Sure! First I got the photo of Dan's head from Google.
Then I used Gimp to draw shapes, starting with the eyeball. I just drew over the digital photo until all the photo was covered by my shapes.
After that, I searched on Pixabay for "kali" and "bodhisattva". I found one and imported that image. I drew over the body parts, filling in the colors. This body is actually a girl.......(part of the mystery of dieties is that some of them contain both genders, hence, universal).
After that, i searched for a good background on Unsplash.
Finally, I added the block, and globe and other bits of code, etc., by searching on Pixabay for "future".
Sure! First I got the photo of Dan's head from Google.
Then I used Gimp to draw shapes, starting with the eyeball. I just drew over the digital photo until all the photo was covered by my shapes.
After that, I searched on Pixabay for "kali" and "bodhisattva". I found one and imported that image. I drew over the body parts, filling in the colors. This body is actually a girl.......(part of the mystery of dieties is that some of them contain both genders, hence, universal).
After that, i searched for a good background on Unsplash.
Finally, I added the block, and globe and other bits of code, etc., by searching on Pixabay for "future".
wow you clearly have the workaround all figured out! Congratulations!
i've been doing this stuff for decades. I was a production artist for 7+ years, and freelance after that.