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RE: Renting Splinterlands Cards Smart and Affordably

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Hi, this is cyberjvh. I'm out of resource credits on cyberjvh and can't reply to you on that account.

Well, the card I just cancelled showed up in my rental history after it expired. But it occurs to me that all the cards in rental history are ordered by the date the rental was started, and the history only shows a limited number of cards from the past. If a rental was started before the oldest rental listing in my rental history, would I be able to see it in my history after it was cancelled? I'm guessing not.

Perhaps the rental history should include separate entries for a rental start and a rental end. So the rental list shows when each rental starts and again when it ends, in chronological order of course with the most recent being at the top.


Ok got it! Yes, you are correct that you won't be able to see it if the rental was started before the oldest rental listing in your history.

Will relay that suggestion to the team. Thank you! :)