Beautiful Hollow American Girls

in #society8 years ago (edited)

This morning I woke up with such motivation for the stock market to open so I could day trade my way into some profit. I always feel amazing when I buy a good low stock and then see it rocket right after throughout the day. I have to say it’s hard to sell but you can’t get greedy or the stock might tank and then you will wish that you would have sold it for pennies in profit rather than sit on the stock until it goes back up. I like to do 3-day trades a week, which is my allowance with my free trading app Robinhood… But anyway that’s a whole another thing… Back to my story…

So I went on Snapchat and posted my transaction from this morning which included me buying Netflix at $139.31 and turning around and selling it at $140.00 which brought me a total profit of $22.08 at no commission trading… I would say that’s awesome!
So this guy messages me and says:

“You are way too pretty to be hustling the way you are.”

That totally hit a spark and I sort of blew my top. I went off to asking him exactly: “What should a pretty girl like me do” he went on about how I should find a rich guy to date and I wouldn’t have to work. Then we go into a full blown back and fourth about it. My opinion was that you couldn’t just find a rich man and fall in love with him. That is the principle of gold digging. Something I am not fond of whatsoever. I explained to him that there was no way that any rich man would just have a pretty girl and take care of her for nothing in exchange.

I said:

“Okay, you find a rich guy, for what, then what, in exchange for what?”
Here is what he said:

We fired off to debating what a gold-digger was, to my main point which was that just because you are beautiful, you should not feel like you are entitled to receive or live a life that is easy because of your looks.

Listen up fellas, if you have ever told any woman that she is too pretty to work hard or get down and dirty or that she’s too good to be doing anything because of the way she looks, you are creating an issue for her, a disadvantage that she doesn’t and probably won't ever realize. The problem with a lot of beautiful women in America today is that they are so focused on the way they look, they aspire to become the next Kim Kardashian. Most of these beautiful women do not even know who their Senator is or who the current Vice President is. Okay not to say that everyone should know that but, c’mon ignorance is not bliss.

Here we have this massive problem of self-entitled women who feel the world owes them everything, not willing to work hard for anything in their life and bring no absolute growth to our society. The only thing these women are good for is for extracting money out of rich old men to which they then turn around and put back into our economy which is probably the only good thing they are good for. But, the years will pass and their looks will fade. What will happen when they have gained no social integration to reality? The reality that money does not come as easy as they have always been use to?! Then we have people like this falling into depression, seeking mental help funded by our government, suicides including homelessness and that does not help anyone.

Let’s begin to change our society by teaching women to be powerful by helping themselves become strong hard working women. Yes I am a hustler! Yes I am a Stripper! But above all of that I am a hard working independent female who will never bow down to any man in exchange for him to take care of me. We need to compliment hard working women, we need to offer opportunity to advance and become successful independent women by asking them to work hard.

How do you think we could turn our beautiful young women in America into hard working women?


How were those fajitas tho.....?

Omg bomb so well!! Thanks so much for cooking Tim!!!

Any time mamacita! Have fun on your trip!

OMG they were bomb to be honest! Okay... we are getting together today BTW!

=) Hit me up later we'll grab a beer or something

You got it!

awesome. so what's in your portfolio?

I have two portfolios one of them is with Robinhood the app for free trading. The other portfolio is with TD Ameritrade. With TD Ameritrade I hold an Apple, Wynn and Tesla. With Robinhood I hold on the daily random's.

In cryptos, you'll never have to wait for the markets to open again! It takes some getting use to ;)...

Exactly I just need to keep doing research so I don't lose money while trading. I just don't understand it very well yet.

Very true! Great t0pic ;)
But YOU are indeed to pretty to trade stocks, you need to trade the Forex ;)

I am very new to investments all in all so that's why I got into stocks they are easy to understand, I think. But I will check out Forex. Thank you so much on that.

Most ppl get intimidated by the pairs that you'll see. Don't be! Just learn from free sources. FXCM has a nice thing they do where they give you free college-like courses for free IF you open up an account with a $500 deposit but don't freak out, you can take out the m0ney ANY time you pls.
So basically it's free! They just want for you to join there team.

I wouldn't advise trading there unless you like trading fiat with a 50Xleverage minimum(law out here in Cali@least). Bitcoin-denominated sites such as - you can use up to 200 X leverage on certain pairs.

Thanks so much for that info, I might check it out.


And as a matter 0f fact, I am scalping it while it's going down to correct itself. Just made a quick $20 in seconds 0ff "small m0ney". But had I been alert this morning I would have shorted from where I took profit(2nd position). I would have turned $40 into hundreds! SMH

Firstly, trading with 200x or even 50x leverage is reckless and you'll most likely blow up your account.

Secondly, interesting way to share a referral link.

lol Not reckless@all! You have to know how to play the game. I will link you to some soon to be released video tutorials of mine watching me how to do what I do. You simply have to learn how to use your tools such as, placing your STOPS(stop loss), knowing how high you should set your TARGET(Profit) and etc...
If you know how to enter@the right time, you can't lose! 0nce price heads a few distances above or below(buy low, sell high 0r sell high buy low) your entry price, you simply move your STOP to break-even. And if price really takes off away from your ENTRY, you can then set your STOP@a higher price to profit in case the market STOPS you out, unless your TARGET was already reached. Most ppl are intimidated and scared as they don't know HOW to use leverage!
Trust me! This is how a lot of ppl make BIG m0ney! I made a $1,000 in 0ne day(few hours) just scalping and I was a rookie then lol

More to learn when you watch my videos. I will update y0u and if I'm too long, hit me up to see my progress.

Well you may know the saying.

"There are old traders and there are bold traders, but there are very few old, bold traders"

And due keep in mind, ppl(some) who don't even use high leverage still blow there account(s) simply by not knowing how to trade lol

In such cases the girls propodaet all desire to learn than anything else except his own beauty and money )

I really didn't understand what you were saying.

Maybe it's my bad English.

Upvoted and now Following. Looking forward to reading your blog. Stephen

Thank you so much. I hope to see you interact.

Nice work putting the guy in his place.. Hey if you day trade you should really consider futures /es or /nq. The follow patterns on a regular basis and lots of vol.

I am not really familiar with futures. I will have to Google that to see what it is.

Smart women, ignore that troll.

Great article, up-voted and followed. Looking forward to read more of your posts, specially related to your stock trading .

Sitting here, thinking about what you wrote and I'm finally at a point where it seems that "good for you for knowing who you are, and standing by that!" is the most appropriate response.

As you touched on, this whole issue can really be a two-way street. I'm originally from Denmark (a highly gender-egalitarian society) and came to the US and found myself surprised at the dynamic between the sexes here-- both in terms of rich men feeling "entitled" to young pretty girls like they were property to be bought AND the pretty young girls who came across as entitled to "all that, and MORE" simply for being attractive and breathing. It felt weird and wrong to me... still does, even now that I'm an old fossil and have lived in the US for 30 years. For me, intelligence, hustle and kindness always win the day...

To answer your question, I don't know what we can do to change these norms... other than maybe reject stereotyping? De-emphasize the "commercial value" of attractiveness? The beauty industry is HUGE, yet millions of young women struggle emotionally because they are being "taught" that their worth is wrapped up in how hot they are, not WHO they are or what they can DO. I'll stop rambling here (because this could become really long!), but it's certainly an important debate warranting attention.

Thank you so much for your proper response. I agree that the beauty industry has influenced the majority of young women. I guess as parents we have to teach our children or future children or youth not to be mislead by these unrealistic standards.

I'm a little confused. You had me until the end when you said "I'm a stripper." Can you help me understand the differences between taking money to gyrate on a stranger's penis through a little cotton while they touch your bare mammories and the part of "gold digging" that you find offensive?

So like any other job, being a Golddigger you actually fake a relationship with someone in exchange for their money making them believe that you are in love with them. That is the basic fact about being a Golddigger. Being a stripper a guy knows that front, that he is paying for your time or gyrate as you say for money. As if you don't know the difference there is also a difference between a prostitute and a stripper. A prostitute sells her pussy or sexual favors for money when a stripper does not, strippers entertain and yes there is some physical aspect but it is not anything close to having sex. It is a job. There is no misunderstanding of what things are or what they cost or where things will lead. I actually don't find offensive being a prostitute or a stripper or anything of that sort. When I find offensive is for a man to tell a woman that she is too pretty to work hard to get somewhere in life. That is offensive because that dumbs down the thought of the ability of females.

So, you're basically against lying. I'm ok with that. You're also against telling women not to work, but instead to have sex with men. Seems ok.

What about the advice of marry rich?

Well I am against women believing they shouldn't work because they look a certain way. I am very against women who want to only marry a rich guy for his money. I have nothing against women who want a successful man. I would never date a guy who didn't have his sh*t together! I married one of those once. Total Regret!

And that's it ... it seems like we're back in the 40s, 50s or 60s ... What bothers me is the fact that there are dudes still thinking that way, and worse, some women too ... It seems like you're not one of them. Hopefully they will be more and more. Although I think that in Europe this does not happen so much anymore ... I do not know, though. I do not know the American reality. Great post, with a good message!

Thank you! Yeah I am just so tired of it. It's ridiculous how many women I see with this mentality. Then men meet me and they get intimidated and treat me like I'm an idiot or a complete asshole.

Those men not on your level Naiah. You will know the right one to keep and so will he. Just keep moving...NEXT!

Now allow me to answer your question...

How do you think we could turn our beautiful young women in America into hard working women?

I hate to say it, but if we men stopped throwing money, jewelry, diamonds, etc at only the SO CALLED BEAUTIFUL WOMEN with looks on the OUTSIDE and instead.. give all WOMEN those things still but slowly after engaging whats most important which is on the INSIDE. That way the connection is firm, more REAL and will most likely last longer. The catch is, will she patiently wait??? Quality not Quantity

Why do you have to throw material things to anyone in order to show your affection? I mean I guess I'm a woman on gestures. If a man opens my door, walks on the side of the road when we're walking on the side walk... opens my car door at times when it matters... cares... I mean those are more important than any purse or shoe any man could ever buy.

Completely agree Naiah. I do those meaningful important things you mention. Now I did say us men STOP throwing. And instead slowly give, (and I will use your words now) at times when it matters...cares... I hope you are not angry or mad at me. Just being Frank ;)

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