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RE: "Spiritual but not Religious." What Does that Actually MEAN?

in #spirituality7 years ago

Labels serve their purpose sometimes but they often box us in when we use them on ourselves or box in others when we use them on other individuals. Spirituality seems like a word to avoid boxing oneself in...although I think it's already become a label of sorts. I use the spirituality tag a lot cause the people itndraws appreciate what I write and can relate at times, but I don't even bother to call myself spiritual unless I have to make a distinction that I have faith.


I get where you are going about "labels." I find labels to be pretty useful, as long as they are kept within certain limits. Labels are a bit like a road map... they can give us some useful information, but they are NOT a replacement for the real territory.

I'm not much of ANY kind of -ist. I very much enjoy exploring possibilities but haven't yet come across an -ism that closely reflects my experience of life.