
I missed it on the first 2 plots. Hopefully, next time I'm buying more land soon.

What kind of plot(s) are you looking to buy?

I'm still finding my way around and not really sure at the moment. So, my goal is to start with the cheaper land by purchasing at least 1-2 plots a week. Any suggestions?

It really depends on what resource(s) you want to develop.

I have some Common Natty Plots and if you let me know what you're looking for I can sell them to you

I'm just looking to expand. I will take some off your hands. What do you have in the Shimmering Coasts?

Now I can show you something else cool :)

If you're not using, it's a great site!!

Did you know, you can put anyones @ into the "mycards" url and it will show you their assets?

To see my land, specifically:

I have a Hills or Swamp in Shimmering Coasts I could sell you for like $11 if you want


Wow! Yes, I want it