Good day @flauwy.
I do appreciate your ability to look within and try to size up your own actions.
That said, I will be blunt: anyone who invests money in STEEM, onstellar, or anything else based upon what you say is an idiot. The same holds true to invest based upon what I say...or anyone else online. People need to do their own due diligence.
I have been accused of being a shill for STEEM among other things. My answer to that is screw them. Whoever is accusing you of that can jump off a bridge. You post what you like, what rings true with you, and are under no obligation to anyone. If people like your stuff, they upvote it. If not, they can move on.
You are passing along information. I do the same thing. You do not have a crystal ball that can tell the future (at least I dont think you do). If someone takes what you post seriously or they are interested, then follow up is the smart thing to do. We all are responsible for our own actions. If you like Onstellar and fully believe in it based upon what you know, who am I to say dont promote it? That is your choice...just like it is my choice to listen to what you say or not. I know you arent intentionally misleading people so if someone follows you like your words are gospel, that is on them.
I always found your posts genuine and your desire for things that interest you admirable. If you promote it, you believe in it. Does that make you a shill? Who cares? You are consistent with how you behave.
Thanks Taskmaster, I really appreciate your words. Actually, I never said that people should invest into any of the SMT ICO's. I was much raising awareness about them and speculated how cool it would be to use them once finally released.
But you are right: People have to be smart about where they put their money and shouldn't just blindly follow other people who often have just as much clue as themselves. That's why I think the phrase: This is no financial advice" is pretty stupid and super redundant.
I always follow my heart/instinct with all my decisions. That has worked quite well for me in the past.