Good morning Steemians!
I wanted to share some pictures of my 100 ounce Johnson-Matthey silver bar with you.
The story behind this bar is quite funny. One morning I woke up and watched a Greg Mannerino @marketreport video, and by the end of the video, I desperately wanted to add a large piece to my stack. I couldn't tell you the exact video I watched, as it was about 3-4 months ago.
I put this purchase on a credit card, and didn't tell my wife (something I recommend that you never do.) She only knew I was going to make a purchase, which normally was $100-200. This was a more than an $1,800 purchase.
After some steem (lol) had been blown off on her part, she saw the value that I saw in this purchase. It's not as if I had bought something that wasn't going to retain its value and likely not go up in price in the future.
I will link my YouTube video where I speak about the bar and play with it a little bit.
Do you hold real money like gold and silver? Tell me about it!
Thanks for stopping by, Steemians. I feel so lucky to be on such a great platform with such awesome and intelligent people.
Much love,
No sadly not but only future can tell :)
Well get goin! Silver is on sale my friend :)
Nice chunk of metal my friend.
Could be a future house.
Yes, it could be! Thanks for your comment!
I've always wanted one of the JM 100 oz poured bars, but I could never convince myself to splurge on the premium :p In my opinion it's one of the most beautiful pieces out there.
It was the best looking 100 oz bar I could find, and that's why I got it. Thank you, @trogdor!
I would LOVE to get my hands on one of these some day:

It's just so.... beautiful...
That is what I was going to buy with my tax returns!!! But I didn't get enough and so I had to "settle" for the 100 oz silver bar! Too funny! If you watch the video this is the thing I was talking about! Ha!
woah. that looks crazy nice. I gots no silver or gold.. I am looking into them though.
You got to!
Nice piece. I'm going to keep stacking small pieces while I can afford it. I would like something big before the price goes up though.
Tha is a nice looking bar of silver. I bought by silver and gold before ever hearing of Gregory Mannorino, but he made me feel good about owning it I still continue to add and ha e taken some crypto earnings off the top to buy some. I've also put a little in a gold money account and use the credit card. Nothing makes me feel good like the physical though. It feels real because it is real.
Exactly! "You don't hold it, you don't own it!"
I do own a little GLD and SLV, but that's more so I can sleep a night. I do like to put money into Goldmoney which is a vault type account as well and it's been a great experience. I would only put a few thousand in there and I like it because I travel around the world and like the prepaid card where I can buy things with gold. I could be on the other side of the world and the dollar could collapse by 90%, but my goldmoney card will get me back home. Nothing like physical thought. feels good to hold it, a few times a year I like to just look at hit. precious :)
Yeah the Goldmoney thing sounds better than a bank account and debit card. Having it backed by gold is an ingenious idea.
Nothing in this world like holding a 100ozer. Makes the warm and fussy run threw your body. Great pick up my friend.
Thank you @raybrockman! You're right about that!
Nice bit of silver 😀
Thank you!
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I did :)
Thats a nice bar . I also have a 100 oz silver bar
Thank you! :) they are nice aren't they?
yes they come in handy haha
Paper weights! XD
yes and also have some healing properties if your into that :)
Yes, I'm aware of that!
Thanks lovely I have silver bars but that that big! Your lucky your wife doesn't kick you out hahaha lol!
Hahaha! She's really cool she understands most of the things I'm into.
Hahaha man your lucky my gf beats the shit out of me for buying certain things !
What a piece! That's awesome, the biggest piece I have is a 10 oz. That's a lot of silver in one bar - thanks for sharing with us!
Thank you for your comment! Hey, 10 ozers are still awesome!
So very true - to me, all precious metals are awesome in any amount (I have 1/10th ounce rounds of gold and also 1/4 ounce rounds of silver), and I actually prefer to have a variety of sizes of both rounds and bars so that I can have more flexibility if I ever had to barter with them. Keep stacking vegansilverstack!
Yes, it's so important to do that because you can't buy a loaf of bread with even a 1 oz round! Fractionals are great. I might do a post on my constitutional silver some day!
That is a nice chunk of silver, wish I had it.
Save up!
damn yo u could fuck someone up with that thing. 2 questions, what is the song u put at the start of ur video? cant remember the 2nd question. i remember my grandfather trying to explain these things to me when i was like 10 and i didnt get it but makes so much sense to me now
Ha! You could definitely do some damage to say the least! I don't even remember the name of the song at the beginning, it's one of those royalty free songs from like incomputech or something similar. If I find out, I will post the name of it here... lol I'm going to go check. I'm pretty sure it's called K100 - Riot. I think I spliced parts of it and messed around with it a bit to be able to get what I got for the intro.
welp i wasnt gonna assk but it sounded really nice so gj
Beautiful bar! I want one but I cant justify $1700 for a block lol. Rather get coins for transactional ease. Hopefully I can own one one day. APMEX is having a sale on these as well for .49 over spot.
Right, most of my stack is 1 oz or less. I got this one because I decided I would hold onto it for the long-haul!
Nice post
Sorry buddy
This is new era of cryptocurrency, i invest every penny im cryptocurrency
Hey, I have nothing against that, I haven't been putting $ into PMs for a while because of that exact reason!
Big old lump that, hold that baby for a 10x

Following you now as well.
And I you!
Very nice! I like the Swiss refined silver kilo bars myself!
Oh wow that's incredibly good looking!
wow .... 100 ozt .... nice ... the biggest I have are just a few kilo bars ... upvoted
Thank you! I love kilo bars as well!
Thank you. I love kilo bars as well!
Great piece of Silver! Keep stacking my man!
Thank you! will do!