Sure! First I got the photo of Dan's head from Google.
Then I used Gimp to draw shapes, starting with the eyeball. I just drew over the digital photo until all the photo was covered by my shapes.
After that, I searched on Pixabay for "kali" and "bodhisattva". I found one and imported that image. I drew over the body parts, filling in the colors. This body is actually a girl.......(part of the mystery of dieties is that some of them contain both genders, hence, universal).
After that, i searched for a good background on Unsplash.
Finally, I added the block, and globe and other bits of code, etc., by searching on Pixabay for "future".
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wow you clearly have the workaround all figured out! Congratulations!
i've been doing this stuff for decades. I was a production artist for 7+ years, and freelance after that.