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RE: Announcing the New Chaos Legion Reward Cards

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

New abilities sound awesome. 43 cards is a TON of cards and should be fun.
I do worry that because of such a huge diversity it will take AGES to get any one of the 43 up to a level it can be played for most all of us.

Are you still considering the idea of burning vouchers or DEC in order to specify a card in each rarity a player would like to focus on. It could last just for a few days... helps us at least focus and get 4 cards up to a place where we could play them in higher leagues... then we move on to the next. It is a super use for vouchers and dec.


This is a great idea. How about an SPS Proposal for this?

I wouldn't mind paying for a proposal for this but would need @yabapmatt or @cryptomancer or Nate to let me know if it's even something possible... also Nate really loved the idea on a town hall so maybe a proposal isn't needed and they're already thinking about it?

Not entirely sure what the drawbacks would be ... i guess it depends on if they have a print run size or it's gonna be a length of time.

!CTPThe drawbacks would likely be countered by the DEC burn if the cost was adjusted based on the demand for that specific Card. It is best to wait to get a response from @yabapmatt or @cryptomancer before making a proposal.

The down side it very powerful cards (which there always is) will be focused on and have relatively higher print numbers and there will be a supply imbalance.

That being said with them axing all in print reward cards rather then allow them to finish they have knowingly done the exact same thing.

Rather then DEC burn what about burn 3 cards of same rarity for 2 random cards of same rarity? This would likely be too expensive for profiteering but allow me to get rid of all the life cards I don't want as I don't even have a life summoner for example, and speed up leveling the cards I do want.

This is a super idea imho. 👏

It could be a huge opportunity. Maybe instead of pick one of each rarity a voucher per each rarity focus per X days. If they don't choose a rarity focus then when that rarity comes along they get the randomness.

Is this doable? Do we need a vote? If it's not doable let us know.

I don't think they should say otherwise it doesn't remove the bot issue so much because the bots would simply collect a bunch of cards again to sell. Sure the DEC or Voucher burn would help a little in terms of giving the cards some value on the market.

Huh?... i don't see how bot discussion applies to what i'm saying at all. Were you meaning to be responding to someone else? I can clarify the idea if you want... but has nothing to do with getting more or less cards... just lets a person get a couple cards up to a usable level instead of 43 cards never to a place where they can use them. This will be of interest for players who play at higher ranks. It is likely the investment will far outweigh the market value when they are unlockable some day.

it will take AGES to get any one of the 43 up to a level it can be played for most all of us.

Are you sure about that? Multiple cards per chest in the higher leagues means leveling up should happen fairly quickly Especially for commons and rares.

Yeah i actually don't know how long it will take because not exactly sure how many will be distributed at the higher leagues. But spreading them among 43 is a LOT. That's a bigger set than riftwatchers or dice. 15 commons at 400 to max them is a LOT of total cards. So yeah they can push out a bunch of these with multipliers OR they can let some of us burn some vouchers so we can have a couple usable cards before the year mark. And remember some day they will be sellable so it would be nice to not create way too many of them by simply increasing the multiples.

I like your idea, but there are consequences. It might cause some cards to go out of print faster than they would only by RNG chance, leaving an uneven distribution among players. If some Champion players decide to speculate on what cards could have long term value, they could focus on those cards only and print those like crazy as a long term speculative play. I don't think some players would necessarily focus on having a complete deck, but rather what cards have the best resale value down the line and try to hoard as much supply of that card as possible, even if they already have a max copy.

yes if they have a card number limit then some cooler cards may run out sooner like maybe 1.5yrs instead of 2yrs and maybe they replace those with other cool cards. Not bad.

Or they have a time limit then maybe those cooler cards have more printed ... but at the benefit of us having a lot of vouchers printed.

One of the interesting parts is that if someone starts to focus on a card in a rarity and gets it to the level they want they start to get addicted to it because then maybe they want to make sure they don't get too many more of that cards because that won't help them build up their other cards. So it is almost a 2yr long voucher sink system once you start. hahaha (Assuming this is your personality style and you have some vouchers burning a hole in your wallet)

Since Soulbound reward cards aren't Soulbound forever, it's not a bad strategy to go after really broken cards and just go after them only until they go out of print. If a reward card is as game breaking as Quora Towershead or Dr Blight, I would go after that reward card only. My guess is if other people see that card getting printed like crazy, they would also FOMO and start going after that reward card too which would just amplify the herd effect. After that card goes out of print, the herd effect would happen again to the next most overpowered card. I'm just guessing though.

Not the last townhall but the one previous I am pretty certain Aggy said he was completely against being able to focus a particular card.

He answered my question i do remember it... he said that he wasn't too interested and then NATE immediately piped up and said how much he liked the idea and aggroed seemed to perk up a bit on it. I think we all know @aggroed loves ideas for sinks for tokens specially if there is an idea for voucher use... i am sure he'll come around. We don't have an idea of where @yabapmatt stands.

I'm still interested if it's even technically possible and how big of a job it would be. If it's not possible then i guess i'll give up the pursuit.

I love the idea of being able to target a card. I do not have a light deck so if I could avoid earning light splinter cards for as long as possible that would be just fine with me. Also I love everything you are doing with the PKM token and ecosystem so please keep it up.