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RE: I Bought Some More SmartCash

in #smartcash7 years ago (edited)

After your last writeup on smartcash I've read into it and have been buying some also. My first buy order didn't make it, since .0000500 BTC was the last sale price and it just went up and hasn't stopped since. I transferred steem to bitshares, got BTC and LTC (to experiment with fees and transfer times) sent both to Cryptopia and have been buying smartcoin with it. It provided a great learning experience for me and I wanted to get the 1000 minimum smartcash for those dividends. You're not crazy, at least in this, hahaha.

Luke, do you know if they pay those dividends to their webwallet users as well?
And just curious, where have you been buying your smartcash? It's been a different experience at Cryptopia since I got used to Bitshares being my first exchange, but it's mostly minor differences.

As always, thanks for sharing the info!


@smartbot tip @aksounder 10

Cool! I hope it works out for you (and me). That's always great to hear when someone is learning more about cryptocurrency and getting comfortable controlling their own funds and moving things around.

  • Yes, the webwallet does support the smartrewards. The key is you can't spend anything out of an address during the time period for rewards for it to count. That means it has to sit there from the 25th of one month to the 25th of another month. You can add more, but you will only get rewards on the amount that didn't move for that period (as far as I know). That means you have until the 25th to get over 1000 right now. Then, on the 25th of next month, assuming you don't spend from that address, you'll be eligible for a reward.

  • Cryptopia is the only real place to buy right now, based on volume. All exchange interfaces are a little different, but once you use enough of them, it becomes pretty easy to notice the similarities.

10 SMART! Comment @smartbot help to claim. Currently the price of SmartCash in the market is $0.036 USD per SMARTTipped @aksounder . To find out more about SmartCash, please visit

Thanks Luke. Yeah, no planning on spending here. Anything that goes into my SteemPower stays, my first BTC purchase I blogged about will stay BTC. I'm HODLing any Smartcash I buy on exchanges as well. I've been using my SBD rewards here to learn all about making transactions and interacting with the blockchain. My next purchase of crypto with USD will go into SteemPower and BTS, then I'll HODL that too.

Gotta say, it's been really fun learning the exchanges. Thanks for the Smart tip! I received a couple different coins as tips in the Cryptopia chat, then quickly bought Smartcash with that too.

Oh, and for anyone that's interested: transferring my BTC between exchanges took a while to confirm on the blockchain, so it was a lot of waiting while the price of Smartcash continued to go up. The LTC was available much quicker to use, but the volume actually moving LTC->SMART is really low, so you aren't as likely to make a good transaction. I ended up selling the LTC for BTC on the exchange there to actually make a successful purchase of Smartcash.

That's a good strategy when the unconfirmed transactions count is high. It's not bad right now (around 3k), but I saw it up above 90k the other day when I wrote this post: "Child Pays for Parent" on Electrum with Ledger Nano S.