Of course I read it. I also am studied enough in European myth to understand the symbolism BEHIND IT. Just like St. Nicholas actually existed long before he was a fairy tale, there is a spiritual reality behind these things. Do you, as a Christian, want anything you do to be represented by a demon? We're not in Dr. Seuss territory here -- on a chain in which people are fighting against child abuse, a child-abusing demon is the choice to try to police people into leaving a certain amount on chain when nobody signed up for that. Literally, nobody was told that coming in. Who made the people who put this together the gods of the chain? And this is where you might want to think about the god of this world, and his need to play God and control everyone around him. OR, let's do it your way: if it is all based on just a fairy tale, why should anyone take it seriously enough to obey KE, if there is nothing to it? But you know better than that...
I am always "rhetorically memorable," on purpose. Tantrums there are none. There is a method to my madness. We are living in a time in which people who name the name of Christ are just fine with being in everyone else's business, wallets, bedrooms, and immigration statuses, but that spirit is NOT OF GOD. "I'm a Christian too" doesn't work here -- go on and read the content of some of these people you are going hard for really closely, and see if you could be in fellowship with them. Go read the content of the cabal folks back a little while and check out what spirit they are of. I have already done my reading back. Look down the comment string ... the veiled threat against me even using Beelzebub's name down there ... if this was just something cute and harmless, you think defenders of this would have gone THAT FAR?
As for following you, don't worry about that. I would not have seen you today except you were reblogged to the top of my feed ... that will not happen tomorrow. Somewhere around the throne of God, Captain, we will meet again in peace.
Until then, cheers.