Hello Steem people 😀!!!
How are you today? I am sure you are all doing well, especially if you started the Lent fasting already 😊 !!!
Well I have to say that when I was writing the "Holy Lent and Healthy Eating!!! Which type are you?" I didn't expect such a warm embrace by so many of you, thank you for that!!!!
I just wrote it because it was something I was about to start and since I am here in Steemit, with all my heart, body and soul, I want you to be aware for things I do 😀!
Now some of you, requested or I should better say, suggested that I should come up with a second post dedicated to the Spiritual part of the fasting period and I completely agreed with it!
So I tried to give my best, in order to compose a post with the respect and importance a subject like that acquires!
What is Spiritual Fasting?
I am sure this is a term that most of the people are not very familiar with! When we think of fasting what comes to our mind? Absence from food mainly if not completely, right?
But to me, is not just absence of food. Well here I have to say that there are times that I do fast with just plain water but I have never done it for more than a couple of days!
So to come back to the Lent fasting, I would describe it as a better selection of the quality of food that I choose to put inside my body!
But in the same way that I try to cleanse and empower my body, especially during Lent, I try to cleanse my soul! And by saying that, I mean simply trying to be as pure, good and kind with myself and others! I know it sounds beautiful and simple right? 😀
Only God knows though, how difficult it can be, for each and every one of us in our everyday lives!
Αbsence, Presence and Attendance!
I believe that it doesn't only have to do with absence! Actually sometimes it doesn't have to do with absence at all but with presence and attendance!
There is a small list other than food absence, of what we shouldn't do, I can give a few important examples:
- Speaking in inappropriate and disrespectful ways.
- Lying to others and speak ill of them (and not just behind their backs).
- Having bad, scandalous and dirty thoughts.
- Overly celebrating, since this is a period of mourning.
- Having intercourse (I know you will tell me that's farfetched, it is what it is though )
But there is also another small list of things we should be doing, be present and attend! A few examples are below:
- Be genuinely kind to others.
- Be caring towards people, especially the ones in need (irrelevant if we personally know them or not).
- Help people in any way we possibly can (visits to hospitals, shelters amd camps with food, clothing items for example).
- Attending the Mass.
- And of course Praying!!!
The power of Praying
Speaking about praying, there is a prayer from Saint Ephrem the Syrian that to me, includes everything that, the cleansing of the
acquires in a few words only!!!
Below are both the original script in Greek and a translation in English that I did and I trid to keep the quintessence of the prayer intact 😊!
«Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου, πνεῦμα ἀργίας, περιεργείας, φιλαρχίας καὶ ἀργολογίας μή μοι δῶς.Πνεῦμα δὲ σωφροσύνης, ταπεινοφροσύνης, ὑπομονῆς καὶ ἀγάπης, χάρισαί μοι τῷ σῷ δούλῳ.Ναί, Κύριε Βασιλεῦ, δώρησαί μοι τοῦ ὁρᾶν τὰ ἐμὰ πταίσματα, καὶ μὴ κατακρίνειν τὸν ἀδελφόν μου, ὅτι εὐλογητὸς εἶ, εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν».
Dear Father and Lord of my life, do not give me spirit of sloth,bad curiosity, meddling, love of power, and idle talk. But give to me, your servant, a pirit of sober-mindedness, humility, patience, and love. Yes, O Father and lord of my life, give me the wisdom to see my own faults and not to judge my brother, since you are blessed to the ages of ages. Amen.
This prayer is said twice at the end of each Easter Lent from Monday to Friday.
It condems:
- Sloth
- Spirit of despondency
- Love of power
- Argalogy / Idle talk
And then the prayer moves to the positive purposes of repentance!
- Satisfaction
- Humility
- Patience
- Love
- Pride
I could continue writing about spiritual fasting and get into more details about what the Orthodox Church follows this period of Lent but I fear that could be a bit tiring to some of you, and we don't want that, do we?
But I guess you know how it goes, if you want it, you can always ask for it
Coming to the epilogue of my post, I have to say that Fasting is a personal thing! You cannot force anyone into it or judge people that do not choose to practice it!
We all have the freedom of choice and at the end of the day, Jesus spoke only about Love!!!!! Acceptance and respect are from the principles of Love, am I right?
So let's focus on that, fasting or not, be kind, be loving and be caring to each other
Until my next post, always keep shining with a big smile on your face and most of all, be the best you can be 😀 ❤ ❤!!!
να νηστεψω δεν τα εχω καταφερει για μεγαλο χρονικο διαστημα παρα μονο μεγαλη εβδομαδα...αλλα πιστευω σε ολλα αυτα που αναφερεσαι ...εαν μπορεισ να βοηθασ τουσ αλλουσ και να αγαπας τουσ αλλουσ χωρισ να περημενεις κατι απο αυτους ειναι γαληνια η ψυχη σου και ο θεος αυτο μας ζηταει... ειναι αγαπη !!! μου αρεσει ο τροπος παντως σκεψεισ σου!!!καλο υλικο...
Ναι είναι δύσκολο να νηστέψεις όλες τις 49 μέρες πίστεψε με αλλά και η Μεγάλη βδομάδα καλή είναι 😀!
Πιστεύω ότι η ουσία όλη, είναι αυτό που λες και εσύ, να μπορείς να έχεις γαλήνη στην ψυχή σου και αν μπορείς να βοηθάς να το κάνεις χωρίς να περιμένεις αντάλλαγμα!
Τα πάντα είναι αγάπη και χωρίς αυτή δεν υπάρχει τίποτα!
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ @angekan ❤!!!
I can already feel the warmth, kindness and generosity in your text... You are off to a very good start then!
Thanks for the education on your tradition as well as for the motivation to do a spiritual fast, no matter what the religion. It can only help, even if it is only for a few days.
Namaste :)
Thank you @eric-boucher for you heart warming comment 😀!!!!
Yes, Spiritual Fasting is as important if not more, than the actual absence from food! I think everybody should try it, even for a few days as you say because it can nly make you a bit better !!
Namaste 😚!!!
Great post @alinak15 ... I believe in the power and concept of fasting the right way. Came across this post in @onceuponatime's blog page. Thank you to both of you, @alinak15 & @onceuponatime for an enlightening post. :)Abstaining from all the harmful toxicity in body and in mind. Cleansing of the body and mind.
I too agree that fasting is a personal thing. Also the manner of fasting is subjective.
Abstinence and Praying is the key element of fasting.
The aim is to Learn and Heal from fasting and Progress towards Higher Awareness of Self & Environment. And stop the cycle of falling back into the same toxicity.
A hymn that I totally love...
I totally agree with you, we should never fall back to the things we left back and the toxicity of them!!!
Love the hymn as well, never heard it before, thank you@nehab :)!!!!
And I love the hymn you shared in your post. 💕Welcome @alinak15.
The Great Lent for me is the time when man again acquires faith and life, in its divine meaning, in its sacred depth. Abstaining from food, we again learn its taste and learn to receive it from God with joy and gratitude. By reducing entertainment, listening to music, unnecessary conversations and superficial reasoning, we again understand the greatest value of relationships with man, with human work and with art. And we understand all this, because we just realized God Himself again, because we have returned to Him to all that He gave in His infinite love and mercy.
Good publication. Thank you!
God and his infinite Grace, Beauty, Love and Mercy are what we obtain, through sincere Fasting!Oh thank you for your beautiful comment @nsbachurin, I agree with you 100% !!!
Hi, Friend
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Finally, I pray for your wonderful future.
I hope you follow back n visit my blog n reading my post thank you
Thank you @mizanuk, I am glad you enjoyed my post :)!
Woww.....glory b to God in the highest and honor to mary and joseph.
all teachings surely lead to the good of loving each other fellow people
Yes, that is the quintessence of all :)!
Wonderful post Really instructive, to heal our spirit, be at peace in our soul and heart, it seems an extremely important post, thanks for sharing. Trust always in God.
I invite you to visit my profile, follow me and vote my last post, please. Regards.
Thank you @mlaura, I will :)!
Wonderful sharing! I love your post. Thanks for sharing. God bless. Follow u
Thank you :) @lianiang01!!
Very good post.... I agree with most of the things you mentioned specially the fast with plain water.
Thank you @abi03!!
You're absolutely right. Fasting is not only the choice of the food you eat, but also the purification of the mind and soul. I am very glad, that I read your post it in the morning, he turned me to some thoughts and cheer! Thank for this!
Thank you @naditinkoff :)!!
Oh, thanks for a wonderful post! I can feel the warmth, kindness and generosity in your text ...You are off to a very good start then!
Thanks for the education on your tradition as well as for the motivation to do a spiritual fast, no matter what the religion.
I study the direction of all religions and this is a synthesis of faith
Thank you and good luck to your study!It's nice to express how we feel without having to copy others @zvetozarnaya ☺!
Really Nice stuff you shared with us. I really follow your text. You are really awesome
Thank you @gauravgpt60