
lol Not reckless@all! You have to know how to play the game. I will link you to some soon to be released video tutorials of mine watching me how to do what I do. You simply have to learn how to use your tools such as, placing your STOPS(stop loss), knowing how high you should set your TARGET(Profit) and etc...
If you know how to enter@the right time, you can't lose! 0nce price heads a few distances above or below(buy low, sell high 0r sell high buy low) your entry price, you simply move your STOP to break-even. And if price really takes off away from your ENTRY, you can then set your STOP@a higher price to profit in case the market STOPS you out, unless your TARGET was already reached. Most ppl are intimidated and scared as they don't know HOW to use leverage!
Trust me! This is how a lot of ppl make BIG m0ney! I made a $1,000 in 0ne day(few hours) just scalping and I was a rookie then lol

More to learn when you watch my videos. I will update y0u and if I'm too long, hit me up to see my progress.

Well you may know the saying.

"There are old traders and there are bold traders, but there are very few old, bold traders"

And due keep in mind, ppl(some) who don't even use high leverage still blow there account(s) simply by not knowing how to trade lol