some eventually, into whatever the majority of people choose as money. Either that or you take it into the afterlife. I will be using some to move into other forms of hard assets like property, and maybe some ETF's when the prices return to reality.Cheers
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Ah, well then what would I spend it on, that's different. I tend to take the long view on these things and not even consider that we will have to "exit" back into something when we have already found God's own money to use. (Our Father who art in Nature)
And you are pointing to another thing: that SAVINGS is a kind of sacrifice. It is a choice, a restraint, self-denial, a predilection not to over-consume. Sound economics is built on savings, investment and production, that's how wealth is created. Keynesian economics is a form of feudal slavery that favors the destruction of wealth for the masses of humanity.