
Gloria Steinem and the others. People should read the "Scum Manifesto" of feminist Solanas ( the same that shot Andy Warhol) before saying feminism was ever for equality.

Thanks. Very interesting.

To be fair, let's not lump them all together - not everyone who calls themselves a feminist is the same as everyone else calling themselves a feminist, nor are they even a member of the same formal group.

That said - yes, certainly some feminists and feminist groups have received funding from corporate and intelligence groups. But even that is not the main issue. And neither is Solanas per se - it is the fact that you can read feminist books all day long and you will hardly find any condemnation of Solanas their, or of Dworkin, for that matter.

Hence labeling modern feminism a hate movement is fully appropriate too, in my opinion.

I am sorry - who is Gloria?