
Thanks Papa-pepper.
When people make it out that Christianity is easy, or a crutch, I always think you dont know what Jesus called us to, and you dont know what it means to pick up your cross and follow, nor how clear the bible is with respect to the fact that suffering is expected and more surprisingly we are to endure with a joyful heart. Not by our will but by the encouragement and lifting up of the Lord.

Romans 5:3-4
we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,

Amen! @infidel1258. God bless you so much for such a great supplement to this post of our brother @papa-paper.

Well said once again!

Praise God thy kingdom is nigh...

Reading the revelation and learning about the end times is a little scary and at the same time interesting . The scriptures have come to pass just as prophesied. We are living in the end times.

Good stuff @papa-pepper. I have always believed that at some point in the US, your head will be on that block. Renounce your faith or else. Take my mortal existence then. I won't be the first.

Amen to that. Hopefully not, but glad you're prepared.

7 more days!

That's right!

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thanks for the update always glad to here from you.

End time is near

I am, @thebiblical-lens will have a series on how to preach the gospel. If the Lord has put it in your heart to learn, please support. All for His glory. Amen

Amen @papa-paper. This post is such a great blessing. Let me be sober minded and keep on seeking God for more grace to remain standing amidst all the tribulations that are to come ahead.

Thanks for sharing such a vital post. It is not easy to put these together in such an organized way, so I really appreciate that. The end time issue is a very sensitive issue to we Christians. Thus so many views about that times had be explained by a number of preachers, but I love the way you used the scriptures to explain your understanding of the end time.

Thank you so much for all of that! I appreciate it!

Thanks for sharing this post. We are really living in the end time,as was foretold and we shouldn't be surprise to see some things happening. Hope you are keeping your faith intact and always prepared for it? Thanks pa pepper.

This is true @papa-peper..
We all get scared when we hear or read about the end time.. Some do believe, some don't believe .. The truth is just that even if we believe or not, the end time is surely near

Heavy heavy heavy. Sadly the tone and thoughts amongst many churches in America is that we will have the easy way out when the rubber meets the road. I too believe this is a huge delusion and many wont be prepared.

I also just watched Kent Hovind discuss something similar.

very good, success always

Good stuff @papa-pepper ...worthy of the time...

Sometimes people will joke about the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but they don’t know what holds of them if they don’t repent and believe on the finished work of Jesus. Revelation is such a good book that it is glorious to us Christians but a threat to those who continually deny Jesus! I just hope that many will come to realise this through this series made by @papa-pepper! Great papa-pepper! Thank you for this post.

Wonderful article. Please check out my articles on Christianity if you have a chance. Blessings!

persecutions might be in different forms, it is not necessarily it comes in the way it was during the early days