Many people say they are "Spiritual but not Religious." But what does that actually MEAN? Is #spirituality merely a word that exempts you from being part of something "organized?" A way to AVOID #religion without being an atheist? Discuss!

Many people say they are "Spiritual but not Religious." But what does that actually MEAN? Is #spirituality merely a word that exempts you from being part of something "organized?" A way to AVOID #religion without being an atheist? Discuss!
I think that the difference between religion and spirituality is analogous to the difference between paying taxes to fund welfare programs and voluntary charity for the needy.
Sounds about right... one is a set of rules, laws, dictates and doctrines describing how, why, when and where to exercise what you may or may not believe in... the other is simply "that" you hold certain beliefs or thoughts.
I'm just always interested in hearing people's opinions below the semantics and jargon.
I think it doesn't even necessarily involve holding any beliefs or thoughts. I t can, at some rarified level, simply being able to "listen" to an inner feeling that guides you to act in a way that is in harmony with the whole (as opposed to being guided by your "ego" or false sense of separation from the whole).
Which also begs the questions, how do you determine what is good? Isn’t it based off the same principles? Without identifying to one religion aren’t you forming your own, to be the expection, to follow the rules you deem appropriate?
I am afraid that you will find me a little cynical if I say that "good" is what moves you towards your aim, and "bad" is what moves you away from it. Having no aim is turning in circles as you unconsciously serve someone else's :-)
Religion is just a set of rules and beliefs people are taught to follow; spirituality on the other hand is living in spirit or in other words being filled with spirit - hopefully, the Holy Spirit of God, and not the worldly spirit. Spiritual person does not need for someone to tell him what is right and what is wrong or what he needs to do because the spirit which lives in him guides him.... That's my two cents ... :)
Religion has long seemed to me like having a "service provider" between you and Spirit... and the irony is that most "Religions" ask if you have a close personal relationship with God... and then put "pay walls" between you and God.
We could have our own explanations and understanding of what the two words mean for us, however a kind of closer to the actual reality approach would be to examine the two terms on a deeper level.
That's the kind of approach we should be looking for if we really want to reach the roots of the two words and see what they have in common and how they differ.
Such type of analyses exist in the thick books and some of them are definitely worth examining.
etymological? epistemological?
I'm not 100% sure if the epistemological is worth checking.
And true, some people dedicate their lives to semantic research... and that's cool. In general, I'm more interested in the less formal personal explanations... and how people arrive at them. I've read a few of the "thick books" along the way... and there's good information there, although (at least for my tastes) the issue I have there is that such texts often ignore the foibles and pettiness of human nature.
Labels serve their purpose sometimes but they often box us in when we use them on ourselves or box in others when we use them on other individuals. Spirituality seems like a word to avoid boxing oneself in...although I think it's already become a label of sorts. I use the spirituality tag a lot cause the people itndraws appreciate what I write and can relate at times, but I don't even bother to call myself spiritual unless I have to make a distinction that I have faith.
I get where you are going about "labels." I find labels to be pretty useful, as long as they are kept within certain limits. Labels are a bit like a road map... they can give us some useful information, but they are NOT a replacement for the real territory.
I'm not much of ANY kind of -ist. I very much enjoy exploring possibilities but haven't yet come across an -ism that closely reflects my experience of life.
I would like to explain in English, but it is difficult for me. I try to explain in my limited words.
Religious is being act as rules of their religion.
Spiritually is act use universal manner that acceptable by others. For example humanity or kindness.
Atheist for me people who still searching his own divine definition.
Spirituality always appealed to me more because it tends to be self-directed, rather than fenced in by a series of definitions created by humans.
yeah man..

it's like...
But that brings up a whole different ball of wax.
People who are perpetually baked and claim it's for "spiritual practice" and completely reject the idea that they simply enjoy being stoned.
I know a lot of people like that ...
yes bro..right
yes bro..right Right what? What do you mean..
And what leads you to that conclusion @ritue?
Maybe he is arguing the wrong is left?
This is so much meaningful content spiritually but not religious it means the architecture only have made for other but not for religions .I think it is a power of archive thanks for sharing@denmarkguy
Thanks... and I'm sorry your translation software lost a bit of meaning, I fear...
I am a new comer on this sector .I am studying from your post .please help me aleways to learn about this.Sorry for that but don't worry I am practicing in Enlish regularly.I am sorry for my ignorance but I have to try my best level my dear friends@denmarkguy
Its a way to say Universe has a purpose!
Nice with another seeker, what do you think about my post about meditation? Kul om du vill läsa och ge feedback! =)
To me, spirituality means that I can focus on my own deep search for truth and meaning, rather than relying on the dogma of one or more religions. It is an active living of the spirit that infuses all things, rather than just following discoveries made years or centuries ago. Spirituality is fun and helps one live a more joyful and meaningful life!
For me, I don't say I'm religious, I say I'm Spiritual, because the term religious or religion has such negative connotations now days that it really conflates (in other peoples minds) what my position is. Being raised in a Christian household, I hold a lot of those moral values. But at the same time it's difficult for me to ascribe to everything in the bible, because some text goes against other texts. So although I would say I am a Lutheran, I don't ascribe to 100% of the Lutheran doctrine. Therefore fellow Lutherans would probably say then that I am not a Lutheran. Therefore I am spiritual :)
Love your neighbor like yourself. That should be everyone's mind set imo.
Religion seems almost like this paid path that’s supposed to save your “soul.” It comes with an almost complete guide, holidays, and those weekly meeting(s) to make sure you are still on that path while paying. In many countries, it comes with legal protections for its followers and tax avoidance for those running it! It can also be used as a weapon to fight those who disagree at any cost.
Spiritual in my eyes seems to be more self-learning. While you could spend money on books and other forms of information it’s not required. There tend to be no membership fees or people trying to guilt you into paying 20% of your total income to them because you can never live up to whatever standards they have. Instead, it’s time that is the currency and one could spend many lifetimes trying achieving enlightenment.
Sure there are spiritual paths that try and act like religions and vice versa. These are just how I view the difference. I believe there must be a god but our species seems to blind and stupid to know what that truly means. Therefore, I don’t see a need to pay someone else to tell me how it is. Far too many people seem to be enriching their own lives while starving those around it to death all in the name of a paid path to saving one's soul.
spirituality is a vital part of every religion. Some people find religion first, then spirituality, and some find spirituality first, then religion. If you find one, you'll find the other eventually (with proper practice, of course) I think religion is a means of practicing spirituality, and vice versa. they are part of each other.
I think spiritual means to believe in something greater that us, while not being sure what it is and without supporting a particular religion, this is the key difference between the 2
It’s like saying I together, but not the paper representation of marriage. Is it merely to avoid the commitment of forever or the fear of making the commitment official. Some will argue neither, but vow the same promises. It’s time we stop making excuses and start accepting the title as empowerment and accountability
Basically, yes. For me, at least. A way to say “no thanks” to the hive mind, but still be open to the mystery.
I'm so nihilistic I'm afraid to become spiritual the first time I do a psychedelic drug.
I am actually religious but not spiritual. Then again, my religion is football!
Coming from a Christian worldview, religion is just trying to follow the rules to in order to find salvation through your actions and deeds. In the New Testament Jesus spent a lot of time going after the religious elites that were preforming all their deeds in order to look good publicly.
Spirituality to me means connection and relationship with God. It is practicing faith rather then doing things out of fear. Embracing that we are connected to others through spirit and learning to understand your gut instincts.
We are more then just our bodies. We are body, mind, and spirit and they are not separate from each other.
I always like to say "truth equals faith, habit equals religion"
Hi denmarkguy, it's good to bring this up, other people on steemit have setup a broad debate about this subject, if you want to have a look here is the link :
for me, religion is about following a script. it is ego food, but usually lacks substance.
Spirituality is about taking it upon yourself to discover the reality of this world.
religion tells you what is truth. spirituality is about learning what is truth.
first hand knowledge will change you to your core. that is what spirituality will do, when you take it upon yourself to ask questions and decide for yourself.
second hand knowledge will salve your ego, forever hiding the deeper meaning behind it. unless you go deeper, you will forever simply believe, but never really know.
some religions teach you to learn the truth for yourself, but even within religions such as Buddhism, there are those that simply stay on the surface.
But Buddha taught to not take anything he said as truth, unless you can prove it to yourself.
Christianity/Islam/Judaism all teach that their way is the only way, that it was handed down from God.. Therefor it is literally a blasphemy to disagree.
I do believe they all contain a kernel of truth, but it must be extracted. It is because they contain the kernel of truth they continue to be, but I feel unless we make it a point to cultivate our own personal religion, religion will not help you reach a deeper understanding of the truth.
In general, spirituality is about creating your own personal religion, it is filled with people that have forgone religion in favor of their own truth.
There is a subliminal implication in the statement. Religion for many, especially in the western world, implies worship or an externalized perception of God. A kind of dualistic perception of God as if the self is separated from the universal intelligence known as God. In Dharmic religions this is not the whole perception. There is what is called bhakti and shakti. Often this is also referred to as the self and the Self or the truth and the Truth. Then there are spiritual paths that are more philosophical as in Taoism, Tantra, Zen, etc. and mystical paths that parallel religions but focus more upon achieving unity with God through meditation, mantra, yoga etc. So not all paths are religious in the sort of western context. There is not necessarily a practice of worship but there is an emphasis on experiences of unity with God or some concept of universal intelligence or forces. There is not an emphasis on subscription to some sort of organized group but more a lifestyle that is maintained. In the west religion commonly represents the opposite. As in, there is a subscription to a social spiritual group but not a strong dedication to a lifestyle or maintaining a discipline as an individual.
In my opinion, the statement of religion vs. spirituality is a narrow perspective of both concepts, but I understand that people have these perspectives and as far as my personal experience of life it makes little difference what others think or feel about that one way or the other.
It is an interesting topic though thanks for bringing it up.
For me religion and spirituality are very different. I am not religious, for one it has created a huge divide between people and alot of religions promote a very dominant attitude over nature. This attitude has given some people the excuse to start to destroy our environment all because certain gods tell them the world was made for mankind. I am not avoiding religion I just don't believe in it.
I do believe we are all spiritual beings as we are all connected to this great planet and with that we should take responsibility for how we live and find more ways in which to actively look after our home i.e the whole world and every living thing on it. This for me is being spiritual, take up permaculture, connect with your communities, connect with nature. We are not above nature or apart from it, we are it.
Great Content
Spirituality can include religion, but doesn't need to. A spiritual practice is one where we are putting ourselves in good position to better understand our true nature and self, our spiritual side, as opposed to only considering the material side of things.
Many religions have practices or teachings that can produce this type of realization, but that doesn't mean they always produce results. There are many people who are religious, but wouldn't be considered spiritual. Growing up Catholic showed me this quite clearly, I ended up close to atheist for a while before I found my spirituality , my connection to what I would consider the true self, not the ego. Spiritual practice is ALWAYS personal practice, because we can't know someone else's experience completely.
My $0.02