Announcing the New Chaos Legion Reward Cards

The Splinterlands team is excited to announce a set of 43 new Chaos Legion reward cards that are expected to be coming to loot chests near you before the month is out! As you probably already know from discussions on the town hall events, these new reward cards will be soulbound - meaning they will not be able to be transferred, rented/delegated, burned, or sold until the cards go out of print (more on that later).

The shift to soulbound reward cards is a key piece of the overall goal of making the game more engaging for players and encouraging players to focus on growing their accounts over the long term rather than just farming rewards in the short term. We believe that it is extremely important to have certain things that are ONLY able to be obtained through gameplay, and not just purchased off of the market, which increases the value of playing ranked battles, moving up to higher leagues, and most importantly - combining cards.

The fact that these reward cards will eventually become transferrable means that players will still be able to realize their value in the future, so this can also be viewed as a kind of long-term NFT staking.

Loot Chests

The new soulbound reward cards are currently planned to be release on Tuesday, January 31st, 2023, in the normal maintenance window which will be shortly after the end of the current ranked play season.

As soon as the new reward cards are released they will replace the old reward cards in new loot chests. This means that the old reward cards will stop being minted, even though many of them are still well under their initially planned print limit.

Please note that season reward chests earned from the current season and earlier will still contain the old reward cards, and only chests earned after the new reward cards are added will contain the new ones, so players don't need to wait to open their season chests on the 31st as they will all still contain the old reward cards no matter when they are opened.

The new reward cards will also have some additional changes to how they are distributed via the loot chests. First and foremost, the option for players to use Legendary and Alchemy potions to increase their chances of getting better rarity and gold foil reward cards when opening loot chests will be re-enabled. Additionally, Legendary potions used for opening loot chests will now also double the chances of receiving Epic rarity cards as well as Legendary rarity cards! Note that this change to Legendary potions will only apply to opening loot chests. No changes will be made for pack opening.

This option will be enabled by default for all users once the new reward cards are released, and can be disabled via the settings page under each player's account profile on the Splinterlands website. We look forward to this change making potions much more valuable and exciting to get in loot chests, especially for players who don't typically open packs.

The second change to how the new reward cards will be distributed in loot chests is that a single loot chest may now contain multiple of the same reward card! Higher tier loot chests will not only have higher chances of getting higher rarity and gold foil cards, but they will now also have higher chances of getting more copies of each card in each chest. At the highest chest tiers, it is possible to get multiple Legendary or even gold foil cards in a single chest.

The percent chances of getting a card of each rarity or a gold foil card (without potions) in each chest tier is shown in the table below. Please note that the use of Legendary potions will double the chances shown in the table below for each chest tier of getting both Legendary and Epic rarity cards while reducing the chance of getting a Common rarity card by the same amount. Alchemy potions will similarly double the chances shown in the table below for each chest tier of receiving a Gold Foil version of the card.

Please also note that Legendary and/or Alchemy potion charges will only be used when opening a loot chest that is randomly determined to contain reward cards, and only one charge will be used per chest. Additionally, the determination of rarity and foil for reward cards received from loot chests will happen before the quantity of the card in the chest is determined. This means that in the higher chest tiers, a single Legendary or Alchemy potion charge may lead to multiple of the same Epic, Legendary, and/or Gold Foil card in a single chest - giving even a bit more value to the potions than they had in the past.

Chest TierLegendaryEpicRareCommonGold Foil

Additionally, the chances of receiving a specific type of item in each tier of loot chest will be changing a bit with this update, and the new numbers are shown below:

LeagueReward CardMeritsSPSPackPotion

Soulbound Cards

As mentioned at the start of the post, all of the cards in the new reward card edition will be soulbound, meaning they are tied to the account in which they are received and cannot be transferred, rented/delegated, burned, or sold.

We also intend for the cards to be able to become unbound - meaning they will be able to be transferred, rented, burned, or sold - once they stop being available in loot chests, by infusing them with DEC. We estimate that roughly 1 - 2 years out from this initial release of soulbound reward cards that are associated with the Chaos Legion set we will release a new set of soulbound reward cards that will be associated with the Rebellion set.

At that point, the current set of soulbound reward cards will no longer be available in loot chests, having been replaced by the new set, and the old set will then be able to become unbound by staking DEC into the cards, a portion of which can then be reclaimed later by burning them.

Card Stats & New Abilities

Please note that the exact details of each card will be available on a QA server for playtesting roughly one week ahead of the planned release, and that all stats and other details of the cards in the set and the new abilities are subject to change at any time before the release date.

The new set of soulbound reward cards is planned to contain a total of 43 cards with the following breakdown of type, element, and rarity:

  • 37 Monster cards
  • 6 Summoner cards (one from each element except Neutral)
  • 12 Legendary cards (two from each basic element, one Dragon, and one Neutral)
  • 7 Epic cards (one from each element)
  • 12 Rare cards (two from each basic element, one Dragon, and one Neutral)
  • 12 Common cards (two from each basic element and two Neutral)


Conscript is a new ability which will be available on Summoners only, and when a Summoner with the Conscript ability is chosen, it will allow the player to use one more Gladiator card in the battle than normal. This means that Gladiator cards will now be able to be played outside of brawls, including in ranked and tournament battles! The way that the ability is worded also indicates that in Guild Brawl battles, using a Summoner with the Conscript ability will allow two Gladiator cards to be used instead of one.

We additionally plan to add a Conscript ruleset in the future which allows both players to play an additional Gladiator card in the battle. That means that in a Guild Brawl battle with the Conscript ruleset, if a player also uses a Conscript Summoner then they will be able to use three different Gladiator cards in that battle!

Before the complaints start coming in that using Gladiator cards outside of Guild Brawl battles is too OP, please keep in mind that the mana cost of the Summoners with the Conscript ability is designed to mitigate that.

The Summoner cards in the new soulbound reward set are planned to all be Rare, 6 mana, and include one lower-value stat buff or debuff along with the new Conscript ability. A Summoner with a lower-value stat buff or debuff typically costs 3 mana, so an extra 3 mana is required to be spent to use the Conscript ability, which we feel adequately mitigates the increased value of the Gladiator cards and gives players an interesting new choice when choosing Summoners.

We feel that the Conscript ability fits nicely with the overall goal of the soulbound reward cards - namely, encouraging and rewarding players for participating in the game and building up their account over time - and we look forward to the new Summoners and future ruleset increasing the value of Gladiator cards in the game and therefore the value of Guild Brawls and Merits as well.


When a character with the Martyr ability dies in a battle, it gives adjacent characters +1 to all stats. This ability will put increased importance on positioning of characters on the battlefield, as its full effect will not be captured if it is in the first or last position when it dies, and it's also important that the intended characters are adjacent to it when it dies to receive the buff.

The Martyr ability may also pair very nicely with the Resurrect ability, since when a card with Martyr is Resurrected, it can then apply the Martyr buff again the next time it dies.

The Martyr effect is very similar to the Bloodlust effect (+1 to all stats), so for consistency we will also be making the following two modifications to the Bloodlust ability, both of which will apply to Martyr as well:

  1. The Bloodlust effect will be removed when hit by a character with the Dispel ability
  2. The Bloodlust effect will always give +1 Speed, even in the Reverse Speed ruleset. This is something players will have to take into account when using a Bloodlust character in that ruleset.

Weapons Training

Like Martyr, the Weapons Training ability also affects adjacent characters and therefore is also heavily dependent on positioning. A character with the Weapons Training ability will "train" any adjacent characters with no attack, thereby giving them an attack of the same type as the character with the Weapons Training ability. The amount of attack that the Weapons Training ability gives to adjacent, no-attack characters, is still TBD based on initial play testing.

For example, a character with Ranged attack and Weapons Training will grant a Ranged attack to characters adjacent to it that have no attack themselves. Additionally, if two characters with the Weapons Training ability and different attack types are on either side of a character with no attack, then that character will gain BOTH attacks. If the characters with Weapons Training on either side of a character with no attack have the same attack type, then that character will gain the higher of the two attacks.

If a character with Weapons Training dies, then any adjacent characters with no attack will lose the Weapons Training effect and will no longer be able to attack, and similarly if a character with Weapons Training becomes adjacent to a character with no attack at any point in the course of the battle the Weapons Training effect will be applied at that time.

Characters with no base attack that are affected by the Weapons Training buff will also be affected by other effects that modify attacks such as Inspire, Headwinds, Summoner effects, etc, but they will still be considered as having no attack when it comes to being affected by the Oppress ability, which will still do double damage to them.

Additional Comments

The new set of soulbound reward cards is planned to contain 6 cards with the new Weapons Training ability - one Legendary rarity card from each element (not including Neutral). Two of those will have Melee attack, two will have Ranged attack, and two will have Magic attack. We realize that the Weapons Training ability is more or less powerful when paired with the different attack types, and we have done our best to take that into account when designing these cards.

Additionally, it is planned that each of the 7 Epic rarity cards in the new set will have no attacks, allowing them to pair well with the new Weapons Trainer cards.

Finally, we want to note that two abilities in particular, that have been relatively under-powered in the past, are likely to be given new life with the changes in the meta that we might expect from the new set of reward cards. These abilities are Oppress and Dispel, both of which will feature relatively heavily with the new soulbound reward cards.

We expect that the Weapons Training ability will bring no-attack cards more into the forefront, thereby making the Oppress ability more valuable as a counter, since, as mentioned above, no-attack cards will still be affected by the Oppress ability even if they have an attack as a result of the Weapons Training effect.

As for the Dispel ability, we want to note that it will remove both the Weapons Training effect, the Martyr effect, and also the Bloodlust effect from characters hit with an attack from a character with Dispel, making it now a counter to three additional strong abilities.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Splinterlands!

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NOTE: All rewards from this post will go to the SPS DAO.

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New abilities sound awesome. 43 cards is a TON of cards and should be fun.
I do worry that because of such a huge diversity it will take AGES to get any one of the 43 up to a level it can be played for most all of us.

Are you still considering the idea of burning vouchers or DEC in order to specify a card in each rarity a player would like to focus on. It could last just for a few days... helps us at least focus and get 4 cards up to a place where we could play them in higher leagues... then we move on to the next. It is a super use for vouchers and dec.

This is a great idea. How about an SPS Proposal for this?

I wouldn't mind paying for a proposal for this but would need @yabapmatt or @cryptomancer or Nate to let me know if it's even something possible... also Nate really loved the idea on a town hall so maybe a proposal isn't needed and they're already thinking about it?

Not entirely sure what the drawbacks would be ... i guess it depends on if they have a print run size or it's gonna be a length of time.

The drawbacks would likely be countered by the DEC burn if the cost was adjusted based on the demand for that specific Card. It is best to wait to get a response from @yabapmatt or @cryptomancer before making a proposal.

The down side it very powerful cards (which there always is) will be focused on and have relatively higher print numbers and there will be a supply imbalance.

That being said with them axing all in print reward cards rather then allow them to finish they have knowingly done the exact same thing.

Rather then DEC burn what about burn 3 cards of same rarity for 2 random cards of same rarity? This would likely be too expensive for profiteering but allow me to get rid of all the life cards I don't want as I don't even have a life summoner for example, and speed up leveling the cards I do want.

This is a super idea imho. 👏

It could be a huge opportunity. Maybe instead of pick one of each rarity a voucher per each rarity focus per X days. If they don't choose a rarity focus then when that rarity comes along they get the randomness.

Is this doable? Do we need a vote? If it's not doable let us know.

I don't think they should say otherwise it doesn't remove the bot issue so much because the bots would simply collect a bunch of cards again to sell. Sure the DEC or Voucher burn would help a little in terms of giving the cards some value on the market.

Huh?... i don't see how bot discussion applies to what i'm saying at all. Were you meaning to be responding to someone else? I can clarify the idea if you want... but has nothing to do with getting more or less cards... just lets a person get a couple cards up to a usable level instead of 43 cards never to a place where they can use them. This will be of interest for players who play at higher ranks. It is likely the investment will far outweigh the market value when they are unlockable some day.

it will take AGES to get any one of the 43 up to a level it can be played for most all of us.

Are you sure about that? Multiple cards per chest in the higher leagues means leveling up should happen fairly quickly Especially for commons and rares.

Yeah i actually don't know how long it will take because not exactly sure how many will be distributed at the higher leagues. But spreading them among 43 is a LOT. That's a bigger set than riftwatchers or dice. 15 commons at 400 to max them is a LOT of total cards. So yeah they can push out a bunch of these with multipliers OR they can let some of us burn some vouchers so we can have a couple usable cards before the year mark. And remember some day they will be sellable so it would be nice to not create way too many of them by simply increasing the multiples.

I like your idea, but there are consequences. It might cause some cards to go out of print faster than they would only by RNG chance, leaving an uneven distribution among players. If some Champion players decide to speculate on what cards could have long term value, they could focus on those cards only and print those like crazy as a long term speculative play. I don't think some players would necessarily focus on having a complete deck, but rather what cards have the best resale value down the line and try to hoard as much supply of that card as possible, even if they already have a max copy.

yes if they have a card number limit then some cooler cards may run out sooner like maybe 1.5yrs instead of 2yrs and maybe they replace those with other cool cards. Not bad.

Or they have a time limit then maybe those cooler cards have more printed ... but at the benefit of us having a lot of vouchers printed.

One of the interesting parts is that if someone starts to focus on a card in a rarity and gets it to the level they want they start to get addicted to it because then maybe they want to make sure they don't get too many more of that cards because that won't help them build up their other cards. So it is almost a 2yr long voucher sink system once you start. hahaha (Assuming this is your personality style and you have some vouchers burning a hole in your wallet)

Since Soulbound reward cards aren't Soulbound forever, it's not a bad strategy to go after really broken cards and just go after them only until they go out of print. If a reward card is as game breaking as Quora Towershead or Dr Blight, I would go after that reward card only. My guess is if other people see that card getting printed like crazy, they would also FOMO and start going after that reward card too which would just amplify the herd effect. After that card goes out of print, the herd effect would happen again to the next most overpowered card. I'm just guessing though.

Not the last townhall but the one previous I am pretty certain Aggy said he was completely against being able to focus a particular card.

He answered my question i do remember it... he said that he wasn't too interested and then NATE immediately piped up and said how much he liked the idea and aggroed seemed to perk up a bit on it. I think we all know @aggroed loves ideas for sinks for tokens specially if there is an idea for voucher use... i am sure he'll come around. We don't have an idea of where @yabapmatt stands.

I'm still interested if it's even technically possible and how big of a job it would be. If it's not possible then i guess i'll give up the pursuit.

I love the idea of being able to target a card. I do not have a light deck so if I could avoid earning light splinter cards for as long as possible that would be just fine with me. Also I love everything you are doing with the PKM token and ecosystem so please keep it up.

I would appreciate if it was possible to convert x soulbound RF reward cards into y souldbound GF reward cards of the same type.

That would prevent to force a player to have two different versions of the same card.
My account for example is completely designed as GF account, and I only play in GF frays in brawls etc. What to do then with soulbound RF reward cards?

This would be a good idea.
Also I would appreciate if you could converst a legendary in a golfoil-potion or back, it is not nice if you have a lot from one potiont type but it miss you the other potion type.

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I'm excited!

Me too except for the nerf on Grum in reverse speed ruleset

Once these updates are released, it will be a big change to the game in many aspects.

  • The card value including reward cards will be increased. I already saw the CL reward card price start increasing these days
  • Game meta will definitely change with new abilities
  • It pushes players to play more ranked battles (or may not) 😁
  • Potions have more value than ever

Please add more if you have any more idea about what will be impacted by these changes.

Woohoo, the DAO as beneficiary!. This is huge, c'mon people let's upvote this, btw I like that idea of soulbound summoners, the nerf for gladiators though seems excessive 😅

New cards and abilities are always fun but I'm still not a fan of soul bound rewards.

I'd like the idea of being able to summon Gladius cards a lot more if I actually had some of them leveled to at least max bronze but after over a year of playing in every single brawl, the most I have is some level 2 and I still don't even own a full set.

The potions idea for better card drop rates is nice but I'm not a fan of how many potions that's going to use and now having to buy potions just to keep up.

Also not a fan of the drop rate for packs being nerfed for Silver.

Seems more like another barrier for lower league players with a side of money grab and without any implement to handle upcoming smurfing/card advantage. I guess we'll see...

Also not a fan of the drop rate for packs being nerfed for Silver.

It was already low, and they made it even worse. They turn this game into the game of the rich. Very sad to see this. I bought the Beta starter set on 2018.12.30. Splinterlands was one of my favorite games in/around 2019. It was good for everyone. Nowadays it is good only for the rich. Pay-to-win. Pure business. It is too hard to play. Frustratingly hard. This is why nowadays I rarely play it. So I still play it, but very rarely.

Yeah, I was big fan for quite a while as well but they've ignored so many things that are wrong with the game, while continuously nerfing rewards and creating new ways for them to monetize everything they can, that it's hard for me to get excited about anything anymore.

I've met a lot of really cool people in my time playing but the majority of them have either turned to botting full-time and are rarely around anymore, or else they've left the game completely.


I used to dislike the Soulbound idea until the announcement that they will be unlocked in the future. I'm still not feeling that positive about having to infuse these Cards with DEC. I would have preferred to have them automatically unlocked once out of print.

I was hoping 100% of the DEC from unbounding would get burned but it looks like that's not the case.

Nevertheless, the DEC is taken out of circulation which is functionally similar to getting burned.

Oh wow.. I don't know how but I totally missed that part about "infusing" them with DEC. I don't like that at all. Even the way they word that whole section is awful. Just call it what it is. Another payment.

It's like you earn the card but then you still have to pay for it to actually own or do what you want with it. That seems like the exact opposite of the whole decentralized thing they always talk about.

Money grab after money grab after money grab


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @torran

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The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Weapons Training on Lord Arianthus, that'll be just fine.

This is a huge change to the game. Making things exciting.Not sure if we discourage or encourage botting with this update but we definitely discourage bot farms.

Scholar accounts
This update might have an adverse effect on one important part of the game i.e. Scholar accounts. Being a scholar for more than 3 years, it definitely impacts me. A bit of thinking needs to be done on how we can retain scholar programs in the game.

May be, like we have SPS rewards staked to accounts and we have provision to share the rewards between multiple accounts. Similar provision can be made for soul bound reward cards. One can have a claim button and that will split the cards to multiple accounts based on a pre-decided percentage. That will tie the reward cards to the respective accounts.

Card combining
Another suggestion was that we reward the card combine activity by increasing the burn value of a combined card. Lets say
3% increase in burn value by combining them to bronze league level
7% increase in burn value by combining them to silver league level
11% for gold
17% for diamond
23% for champion

This encourages card combining. And if people want to combine the cards to earn more dec by burning them then that is fine too. Because it reduces the card supply which still increases scarcity.

This is such an amazing update, wow.

Looks like great changes! Getting more than 1 card in a single chest is gonna be key, if anyone wants to ever max out cards that can't be traded.

Such a dumb move, just made the game pay to play as tiny amounts of staked sps do not constitute rewards. Will be starting to sell bits off as no chance of growth/new players now.

I agree as a relatively old Splinterlands player. I bought the Beta starter set on 2018.12.30. Splinterlands was very good for everyone in/around 2019. Nowadays it is good only for the rich. Pay-to-win. Pure business. Too frustrating to play. This is why nowadays I very rarely play Splinterlands. And the developers probably intentionally made Splinterlands pay-to-win.

All the owners care about is screwing as much cash out of the game as they can, ive played for a year and a bit and the game is boring now, in that time there has been no game development but they have screwed with the tokenomics constantly.

``At the highest chest tiers, it is possible to get multiple Legendary or even gold foil cards in a single chest.´´

do i understand this correctly, bonze, silver and gold have 0 chance on it?
the leagues must then buy after the pressure from the top. that means the rewards are increased again at the top.

i like best that dispell finally becomes a useful skill

do i understand this correctly, bonze, silver and gold have 0 chance on it?
the leagues must then buy after the pressure from the top. that means the rewards are increased again at the top.

Yes. And they even decreased the rewards for the lower (Silver) leagues. Good for the rich. Not for everyone. And certainly not for the poor players. It is less and less encouragung to play in the lower leagues. It is like as if the game would force the players to invest money into the game, but not everyone can invest money into the game. Splinterlands nowadays is rather the game of the rich. Splinterlands was good for everyone in the past. Especially in/around 2019. It was one of my favorite games. I bought the Beta starter set on 2018.12.30. Nowadays I very rarely play it, because it is too hard. Too frustrating. Pay-to-win.

End of an era

I completely agree. The end of Splinterlands being good for everyone. I bought the Beta starter set on 2018.12.30. Splinterlands was very good for everyone in/around 2019. It was one of my favorite games. The developers slowly turned Splinterlands into a frustrating pay-to-win game. Nowadays it is rather the game of the rich.

When will we know how many cards can come in each chest?

Love the new abilities.
Sadly the market will be new reward card can be sold atm.

(12x400)+(12x115)+(7x46)+(12x11) = 6634
Total chests you need to open in able to max everything(assuming you get 1 of each in a chests, no merits nor potions).
Assume your average chest per day is 10 and 60 for season rewards.
(365x10) + (60x24) = 5090.
You can get 5090 cards a year(assuming you can only get cards), almost 1.6k short. The only thing to have a max card fast is to use alchemy potion and get GF.

So the 1-2years of soulbound cardS not being traded/burn/delegate is true.

That's rough. Really puts things in perspective though. I just did the math on my rewards after this past EOS because I wanted to figure out how long it's been since I pulled a Legendary reward card. My last Legendary pull was mid-May 2022 and I've earn just over 3000 reward chests since then so I'd say your math is pretty close.


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Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @dagz

remaining commands 2


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Very cool. I'm glad that we'll have an opportunity to buy and sell these after they go out of print. It's still a deterrent for bots farming rewards especially with the way they'll have to stake DEC into the cards.
Very clever and kudos to whoever came up with it.

Great so the higher lvl bot accounts in diamond and champ will lower their rental expenses over time now, top tier idea :)

Not a fan of anything soulbound. Kind of destroys the idea behind player ownership and makes it less appealing. But I am neither a whale not a developer, just some random player that devotes his time and money towards this game.

Glad I don't have to do that anymore.

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Wow! This is gonna be big!

Great update, looking forward to it!

Thanks for this! Lots of great info here! Do you also have a rarity table that breaks down the % of multiple cards in a particular chest?

That's awesome! I basically love everything written in the article!


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New cards, new abilities and the incredible way of new strategies.

This is fantastic.

I read with pleasure until you touched me the Bloodlust skill, I don't see well that dispel removed it completely, at most it should lower a level of Bloodlust if it is activated, but to remove it completely I don't see it well, and to cancel it in the reverse speed rule, it seems to me a measure that discredits the skill, it is as if it did not serve in that ruleset, and there it is well used, especially with Grum.

very good, big updates for new players get more interested 😁

The Bloodlust effect will always give +1 Speed, even in the Reverse Speed ruleset.
Well that just sounds like last man standing with extra steps.

this is a great move by the dev team

Dispelling bloodlust is overdue. What about Dispel also dispelling the effect of Last Stand? I'm thinking that would be good for balance too.

I'm all for this except nerfing Grum. He's bad ass in reverse speed rulesets

I like this update except for the fact that my favorite splinter JARED SCAR is gonna be nerfed bcoz of the bloodlust changes! #justice4jaredscar

I have always believed Portions will gain more usage, am glad the time has come. Exciting update!

What happens to the Pack % in the loot table once all the packs are sold/burned?

they will replace the old reward cards in new loot chests. This means that the old reward cards will stop being minted, even though many of them are still well under their initially planned print limit.

That is a huge change

Wow. THis reallyputs the economy on a much more sustainable path going forward. I really love that the DEC infused in a card to release it will be higher than the burn value.

I also really like the potions getting some value and maybe even burning enough of them to make people buy more. I really was hoping that it would be a different potion for increasing the possibility for higher quantities of cards and that the potion would only be available as a battlepass reward but with battlepass probably a long way off, I get that its not practical to wait.

Great job! I can't wait to stack these cards.

Wow! what good news! Let's shake up the game!

@tipu curate

Solid way to make Grum totally trash now. Now a fan

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This is excellent.

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Wow! The new abilities are not easy to digest. I need to see them in action to understand how they work. I love how the Gladiator cards will be introduced in ranked and tournament battles. I also love how you will increase the value of both Guild Brawls and Merits. Thank you!

Que ótimo, é bom sempre ter novidades 😃
Que venha os novos cartões.

I love the fact that Dispel is getting more buffs. Dispel is one of the most useless ability in the game because of how very little it can affect.

I also hope to see the soul bounded Reward cards to not be affected by the rewards penalty meaning if we use a level 1 common soul bound rewards in a silver or gold match, there will be no afffect in the won rewards. Teh reasons are:
#1 We have no control of getting or renting the soul bounded rewards.
#2 Leveling up the soul bounded rewards takes time since you need to pray to rng gods to get the same cards over and over. so getting 60 copies of common reward cards is a big step if I want to play a level 5 for a silver/gold league.

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