Great and important topic.
I agree that feminism has gone too far. When we are no longer allowed to notice the differences between male and female... when we bash men in sitcoms and somehow that's "okay"... when "feminists" are now saying that women are better than men... That's not okay.
Maybe some of these "Feminazis" are simply victims of abuse - you can expect some level of backlash when that happens, but to take it to the level that women who choose to be wives and mothers are somehow not feminine??? How ridiculous is that?!
Feminism was an important topic when women really weren't treated in the same realm as men - a necessary reaction to a cultural problem. But now, the main problem has been corrected, so they need new targets, new people to stigmatize...
Excellent comment, it is a very good observation and also successful. However, I disagree a bit with the fact that radical feminists could be victims of abuse by men; what happens, of course. But if we put it in the current context, do you really think that with all the information on the subject that exists in the networks, a woman can not realize that what really happened was that she encountered a son of a bitch and really not all of them are like that? I see it unlikely, I do not know what you think about it.
Yes, it is well known that there are women who are very affected by these abuses, with psychological traumas without the least help from their family (which is the reason why I try not to generalize too much), it is not as if women had a Little common sense to become aware of things.