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RE: Mindfulness Meditation, the solution for your problems, the solution for all problems. My experience, my insight.

in #spirituality8 years ago

The color affects the body, the soul, the pattern and the mood, the color is high in the spirit and nourishes the nerves, relaxes the sensation, and has a clear effect in our daily life, it is what triggers the pleasure and happiness in the soul, and it is what causes boredom and turmoil, and it is what motivates elation, and from this frustrates the spirit, It suggests warmth and cold.

what is the color ?.
Color is one of the properties of light. White light is really a set of seven spectrum colors, each of which moves in straight lines, but changes its path to varying degrees. So if we dropped an optical beam on a three-pronged glass prism and received the bright rays from it on a white board we got a fantasy consisting of a colorful package of bright colors ranging from violet to red. The color of this spectrum is seven colors: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red,
Sensation of color: -
When light ** absorbs light on an object, it absorbs some of the waves of this light, and some others, and this yielding part affects the eye cells and color.
The eye has a lens composed of translucent tissue and aperture through which the light reaches the eye. This hole is enlarged and dilated by the iris, which is colored by the eye. If the light is strong, the lens closes partially closed so that the eye enters a very light light because
The cornea helps protect the rest of the eye and the eyeball is filled with transparent fluid that preserves its shape and shape. At the back of the eye, the retina is made up of thin nerves that gather together to form the optic nerve. The retina is the curtain on which the visual images that we see fall. If the image falls on the retina, the optic nerve transmits its image to the brain and thus the eye can see it. A person who has the power of sound vision can see things close to him and away from him in the same clarity in both forms and colors
How colors affect your mood and what effect each color has on you !!
Each person prefers a specific color to the other but have you ever asked yourself whether these colors affect our mood or not?

  1. Do colors affect your mood?

According to many studies in the field of psychology, each color has been referred to in detail and the relationship between each color and human mood has been confirmed. Where human behavior is determined by the color change that he prefers or sees in front of him, it is a big factor. You may notice that thousands of years ago you used a different set of colors


Thanks for the information, it's a cool overview !

I hope it will be good for you this information ..... Thank you my friend .... I am happy to talk to you ... Happy day ... Best wishes for you