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RE: Splinterlands - the bot problem in higher leagues.

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Thanks for your opinion as one of the real top players of the game!

Your (different) league idea is very interesting, and I would fully agree with it ... however, one problem would still be to detect the use of bots at all. In chess that is (comparable!) easy if we consider that an average game might consist of 40 moves (from white and black) and certain algorithms are trained to find similiarities between the choices of human players and the suggested moves of well known chess programs. In Splinterlands only one summoner and at maximum six additional cards have to be selected, so that rather often the choices of good human players and strong bots should be similar.
One could try to measure the speed / frequency of building / submitting teams and try some other tricks to detect bots, but I guess it won't be easy, especially as human operators still can enter the teams manually ...

I am curious if there will be a clever way to detect bots or to implement insuperable hurdles for bots in the human league in future.