What Happens when the Computer and Electric Grid Goes Down?

in #solarflare7 years ago

What Happens when the Computer and Electric Grid Goes Down?

I was just at the car dealership in the computer system was down which made me think of the massive national security threat that is the electrical grid we all depend on to survive. When a simple computer system crashes these days at almost any business things go haywire, no one knows what to do. What will happen when a solar flare knocks the whole electric grid offline?

Did you know for only 6 Billion to 10 Billion dollars we could harden the electric grid and prevent this type of disaster from killing roughly 95% of the population? Call your Congressman and tell them to take the money they are spending on killing Muslims for no reason and to spend it on hardening the electric grid to actually protect the citizens of America.

What would happen to Steemit and all that Steem Currency? It would vanish, never to be seen again. It would vaporize and go from Steem to Steam.

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great man ,i like it :)

Apparently 79 percent of the people in the Third World nations have no access to electricity - they probably wouldn't even notice if facebook crashed!


Idaho in all of its rugged simplicity would be just fine :P

I agree, I have zero faith in politics and at least some that me and my community can pull through or just dissapear in the forest, haha.

Yeah Plymouth MA would last about two hours before full libtard armies of zombies would start stealing everything and going wild.

Thanks for the info bro!

Share it where it's needed,....
This is a good one, too.

100% dead on. This is why I say moderate prepping is a necessity, not a luxury. The truth is that after 2 to 6 months 70% of the population will be dead, and there will be much less competition for food and shelter. The survivors will be well-organized communities which had planned ahead. Needless to say well-armed.

Make it through the first six months, with food, water, and hiding or fortifications, and you will be ok. Commerce will begin again and society will reconstitute.

Here is the best simple overview on prepping. The first simple thing to do is build a closet of canned foods, dried rice and beans, and vitamins. http://preppednation.net

The decision on whether to stay put or head for the hills will be a complex one and made on a case by case basis. You don't want to easily give up the best shelter you have: your home. On the other hand, city life could become unlivable with no lights and no trash collection, vermin and disease could break out and marauders will be going house to house looking for food. One important thing will be communications. Start a CB radio club and test it on Saturday nights by saying howdy to your neighboring city slickers. Mutual support, trading supplies, and look-out duties will be key. Remember during the Rodney King riots in LA how the Korean shop owners banded together and took positions on the rooftops of their businesses, and faced down looting mobs. Iconic photo. That's who is going to make it. Well-armed, well-organized, communities. Someone on their own is just a target.

Ah yes, remember CB radios are only good as long as you can charge them. Shitloads of batteries will be a key commodity. After that learn to build a bicycle generator out of a motor and a converter to put out AC current.

Rather then rely on polititions I grow my food and know local plants i can forage. I need nothing but a few simple tools to make shelter and fire. Knowlege is power when your phone and other electronics die.

Yeah, true. However if this event were to take place 95% of the US population would die, and I would rather annoy my congress critter now to save their lives. Also if the power goes out in the cities all those people will flee to the countryside with their millions of guns and they will kill anything in their path for food and shelter. This is not a scenario you want to have to risk. No matter how far off the grid you are.

Well unless you have alot of money congress wont listen and i live walking distance from the rain forest in Washington state. Best place in the US in my opinion. Seattle yuppies wouldn't make it past the pavement.