Hi @alexandravart.
I've combined my art with my writing in most of blog posts since the beginning. These things happen. Support comes in waves sometimes. People will be there for you, then they might move on, and they could come back. I try to have a post up everyday. I've rarely missed a day in three months. It still happens to me even though I've been on the platform for a very long time and try to do everything right, whatever that means.
Try not to take it personally, though I know from experience that it can feel quite devastating. Behind every vote is a human. They might just be on vacation, or maybe charging vote power. Maybe their bot is malfunctioning. Things like that.
Money isn't everything. As an artist, views are important. We need people to look at our work and once they do that, more votes come and when we lose a vote or two, at least we don't feel so lonely.
When I get discouraged because of whatever reason, people always tell me to just carry on and keep doing my thing. They tell me to give it time, so I do, and they're right because usually things get better after awhile. I guess it's my turn to pass that message along to someone else.
I am not discouraged, or care that much about money, and I care more about the connection between me and the people that digest my art :) and I want to be appreciated for the best reasons, none of the things I do are for money , but with his vote I was able to help others too and to make progress on some supporting artists projects, from witch I never take out money, in a way I would be glad if the automatic vote was an investment choice, because that I can solve wit sending curation amount when I am not able to post, but if he has chosen to support someone that needs it more I am happy too.
thank you for coming to my blog , and usually I avoid writing so much, and it is mainly artworks and a bit of explanations about the inspiration behind, and about this artworks I will post again with the inspiration and more details because the files are huge and there are so many hidden details :)
The money does have it's place. I won't deny it. It is one of the reasons I'm here but I did sacrifice a lot. I haven't spent a dime of anything I've earned here. I too see it as an investment and when people support me that turns into support for others. We're on the same page. Eventually though, I will attempt to start a new life with what I've earned here but I won't do that until it's safe to do so.
I think you may have noticed already... I don't really write about my art. I'll talk about it more in the comment section when people ask or comment on it. I just show the art and try to combine that with humor because that's another art form I enjoy. Sometimes I just talk about my day. Our followers aren't necessarily following our art, they're following the artist too. If people write about trees and only trees, chances are, nobody wants to follow a tree. If they personalize their experiences with trees, people will become more interested. That's my philosophy anyway. What works for me won't work for everyone though.
the money part , you have no idea how much we have in common on that , did not take any out myself and I had emotional boundaries towards money all my life because people confuse it with value and steemit is my first attempt in putting my art out there, until now just did art for my mental health and here because reward is combined with interaction and because for the first time I was able to use my art to help others too, the platform is so fitting for me and my principals.
I tend to speak a lot about inspiration because for me that is a journey from myself to my subject and the context that frames both me and the subject , so I hope people get parts of me from my art and explanations :)
about the humor- my boyfriend says it has holes in it, and I only do sarcasm well :P and comes across mean sometimes.
so I tend to be more serious , deep and emotional, but I do appreciate good humor like yours :))
puns and play on words is the best
This is also my first real try. I kept most of it to myself. My kids didn't even know I could be an artist because I had put it down for so many years. About 2013 I picked it up again, I told everyone, "Yup, I'm going to do something with this art someday." They all thought I was crazy, of course. :)
It seems to be working out. I don't feel like I got lucky. I feel like I worked pretty damn hard and got results.
As for my humor, well, fair warning, I do have a habit of getting carried away sometimes. People seem to enjoy it though. I know it's not always for everyone, but we can't impress everyone all of the time anyway, so it doesn't really matter. I just like to have fun.
I never stopped doing art just avoided all markets and visibility, and I cannot do anything else write just being creative, so was pretty much the starving artist - although my parents supported me and I never starved.
and I still do not cover all my expenses with art, but still determined not to take money out of crypto for a while