Grocery shopping: It's a necessary chore that can be fun, but can also turn into quite the stressful experience sometimes.
After you've finally gathered everything from your shopping list, you get to the worst part - the checkout.
And of course, we always end up at the slowest line, with the slowest cashier and the people in front us taking ages to find their wallet and pay the exact amount in change.
Self-checkout isles have become very popular as the first attempt to solve this problem - but let's be honest, sometimes they don't work and it takes even longer.
Well, this experience might be a thing of the past soon.
Imagine a grocery store without checkout, without lines, without cashiers: you just take what you need and leave - and get billed later.
What sounds more like a dream than reality has just been announced by amazon yesterday!
"Amazon Go" is the new retail concept where you can just walk into the store, grab whatever you want, and go. The receipt will be sent to your amazon account where you can pay with your preferred payment method.
The first store has already opened in Amazon's hometown Seattle, Washington - but currently, it's still in a Beta Phase and only available for Amazon Employees.
The official launch for the public will be in early 2017.
So how does the Grab-And-Go Concept work?!
They call it the "Just Walk Out-Technology".
When you first walk into the store, you scan a QR Code from the Amazon Go-App on your phone.
With sensors, cameras and AI, they can detect whatever you pick up - and it will be added to your cart.
Using sensor fusion, computer vision and deep learning processes that can be found in self-driving cars, the technology promises to update your cart automatically.
So if you change your mind, no problem - put the item back and you won't be charged for it.
Apart from normal grocery store items, the company also introduced "Chef-designed Amazon Meal Kits": These are sets of fresh ingredients including a recipe, so that you can easily prepare a dinner for two without having to buy all the ingredients separately or having leftovers.
Future plans
Amazon is already one of the biggest online-retailers, but they want more!
They want to expand and open up physical stores - and the amazon go grocery store might just be the beginning.
After already launching Amazon Fresh and a couple of physical book stores, the company is also thinking about a drive-in store, as well as large discounter chains, similar to IKEA stores.
These are still theoretical ideas though, and it might take some time until they will be finalized.
All in all, it's Amazon's goal to become "the backbone of retail" online as well as offline, and challenge rivals like Walmart and Target.
Yesterday, I wrote about delivery guys being replaced by robots.
Today, it has been announced that cashiers will be replaced by technology.
What's next?
The future has already started NOW!
Maybe we'll soon have the opportunity to pay for more things in STEEM as well!
That would be awesome and the price is rising, so.. STEEM ON!
What's your opinion on Amazon Go? Would you prefer this futuristic concept, or would you rather shop at a traditional grocery store?
Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, Steemit Logo by @rubenalexander
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© Sirwinchester
This is a win-win situation.. not only is it practical for consumers, but amazon also gets a HECK LOAD of data!!!
They can analyze everything people were hesitating about, but maybe didn't buy - and then they can suggest that exact item when they next visit amazon.com.
This was a very smart move
Good point, and it will not only be data for their own benefits, but in general for the whole retail and grocery industry - it will be a unique way for them to analyze the consumer's behaviour
Very true. and know who are all the people who just come and look/sample but never buy.:-)
yes that's true as well!
That's an awesome concept, but I'm not sure if I would trust the technology yet? I would constantly check the app while shopping, just to make sure it's not billing me for unnecessary stuff, lol
Agreed, I'd like to know how well it actually works.
Like what if you just pick up something tiny like a pack of gum, would the system register it?
Or if you pick off a single grape and eat it - would the system bill you for it? Would people just try to find ways around the system and use it as a way to steal things?!
I dont know ?! I mean with all these sensors , and cameras and AI , and bar code readers ! Going off constantly just how harmfull can this be to your body ? I have absolutely no idea about these things , but it is something to consider . Otherwise I think its a great idea ! I hate grocery shopping ! And the sooner I can leave the better , thanks for shareing , great post! Steeming On ! ♨👍😉♨
You're right, amazon didn't release any info about that but that's a good point.
But the concept in general is awesome, and I think anyone can agree that they'd rather leave right away than wait in line!
Yes for sure! Lol ! Im in full agreement there ! Thanks👍😉
They are absolutely in no way harmful to your body.
Thank for this but this story was covered already
Well, I'm afraid every news story is being covered multiple times since we all have access to the same information! But it's the personal input and the thoughts behind it that make each post from each author unique.
That's fantastic! Love the idea of no checkout lines. We are getting Amazon Fresh here next year in Australia. This year Aldi set up in two more states, but our big two supermarkets need more competition. Our food is expensive here with extra taxes placed on top. My dream is to grow all my own food and bypass supermarkets altogether.