Singleton Design Pattern

Singleton pattern:

  • Singleton pattern belongs to the creational pattern.
  • It allows one instantiation or object for JVM

Rules for singleton pattern:

  • The constructor should be private.
​​private Singleton()

  • We can not create an object outside of the class.
Singleton singleton=new Singleton(); //Not possible to create an object using new keyword because the constructor is private

Advantages of singleton pattern:

  • It controls multiple object creations by allowing only one-time creation.

Use cases of singleton pattern:

  •  Logging is a popular use of Singletons.  It provides one single access point to an applications log file.

Issues with singleton pattern:

  • If two threads call the getInstance() method at the same time, you can end up with two singletons. 
  • If we make getInstance() method synchronized then it solves the issue, but we need to sacrifice performance because synchronized getInstance()  is a costly operation.