'Spiritual' Things People Do That Are Total Bullshit

in #spirituality8 years ago (edited)

  • Participate in “spiritual” activities to make themselves feel superior to other people.
  • Use “spirituality” as a justification for failing to take responsibility for their actions. ('It is what it is')
  • Adopt new hobbies, interests, and beliefs simply because they’re the latest “spiritual” fad.
  • Judge others for expressing anger or other strong emotions, even when it’s necessary to do so.
  • Use “spirituality” as a justification for excessive drug use.

Read more: http://highexistence.com/10-spiritual-bypassing-things-people-total-bullshit/



yeah funny how trying to reduce belief and be more "real" is one of the slipperiest slopes into an even bigger delusion.

funny how laughing at it is probably the closest I ever came to getting it
thats what I loved about the late Alan Watts