That's rather scary when you think about it. It's one of the reasons we as Christians need to continually practice our faith. It will most certainly be tested in end-times and noone knows when they're coming. 12 down, 38 to go... :-)
To know if it is really the Messiah or if it is the Anti-Messiah God gives us a way to test them. You can find this test in Deuteronomy 13. Here is the first 4 verses:
“If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he gives you a sign or a wonder, 2 and the sign or the wonder comes to pass, of which he spoke to you, saying, ‘Let us go after other gods’—which you have not known—‘and let us serve them,’ 3 you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for the Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. 4 You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and obey His voice; you shall serve Him and hold fast to Him."
Eschatological teachings like this are usually mind blowing, sometimes scary when you think of it too much, but then, better to accept reality than ignore what's coming. I'm new on steemit, please do well to check my blog. I will really appreciate. Thanks alot.
sometimes i think it would have been easier to interprete the scriptures well if our Lord Jesus Christ did not pass most of His messages using parables. the illustrations He uses are what gives some the inability to translate the scriptures properly
@pappa-pepper A little addition. I think I may need to expand the week to include rapture and Day of YHVH but not sure just yet! Enjoying the series though!
That's rather scary when you think about it. It's one of the reasons we as Christians need to continually practice our faith. It will most certainly be tested in end-times and noone knows when they're coming. 12 down, 38 to go... :-)
Really enjoy the points being made here! Thanks!
To know if it is really the Messiah or if it is the Anti-Messiah God gives us a way to test them. You can find this test in Deuteronomy 13. Here is the first 4 verses:
I would encourage everyone to read the whole chapter! Also if you are interested 119 Ministries also did a video around this chapter.
love those teachings at 119!
Great work bro amazing post i liked it :)👏👏💕👏👍
Good post bro
this nice postn for all,
thanks @papa-pepper has shared,
Good post @papapepper
This is captivating post, i look forward to see more of you, these because there is power in information
Hey papa-pepper
Could you describe in either layman's terms or secular terms what the “Abomination of Desolation” would look like?
Is it a war started by the greed and folly of man like WW3?
Is it a genocide? An ecocide?
A problem with the environment? Famines?
What is this cryptic language actually depicting?
What can we get from this prophesy and apply to our own lives?
Please refer me to a previous article if the information is already available!
The most available article to find your answers is in the Holy Bible of the Christians, it's the most available and most reliable source, love you
you have directed our attention to very important things..very nice :)
Eschatological teachings like this are usually mind blowing, sometimes scary when you think of it too much, but then, better to accept reality than ignore what's coming. I'm new on steemit, please do well to check my blog. I will really appreciate. Thanks alot.
sometimes i think it would have been easier to interprete the scriptures well if our Lord Jesus Christ did not pass most of His messages using parables. the illustrations He uses are what gives some the inability to translate the scriptures properly
@pappa-pepper A little addition. I think I may need to expand the week to include rapture and Day of YHVH but not sure just yet! Enjoying the series though!