I had this friend once who was insistent on muscle-testing everything for how it ranked on David R. Hawkins' Scale Of Consciousness - including, as a DJ, music...
I'm pretty sure Hawkins' himself often calibrated heavy metal music as below 200 (negative).
Yet, I've since evolved my perspective on the matter, and found it fascinating that such calibration might not be so static as that - and perhaps, there's some quantum-observation-effect at work by which the listener's consciousness and where they're at at a given time may have just as much of an effect on the calibration as the thing being calibrated itself...
i.e. heavy metal music.
Some people might calibrate it as negative.
Yet, as per your example here - the overall effect turns out to be rather positive, serving as a meditational aid.
Or even if the songs might be about rather dark evil shit, there's still some element of passion hidden in there somewhere, as no one would put in the time and energy to pick up instruments, practice for hours on end, coordinate with other players, and exert all the effort it takes to finally produce such a piece of music for consumption - that is all passion-driven, at some level, which is undoubtedly positive.
Or even anger itself... it's often viewed as negative, and might calibrate as negative... yet, there's only half the picture there. If digging deeper, there's always something positive to be found - perhaps some values of integrity, where boundaries might be disrespected or people taken advantage of, such that the anger is a fully-justified response alerting that something needs to shift in order to restore balance and return to those higher-vibing values of love, respect, etc.
Just some thoughts... 😊
Interesting thoughts indeed! I was not actually aware of this, so something else i want to go off and look into. But i do agree, what may produce a negative score in one person may not work the same way on another person. If i am feeling ok ish the normal meditation approach works for me, and in that moment in time metal music would not be helpful. But often when i am in moments of despair the calm music actually produces a negative response in me and just really grinds on me, and this is where i can process it using metal music, which a lot of the time is not singing about angry or evil things as people think. There is plenty of that, but some metal bands are singing about some really mind opening things. If you can bare it, as it may not be your cup of tea, or even just scan through some lyrics, the band Nevermore- wow, he writes about some super deep mind expanding stuff. He sings , not a screamer so easier on the ears.
Went off on a tangent there, but yea i think what you are saying applies to everything. We as humans invent ways to measure and scale things, but that is swayed by the person who invented that method too, just look at the double slit experiment as the foundation for how we measure and look at everything, it makes you question things.
I think it's the same with 'diet's, veganism has such a huge movement behind it, as does the ketogenic diet, the Mediterranean diet, even a strict carnivore diet, all of these can produce similar health benefits and each camp argue against one another, where as i think it mostly depends on how that diet fits with the individuals consciousness level at the time and whole plethora of other internal and external factors. Having been a vegetarian for 5 years now, trying a strictly carnivore diet would cause carnage on my body most likely because of the mental stressors for me personally this would induce.
Ive been all the way over to vegan too but for various reasons found it more stressful and decided that the proposed health benefits of it will most likely be detrimentally affected by the mental stress this was causing, added financial pressure- no matter what anyone says it's not cheap, cooking separate meals, eating shit food when we dine out, constantly denying my self things i greatly enjoy, ending up starving half the time because my work schedule just did not allow for food prep and you cant just go and grab any vegan food at hand, at least where i live, so i would just end up not eating at all.
So i've gone back to vegetarian and i am much more comfortable with that. Oh but dairy is bad for you etc etc, yes but so is stress, lack of social interaction, and working a 15 hour day on an empty stomach. So eh!
It all comes down to the individual is what ive settled on at the moment no matter what you are looking at or measuring.
P.S I was over the moon to see you had re-steemed my blog on your page. Thank you so much for doing that :D
Check out Hawkins’ book, “Power vs. Force,” as it’s a classic and the best intro to his work and that whole system.
Re: diets... yep. every body has different needs, which can also change day-to-day. The best nutritional regime is always a dynamic one which responds to the body’s dynamic needs. Perhaps meat is fine one day, all veg best the next, and even junk food may have its time and place to be enjoyed when the body can withstand it. Problem is, the majority of people have gotten so disconnected from their bodies, so as to not be able to register its signals and be aware. In any case, we’re all living and learning.
Re: the resteem...
T’was a great topic, which I felt there may be some of my followers who may benefit from the exposure to those perspectives - so why not... :-)
The book has been added to my wish list! Thanks!