Just Some Thoughts...

in #spiritual7 years ago

I have been gently nudged by my own self-inquiry. I am being reminded of my call to compassionate action (as well as use of words) on this planet.

At times, I have snappy responses, especially in areas I do not understand. This is more common in situations in which I am feeling fearful. This may be related to superficial attachments. I am learning to feel confident in my own truest intentions. I must not base current (and very different) relationships on my experience with past ones.

I am in a different vibrational experience now than I was then, and I do feel that I honour myself. This allows me to experience a very sacred relationship of love with all that comes my way. Intimately, and out in the world as well.

I have a closer relationship with myself, and I have given myself permission to accept my own forgiveness.


Awareness of our words and thoughts is a huge positive step to eventually transmuting them. It's helpful when we remind each other to remain vigilant of them... as your post here reminds me to do, hehe!

I'm happy to hear that :) Definitely~

I very much agree with that!