
Best series on Steemit!

This is really amazing, I dont even know how to thank you for putting up this post here.
God bless you indeeed, I need to read the whole devotionals.

Wow! Thank you for checking these out! I appreciate it!

I couldnt say less,youre welcome papa-pepper

Hmm, @papa-pepper am very happy we are in this race together, majority of people the moment they became stars, more influential and having money in their pocket, they forget totally about God and don't have time for him but am totally happy that yours is different, you actually discuss things about God and that show you do his things. Well-done sir and God bless us together

Good point, and thanks for the encouragement. Be blessed man!

You are welcome sir , I want to use this medium to appreciate you for visiting my blog, am really honoured. Thanks and God bless

Point two sounds like something Ancient Alien theorists would have a field day with.

Thanks for drawing attention to the Bible. Keep up the good work.

Just want to say so far I have loved everything I have read and seen of yours.

Wow! Thanks for that. I do try, but nice to hear that it is appreciated!

I hope your project will be able to help many others understand the end-times. thank you for sharing @papa-pepper

Thank you for that! Me too!

Great job dear, Thanks for sharing I wish you all the best .

I love this series @papa-pepper. I have a long drive to work each day and I save them to listen to while I drive. Thank you for putting them all together!

Many are indeed being led astray. And their shepherd is going to be rightly judged accordingly.

Good biblical admonitions characterizing the end times. Meditating on them is faith strengthening

Hmm. I am glad @phait told me about your page, i am new on steemit. This devotional is so enlightening and will take my time to go through all the days. We are in a time where we need to constantly live conscious of the end time. His grace alone we need. Thanks alot.

been really looking for some very like minds on steemit and im just so full of joy today...
i can relate with stuff you are posting @papa-pepper...

maybe we can relate better and more closely...

i'm @ododah

being hated for the sake of the kingdom is part of the life of a true Christian