Is modern western feminism just an attempt at social engineering?

in #society8 years ago

It might seem so.

Personally, I think it is more likely a movement whose main objectives are power for its leaders and perpetuation of imposed victim status on the target population (females). But the idea that they are trying to reengineer the society, depriving men of their masculinity and women of their femininity and thus creating a society of drones easily given to manipulation is not so outlandish.

The video below presents some good thoughts on the subject.

YouTube link


Feminism is a dangerous social Marxism founded and funded by the great elites, banks, goverments, media, that gained female vote and approval in exchange of bigger and bigger female privileges.

Gloria was funded by big global institutions and the CIA😏

Gloria Steinem and the others. People should read the "Scum Manifesto" of feminist Solanas ( the same that shot Andy Warhol) before saying feminism was ever for equality.

Thanks. Very interesting.

To be fair, let's not lump them all together - not everyone who calls themselves a feminist is the same as everyone else calling themselves a feminist, nor are they even a member of the same formal group.

That said - yes, certainly some feminists and feminist groups have received funding from corporate and intelligence groups. But even that is not the main issue. And neither is Solanas per se - it is the fact that you can read feminist books all day long and you will hardly find any condemnation of Solanas their, or of Dworkin, for that matter.

Hence labeling modern feminism a hate movement is fully appropriate too, in my opinion.

I am sorry - who is Gloria?

And these privileges, on top of it, seem to be ephemeral. The levels of female depression may be evidence to that.

I don't want to be a man or act like one, men have pretty bad deal too....I'd like all of us to focus on things we have in common like being human. Watching the vid now and I'll see if I change my mind.

Well, you most certainly don't have to - and shouldn't - follow either men or women in behaviours you find wrong. The idea is, leading feminists do not support or celebrate women in trying to be what they want to be. As soon as a woman says, I would like to be submissive - and they tell her, no you can't. Or she says, I would like to be a mother firstly and foremostly - they scorn her. Etc, etc.

So naturally they are not pro-woman per se. If anything, I am - I am all for women (and men too) expressing themselves any way they choose, so long as they do not trespass against anybody.

And by the way - one group these feminists hate the most is female anti-feminists. Something to consider, IMHO.

The structure we live in today forces people to compete for a manufactured limited pool of resources. They as in the 1% that own most of the hard assets in this world, and profit from war, poverty and chaos. I love the men in my life and have seen the awful price they pay to make a living, never seeing their kids or spouse because they work all day away from their families, alienated from society because of this demonization over gender roles . Roles that are based on the strengths of each gender and biological needs, women have babies, they need someone to support and protect them during this vulnerable resource heavy time, men need to continue their genetic lineage.

This gender issue is manufactured bullshit and is used as a weapon of mass distraction

I refuse to compete in this manufactured chaos that profits from the suffering it causes.

I admire your sentiment but I do have to note that in order to survive you have to compete. That's fine - and competition was there all along, not just now.

Yes, most gender issues in the first world are contrived. Not so in places like Pakistan. However, western feminists can hardly bother to even mention that.

The dysfunction you see in third world countries is caused from endless wars, manufactured famine likened to Stalin and Mao's centerlized food grids to control the is also manufactured to fracture and destroy the family and social units

I don't mind competing, but the compitition is manufactured to profit only a few

What I think you are trying to say is that the competitive framework is warped and framed by the elites. Sure it is - which is why liberalism - i.e., the primacy of individual liberties - must be instituted as a way to make competition maximally fair. That's my opinion.

It does not matter what label you put on control mechanisms, the agenda continues whether the so called conservatives or liberals are in power.

Feminists understood something: That women can be manipulated using their ego, and men using sex. They use this to get ahead and play both men and women, because they are low status people who can't do anything else to get ahead.