What is this mindfulness crap every vegan sucker speaks about?
TL;DR: For the lazy ones, this Jim Carrey 4 min video is a good way to get an idea of what I'm speaking about.
Google opinion is: Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations
That's not even scratching the surface of it! What's more, it's pretty much like trying to explain what is the colour blue to a blind person. Only the experience can provide you with the answer.
So ... how to get there? How to experience it? There are some tools available for you like Meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, sensory deprivation tanks, drugs, ...
All of these practices work as tools to facilitate the walkthrough to get there, at least to get a first ephemeral glance at it. With that said I recommend to chose meditation over the daily bottle of rum ...
The sensation is more or less what you could feel just after laughing you ass off with friends, just after a powerful orgasm, sometimes when you are on drugs or when doing some extreme activity that doesn't allow you top think!
That sensation without thoughts, when you are in peace, you need nothing, want nothing, you are just deeply happy to be alive.
Once you start to feel your mind calming down, your thoughts goings away and a very pleasant inner peace, something else happens. That is what would solve any problem we have on earth!
So how does it solve all the crazy problem we have? How does it solves global warming, economics crisis and the spot I have in my butt crack (where all the glitter come from) ... how?
Our minds create our problems, the world problems. Our mind is like a drunk crazy monkey, it never gets enough of whatever it wants to have; money, power, women/men, pleasure, excitation, ...
This is not what you really want, but you can't see it because you are allowing the monkey to drive your life. You probably don't believe me. You know better than anyone that you just need ______ and then you will be happy ... right ? Just the same way you thought about something else would have made you happy last year ... would you have the courage to face it? Nothing nor nobody will ever make you happy ... you are looking for happiness in the wrong place.
When you meditate, you become aware of your own thoughts, and you start realising ... holly shit! What is this madness I have inside? Yes, you never had watched there, not really! Just like above you kitchen cupboard, it's very crappy there and it's time to get it clean!
Good news, the cleaning is automatic! When you start being aware of your thoughts, you start letting go some of the worsts you have. The only act of being aware of a thought, without giving it more thoughts, dissolves it !!!
After your 10 or 20 minutes daily meditation you won't loose your new super power. Something will remain all along your day. Every time more and more "presence" or "awareness" of what it's happening inside will be available to you and you will have fewer thoughts and much better ones. When you are not "lost" in your own thoughts lots of cool things happens, life is much more beautiful because you live it more intensely.
So the problems of the world, right?
Al the problems we have today are because 99% of the world population is driven by the crazy drunk monkey. We'll never get enough! So what do we do? We steal, we scam, we fight, we lie, we cheat, we punch, we we we we ... in order to get more of something. This is madness, nobody will ever have everything on earth and we won't certainly achieve it all together.
Good news / bad news
Bad news: If we don't change, we will annihilate ourselves. In the most stupid way possible. After being the highest species on earth, instead of sharing everything and living in pure joy, fun and happiness, we will fight each other until extermination. (quite easy now with bioweapons and nuclear wars)
Good news: This isn't what we really want!
It's just the monkey (our mind) speaking: "give me a little more of ____ and I 'll be happy, I'll complete.
What will happen?
When you practice meditation, you will distant yourself from your mind and get closer to you conscience (yes, there is a conscience in you and you can get closer to it, experience it, feel it. You just still don't know it's there nor how to get close to it). As your practice will evolve you will know yourself better in every level and start to understand what you really want and it won't be a bigger house or to finally grow a big moustache!
Once you get on this path your behaviour will change because you are not obsessed anymore with the things you were pursuing before. You may still want a house or a new car but you won't make of it the distant object of your happiness, it will be only something you pursue because you like it, it's fun and you enjoy the process.
You will notice that suddenly you are behaving in a respectful way towards people, nature and animals.
You won't damage the planet or hurt people to get where you want to go. Your goals will be in adequation with the great of good. You will find pleasure, peace and joy out of being part of the beautiful evolution of the human beeing. Beeing a part of its transition from destructive monkey minded person to mindfull being living in harmony.
That doesn't mean you can't have a big house and a big car. If it makes the quality of your material life better and gives you the security you need to start bringing good around you, it's probably the way you will contribute to our transition to a better world.
We could all have a big house, a nice Tesla electric car, a motorbike, a big flat screen, money to have fun, few hours of work in the best condition possible, free time to enjoy our life and grow as human being. This is not a dream, we have the resources, we have space, we have all we need. The only problem, 99% of thew world is monkey minded people trying to have more and more and more ... we are reaching a point where absurd things happens like having 85 of the richest person on earth having the same wealth as 3.5 billion of the poorest. These are the best monkeys of all! It's completely ok to live like that if you have never met you conscience. Someday, one of these rich persons will find it and interesting things will happen!
“The world has enough for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed.” - Mahatma Gandhi.
I let you consider this path that will bring peace and happiness in your live for free and expand your horizons beyond what you can even imagine.
These two books are really cool if you like to start by reading something:
Hello my Friend ... Until you feel happy we must make our hearts full of peace .... Either trying to deliver what you want to someone can not narrate it .... We can use the energy we have at is full hope and make minds free
By using color symbolism if the blind person is interested in it, the bright green symbolizes growth and healing, the blue colors have a calming effect that helps to meditate, the red is a very emotional color and may symbolize anger or desire ... and so on.
I still need to learn about colour effects. It's interesting, the few things I read on it made me want to research more.
The color affects the body, the soul, the pattern and the mood, the color is high in the spirit and nourishes the nerves, relaxes the sensation, and has a clear effect in our daily life, it is what triggers the pleasure and happiness in the soul, and it is what causes boredom and turmoil, and it is what motivates elation, and from this frustrates the spirit, It suggests warmth and cold.
what is the color ?.
Color is one of the properties of light. White light is really a set of seven spectrum colors, each of which moves in straight lines, but changes its path to varying degrees. So if we dropped an optical beam on a three-pronged glass prism and received the bright rays from it on a white board we got a fantasy consisting of a colorful package of bright colors ranging from violet to red. The color of this spectrum is seven colors: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red,
Sensation of color: -
When light ** absorbs light on an object, it absorbs some of the waves of this light, and some others, and this yielding part affects the eye cells and color.
The eye has a lens composed of translucent tissue and aperture through which the light reaches the eye. This hole is enlarged and dilated by the iris, which is colored by the eye. If the light is strong, the lens closes partially closed so that the eye enters a very light light because
The cornea helps protect the rest of the eye and the eyeball is filled with transparent fluid that preserves its shape and shape. At the back of the eye, the retina is made up of thin nerves that gather together to form the optic nerve. The retina is the curtain on which the visual images that we see fall. If the image falls on the retina, the optic nerve transmits its image to the brain and thus the eye can see it. A person who has the power of sound vision can see things close to him and away from him in the same clarity in both forms and colors
How colors affect your mood and what effect each color has on you !!
Each person prefers a specific color to the other but have you ever asked yourself whether these colors affect our mood or not?
According to many studies in the field of psychology, each color has been referred to in detail and the relationship between each color and human mood has been confirmed. Where human behavior is determined by the color change that he prefers or sees in front of him, it is a big factor. You may notice that thousands of years ago you used a different set of colors
Thanks for the information, it's a cool overview !
I hope it will be good for you this information ..... Thank you my friend .... I am happy to talk to you ... Happy day ... Best wishes for you
Recently there are several post about meditation , spirituality and also last one i readwhas about using mantra . New bloger here tray to explayn the idea of using mantra to ceep your mind clear . If you are intrested here is the post :
Just to let you know ITS a minnow post . https://steemit.com/spirituality/@kaloyan/ho-oponopono-makes-miracles-try-it-for-yourself-and-share-your-experience
Voted him, he deserve a little more than 0.04$
Thanks my friend ... I'm trying to read it now
You are welcome , also posting a lot about meditatium autor is @thereikiforest .
good posting...^^
thanks ;)
Very nice post @glitterfart
Thanks man !
I certainly am sure you are one of these guys that can make steemit an even better place - as you know i won that contest using whale power today but you are the only one receiving two votes! Well done! @glitterfart
Waauw that's cool man! I only vote comments that add something constructive or original to the topics so I won't vote yours. Instead of doing that I've just upvoted your last post to promote the initiative behind ;)
@glitterfart, beautiful post my friend.
Glad you enjoyed it ^^
Does that mean that you shared this blog on social medias ? I'm not sure I got the meaning ... maybe I need another green tea (⊙︿⊙)
Thanks ^^