Splinterlands Town Hall May 23, 2022

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)


Splinterlands Town Hall (AMA) Summary for May 23, 2022

*Please note: I cover as much as I can of the summary as a record of the conversation. I do not provide my opinion but actual conversation that occurs during the Town Hall/AMA. This summary will have questions provided from the Discord and the answers given by the various Splinterlands' team will be typed by me. Please forgive any typos or errors; some may be from Discord or some may be my own.

Founders Begin the Town Hall (formerly AMA)
Today's Town Hall included: @aggroed, @yabapmatt and @hardpoint

If you wish to contact the team, here's some of the personnel:

(VP of Engineering)

Chatter (Director of Marketing)
Aggroed @aggroed Founder and (C.E.O) Matt @yabapmatt Founder and (C.P.O.) Hardpoint @hardpoint (C.T.O.) (Chief Technical Officer) Nate @nateaguila (Creative Director) Cryptomancer @cryptomancer (Splinterlands Developer) Homestead @homesteadhacker (Business Analyst)



  • This is how the future of the game is going to run

  • Splintershards token, independently run and validated all around the world, a consensus system similar to the Hive blockchains where players with staked SPS tokens can vote on a proposal system where anyone in the community can propose changes that they want or use of those funds and then if the vote is passed then the votes get sent to where they go and the validators kind of make that happen.

  • It's a huge step and kind of one of the first of its kind and would give all the control of the SPS initially and the first phase of that is starting on Wednesday and a license sale.

  • I hesitate to say we're doing the license sale, the SPS foundation or DAO is offering these licenses or people who run the software are earning these tokens and vouchers for running it. None of the sales from these license sales are going to the company. 80% will be burned and 20% will go back into the DAO and all the vouchers will burned as well. It's beneficial buying the licenses and will also be NFTS to be sold, so you can resell it. It's also beneficial as an SPS token holder, the more SPS there are the more taken out.

  • The licenses provide incentive from SPS votes. That doesn't matter they can still have license from the software and really distribute.

  • Aggroed's Questions to Matt: Why aren't we doing Proof of Work? And tell us how they work. If I'm not in the top 20 can I still run a node? Can you talk about some of the choices we made?

    • Proof of work -- it wouldn't work with this system because you need to give all or a fast majority to the miners to run the hardware and electricity costs. In proof of work you don't have reward pools. In a delegated proof of stake system then you only need a small amount to run the system because it doesn't have very high cost to do it. As far as what's required, we're still in the process of building it out. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible. Initially it's going to need someone who a little technical saavy. Again, you're going to want this on a computer or server running 24 / 7 because you'll miss out on rewards. We're going to make it as easy as we can to set it up. It's also not one license per server. You can hold multiple licenses on one Splinterlands' account. If people want to set up pools, if someone is running the software, but then it's up to each individual pool, how they want to set it up. For each license you'll be able to earn a certain number of SPS and that will be directly given out to the account.
  • How much SPS will be earned?

    • The total amount 3.25 million a month. (3.75 totally and 10% going to elected validators). You can have people with staked SPS vote for you, and then you can participate in the delegated staked system and participate in that. Separately, if you just purchased one of these licenses and you're running that license you can earn from the pool.
  • What's the general pace of earning?

    • That amount split among all the active licenses in the system. The total pool will be split among the licenses. The idea is as more licenses are sold, more SPS is earn and the price will increase to offset the competition.
  • In the Hive system everyone gets paid the equal amount

    • The more staked SPS voting on you, the more you will earn. Now obviously, none of these things are set in stone so it's important to understand that's one of the purposes of the proposal and the governance system and after that it will up to the community to decide.
  • What of this part is the most exciting?

    • I think the most exciting thing is just simply that this will be the first time we really allow anyone to participate in validating the system and running the software which is the goal. This will be the first step in making it open and available to everyone. For whatever reason our company wasn't here, this could all continue to run, it's not dependent on us. This will be the first set and once the validators are out and run by people all around the world, as long as people still want to run this code, it will continue.
  • Do you see this as an opportunity for the community to chime in?

    • It's the whole idea. It's open-sourced so not just to run it but to contribute it and potentially to fork it, if someone wants the Splinterlands game especially if they want to change the game and get the vote and I feel like that's the key to having healthy innovation in the project.
  • In just a little bit less than 48 hours I have to spend vouchers and SPS to get a node. And at some point you'll release code that I can run on my own server and it shouldn't be that hard to run, but I will run a portion of Splinterlands and I can earn from that, I can receive rewards by keeping the servers running and possibility help code and recruit players. Or I have earning potential just by running the software and I help keep Splinterlands decentralized and this will be us participating in the first decentralized game.

  • We wanted to give this opportunity to our player base to get in before those (people have expressed desire of purchasing over 1 million dollars worth of staked SPS into this game). They have to have vouchers and SPS to purchase these validators. They have to wait until the community has had a chance to purchase it.

  • You can only buy one at a time on the presale. We think it will sell out pretty quickly but the total dollar amount is much higher and so everyone should have a reasonable chance to get their licenses and so there's gonna be a bunch of restrictions to get their shot. And after that, everyone will have that chance in one go.

  • What are the payment options?

    • Can't use Eth, PayPal, etc. This is not through our company. This is all through the DAO. We're just doing the software in setting up. This is through SPS and vouchers so people will need to get that off the market. We will offer to help out people who are having difficulty to getting SPS, but everyone will need SPS tokens and send it into their game wallet and purchase on the site.
  • When we sold land it was just an idea and we had made zero progress on it but this is different right? We've made some progress on the validators itself? Where are we with the validators?

    • It's all built and working and we're running it and internal testing and looking for all the things we missed any bugs or issues. We're getting close to the end, just a couple issues. We will run it by the new validator code and players shouldn't notice any change and we'll be able to test the code in our live production environment. After that we'll allow others to run it along side of us to make sure it's working and then depending up on how that goes then it goes live to everyone who's running the software will be running a copy of the software itself.
    • My hope is to actually be done before Q4, maybe by the end of Q3 but I don't want to promise that because we've never done this before but it's looking pretty good there.
  • Anything we missed?

    • The main thing is it's your chance to participate in running this whole game and ecosystem. It's your chance to be involved in a real decentralized manner.
  • We're running like 45 servers. Do you see a day where every single process is run by the community and be decentralized?

    • That's my goal. It's not so much that we won't run things but it's that other people can run that too. So it's sort of like on the Hive blockchain, like PeakD, Hive.Blog, Leo Finance, ultimately it would be a goal that anyone can spin a Splinterlands front end so it wouldn't be dependent on us. That would open it up again so people could make tweaks and changes and so if they make a better front end then people might switch their front end so then we would adjust and change to their front end. The possibilities are something to think about.
    • In the shorter term when these SPS validators are out it won't be hard to add on the SPS governance system and that's when the SPS tokens will get a lot of value and utility. That's when we turn things over to the community. This is community ownership over the entire ecosystem.
  • What's the closest to seeing someone decentralizing the shit out of all of this?

    • A lot of them have similar concepts. I haven't seen them get there yet. I think our validator nodes should be in production by the end of the year which is a big step further than any other although I've seen Gala trying to get there though I haven't played it. We're all working towards the same goal and we might take ideas from other projects like Gala and others might take our ideas but we all have the same goal.
  • We get a lot more fine control when we are able to stake on players. How does the timing of that look? That's in the white paper.

    • It's not directly tied to the validator nodes. That could have been run on the code we're running ourselves but now it will be run with everyone that will be running the code. Now that will come out later now when we get the nodes running. Partially we're waiting for the SPS drop is done and we also are waiting for the validators to be done so we don't need to code it twice. We'll have guild brawls, lands, liquidity rewards.
  • Anything else I missed?

    • I think we covered everything. Obviously there's more information in the post we did. If you want more details check out that post.

NOTE: It was asked in chat to Matt Rosen : Do you guys ever plan to leave Splinterlands? Matt's response:

"no, definitely not...but it is important that we build a good team so that it wouldn't be a problem if we did leave or if something were to happen to us"


Hardpoint and Discussion of RoadMap

  • Our goal is to push out the roadmap monthly. I'm still working on getting the details to get the roadmap out there to get more details to you guys.
  • It's the Summer of Splinterlands. All the trains are up and reading to go. We don't want to throw everything out at once because then it adds to the complexity and the ability to monitor things. We're really excited for the next couple of months, next couple of weeks are so exciting!
  • There is a point where we have too many people working on a project and we have to spread out the resources on things. As much as people would like everyone to work on land, there's a sequence of how this should work. We see land as an expansion that eclipses the entire structure of Splinterlands so these projects are the precursor to land phase 1. We're really excited about it. It's really important to us to lay that foundation so we can make this whole build for the product.
  • Two things to talk on Win Trading -- The team has a way to segment people that are win trading into separate groups. What we've done in the last few weeks is something to repeat monthly, we're analyzing people playing and we segment that out. We are doing something. We don't really want to have to ban people so we're trying to find ways to make it positive for the player.
    • Aggroed asks for stats on that
    • One thing we were looking at when we made these changes the time to match is going to increase based upon the analysis is that it's keeping the game playable and not increase match time. I want to be clear we're doing things in a proactive way even though it's very difficult to prove people are win trading that's why were doing analysis. And it seems to be working.
    • Is there any gut feeling? Is there any difference?
      • I don't have the exact numbers now but I can sure pull them. I don't have the numbers in front of me right now.
  • Another point: We've been working for the last 3 months on server performance and we had some major wins on the server performance a week or so ago. We determined there was some traffic that was beating up our servers pretty hard but we've been working on it big shout out out a reduction of cost s by 50%. I just wanted to share that with you so you could know that was big win for Splinterlands. Everything we do here at Splinterlands what is the biggest splash for the whole community and so that's really what Matt and I are looking at. We're picking off the ones that have the largest impact and so we're strategically looking at the right things to prioritize.


Marketing Update with Chatter

  • More stuff with Rad, Ads scaling up, snapchat as well
  • The influencer and content creators ramping up
  • Events wise huge shout out to Ace of Hearts, hosted event that got some major publicity.
  • Lots of conferences getting planned. 16Bit will be heading to another conference, was at one last week,
  • We are planning out a whole travel doc for Splinterfest
    • Aggroed : I will cook waffles and bacon, hand-served VIP service at Splinterland


Nate Update and Eye Candy

  • Aggroed: What about Land? How's that gonna look? Like Googlemaps?
    • People want land like a googlemaps and you'll look at it from a world view and zoom down all the way to see what people are moving and building on their land in Praetoria


Waffles Kitty Dygycon


Introduction Orillion

  • I'm a developer lead for the validator team. This is my first full on crypto game. I directly code and contribute to the validator base.
  • Aggroed: Do we have a good pass for the validators?
    • We have an extremely good base. The plan is to slowly move over other crypto currancies over there the only challenge we have is to able them in the current software.
    • I'm running it on my local computer. We tried to run this as light as we can. It can run on raspberry pi.
  • Aggroed: Are we prepared to help others to run this? It's not difficult to run is it? The commands are't that complicated?
    • No it's not complicated.
  • Aggroed: You excited?
    • Definitely! It's new and we can learn from our past mistakes.
  • Aggroed: What's the coolest part of it?
    • That everyone when running a validator can check the game state and you can believe the truth for any form of democracy it's great.
    • You don't have to be limited by the Splinterlands server you can run your own nodes. You can expand the API, I see a lot of potential as a developer but as a non-developer I'm not sure to be honest.



  • I was working at a bank but I got kind of board then I was working on Splintertools as a side project.
  • What is Splintertools?
    • It's to help yourself train, so learn from your past mistakes. You can simulate a battle and change your battle and learn
    • There's a paid version that can help calculate win rate
  • Aggroed: Now you're working on the Validator program. How does this help?
    • A reusable validator framework to quickly implement games. Basically any games we come out with 3rd party developers can interact with that. That's my future thought or goal.
  • Aggroed: Not just what we can do for Splinterlands. I call it a Web 3.0 Game in a box. Build your unique game play. Build you're unique players. This validator system is a starting point. Imagine if games start with the validator system. This is definitely the future. I feel like this is one ticket we get to ride together. Hopefully it brings in some amazing opportunity.
    • I've only been on this team a month and a half. I've been on the voucher distribution and I helped change that and I had to make the change within the original code base and then within the validator code base. We are trying to make this an easy clean system people can run themselves.
  • Do you see how you can build an SPK and build new games from this?
    • If we take what we've learned from building these nodes and export that for people to see then yes I think there's a lot of good knowledge that's been created.


Wolf Introduction

  • Steam ecosystem or the Hive ecosystem. I'm known as TheRealWolf on Steam and Hive. I've been here since 2017 and know of the ups and downs.
  • Aggroed: Hive is a fork of Steam and proof of stake. Real Wolf is running one of the servers of the top 20 and will dictate what is best so it's harder to imagine anyone better than Wolf to see how this will work for Splinterlands. How has this helped you?
    • So when I joined the team, most of the code was already written but I think my experience as a Hive witness has been very helpful especially for the future rather the idea of the SPS and was the reason I wanted to join because it brings to a higher leve.
    • What I'm currently doing is taking some of the Hive tools we need and the vision as a gamer is to create other game modes which isn't just focused on card play I find it a bit difficult and I would like to have different game modes so my vision is to have different game modes.
    • So the good thing about Splinterlands is that much of it is running on the blockchain and once we've got the validators, much of this is handled by the validators so I imagine a lot would be done on the front end but on the back end a lot of code would be shared. The wait is going to be worth it. I know it's tough to see the roadmap but this is a marathon not a sprint.
  • Do you think you could have built this game mode first or did we need to make those changes?
    • The team grew extremely and now it's at a state that it's fairly certain I'd be able to build it now much better than before (half a year ago). If we tried before we would have missed a lot of stuff.
  • Aggroed: Would you integrate this validator into future game mode?
    • It's like the skeleton of any game. It's the security that the validator brings so the validator is a huge important step in a truly decentralized game. It's owned by the players.
    • What would be cool is if your asset can grow by using it on multiple game modes and that's only possible with running it through this one system.
    • The validators are going to make this game truly epic.


Matt's Last Thoughts

  • Wolf's actual focus on the team is around the HIve blockchain and so validators are really important to have all the software opensourced but I actually think a number of products have that if they run on a smart contract like Eth. I think actually the whole package around the Hive accounts with the different keys and accounts and account recovery and being able to lock assets and these things with the validators make the whole package unique. I've tried a lot of the block games it's difficult even for me to get involved because you have to set up your wallet and you've got to get the keys and the tokens for gas keys and I think the way we're going about this to make it as easy as as possible so I think that's the core of this whole thing. Wolf is primarily focused on that aspect with features it has. The blockchain game in a box experience.
  • Aggroed: If you could go back in time would you have put this game on Eth? What advantages did we get by building on HIVE?
    • Definitely not on Eth, when we launched it's the 4 year anniversary of Splinterlands launch and now that it's been 4 years, we still haven't really found anyone that offers out of the box benefits that Hive does that is able to provide the user experience we're going for. It's been a learning experience for us over these 4 years and realize wow this is a lot better how HIVE does things. We're always keeping up to date with all the new products and I think we can offer a much better gaming experience that HIVE can offer than anywhere else..


Splinterlands TV with r0andOn

  • Splinterlands has second Twitch channel called Splinterlands TV. The Splinterlands TV streamers we're working on for 24/7 on Twitch. We've been giving up rewards. Luke does a lot of challenges and game play every Tuesday U.S. time. He beat me fair and square but the way he beat me was really expectational so let me share it with you. (He plays the clip in the background.)
  • We're ramping up the schedule and it's really growing.
  • Streamers spotlight and the streamers give away packs. Check out splinterlands.tv
  • We have 30 streamers which accounts for 58 stream time a week. Only on Twitch
  • We went from nothing to 1000 followers.


Validator Nodes

  • Regarding the roadmap, what does “Validator Code Complete” and “Testing” mean for Q1 2023?
    • The initial plan is Q4. Being able to run all the SPS validation on these nodes. The second step is alot we're moving out to the validators and that's running a lot more actions.
    • Matt: Initially there's SPS validators for Q4. I think Q1 or later adding the rest of the Splinterlands assets into the validators (all the assets not just the SPS moving over to the validator system).
  • How will you prevent people from writing a script to automatically purchase more validator nodes than those buying manually?
    • Ultimately we can't really prevent people from scripting things and automating things and we'll have similar things to the Waka sale which limits what can be bought. My hope is that everyone that wants to whether they are doing it manually or automatically will be able to get some nodes.
  • Have any large guilds/investors show interest in acquiring licenses?
    • We've had some interest, a number of groups in the potentially millions of dollars range but they will have to wait.
  • Are rewards for validators set in stone or could they be changed by the company or SPS holders?
    • Generally everything is open to be changed when the governance is released. And it's not necessarily a 51% vote, where you need an overwhelming majority then the community can vote to change thing. Nothing is set in stone.
  • Can we get a validator title for those who purchase on Day 1?
    • I didn't plan on doing that. I really want titles to be something pretty rare and special. I don't think we have time to add that right now.


Rewards Update

  • Do you have any estimates on what percentage of teams currently use starter cards or how much of the DEC earnings are going to teams using starter cards before this change?
    • I don't have any numbers on that but from everything I've seen it's a lot.
  • It looks like it’s very punishing to be in the bottom of a league now. For example, 10 wins with your focus at the bottom of Silver III gets you only a single daily chest. Is this intended to make sure people only increase leagues if they feel they can compete?
    • Well, I mean ideally the whole idea of this is that you can get more than just one chest at every league so you can get roughly the same number of chest in any league but you can get better rewards in better league but yes you don't want to get in a better league if you can't win.
  • Why is the power cooldown transfer going away? This is an easy exploit for those running multiple accounts.
    • Not sure what that means. For the daily quests? There's a cooldown for using cards in battle and I think there's a separate thing for quests. A lot of things are going to change when this is released. This is not going to fix everything. Since so many things are changing it's really hard to guess what's going to happen and how so what's going to be released at the end of the season is not going to be the end all thing for what happens. We'll see what the issues are and exploits are and figure out the best way to address it.
  • Could it be possible to get different focuses for modern/wild when it arrives, so we can have options of playing 2 splinters throughout the day instead of just 1?
    • No it's gonna be the same focus across Modern and Wild but I want to add a lot of different focuses than just splinter focuses.
  • Would you ever consider staked SPS playing a role in battle earnings for DEC/focus points or determining how quickly ECR is drained?
    • Yeah we talked about that a little earlier with SPS white paper where you can stake SPS on players and that will make SPS staked on players and that's further down the line but 100% yes.



  • Why don’t challenge battles in bronze/novice follow the same ruleset/mana patterns as bronze/novice ranked?
    • I'm not sure.
  • What is an updated approximate release time for Modern/Wild?

    • That's a good question. Couple weeks. We're not throwing out a date on it because we're going to get ranked rewards out and make sure it's stable. It's a pretty extensive change so we're gonna be spending a little bit more time in the testing phase. I'm still saying a couple weeks.
  • We are seeing a large number of packs being opened recently. Will this decrease the number of packs needed for the summoner airdrops, since they were increased because packs weren’t being opened yet.

    • No. I think realistically we would probably need to increase them even more but we've said we're just gonna keep that same rate going forward.



  • Please don’t require vouchers for Riftwatchers as this will make them unaffordable for new players (see next suggestion before answering).

    • Aggroed reads next question
      Please require vouchers for most of Riftwatchers and not just the presale so we don’t devalue vouchers and sps immediately after millions are spent on nodes in order to earn more vouchers/sps.
    • This is my ultimate challenge with anything blockchain and this is the ultimate blessing with this ecosystem. For every single person that says I want this, I have a person asking the complete opposite. I know vouchers will be some part of riftwatchers. I personally think it should be high. I think vouchers are a really nice addition. I don't think it should be 100% vouchers but I think it should be a large part of riftwatchers.
    • There's difference between Matt and I and community feedback and usually included completely opposite opinions. At some point we look forward to have the SPS votes. We're not quite there but will be.
  • Can you make further adjustments to guild crown earnings so the top guilds aren’t getting such a high percentage of the rewards. It creates a “rich get richer” situation where other guilds can’t catch up.

    • WeirdBeard is looking into this and he's not here today so going to pass on this.
    • We did make a change recently to guilds and we're watching it so we can see how the change effects the economy. It's important, but when looking across the board, we have limited focused. Ranked Rewards is going to impact the entire community and it's good that you keep poking us about them but we're trying to do the biggest things that will be best for all.
  • Could we get a setting where locked cards cannot be combined?

    • I guess if we had a good reasonable use case. Here's why this is being asked:
      QUESTION: Locked cards can't be transferred or sold but can still be combined.

    Currently, the Private Posting key allows for cards to be rented or combined. There are services available (manual and automated) to manage accounts and rent cards. I would like to use these services, but I don't want to risk my cards being combined without my permission. Can we either make it where locked cards can not be combined (perhaps a more advanced level of locking) or that it requires signing with a different key to combine cards?


Rapid-Fire Questions

  • Question: What do you think about putting 10% (insert any other number here) of the market fees (or any other sinks/costs associated to the game) into a special treasury fund and using that to buy a bucket of BTC, ETC and stable coins to be used as a financing method for different projects or as a feature that provides further value to SPS holders/stakers after all the other SPS pools dry up? Would you use your fat stack of SPS to back such a proposal when we’ll be able to vote for it?

    • Answer: The treasury will have a lot of avenues for earning and the community will need to decide that.
  • QUESTION #2: Will there be plans to overlap a DYGYCON (or other virtual event) together with Splinterfest, so that those who aren't able to make it in person can still participate in some manner? Also, can players attend remotely with tele-presence

    • Answer: Chatter I don't know about Dygycon but we will be streaming a lot of the events.
  • QUESTION / Game Economy: The power requirements for leagues has not changed for quite some time. With higher inflation of cards moving on, shouldnt these CP requirement automatically adjust (and get higher) to maintain a healthy game economy? (I know, it is probably very unpopular for some players, but I think it is an issue to think about.)

    • I think we're planning and we announced for Modern and Wild. For Modern league the requirements are lower but in general I don't think they should get higher. If it's higher then it's gonna be harder and harder for new players so I (Matt) don't agree with that. But overall there's very significant changes coming to the game play next week so we'll be looking at that and looking into collection power. We aren't gonna look into solutions until we've been watching.
  • QUESTION: Do you think it would make sense to reward validator nodes who participate in the public testnet?

    • Yes I do
  • Question: Are we all starting from Bronze next season, like it happened on test net?

    • No
  • QUESTION: Given that comment about multiple games... is there for potential for validator nodes to pay out more than just SPS/Vouchers in the future? Ie tokens for other games that 'swim in the same pool'?

    • It would be like fork, a separate validator software and that would have rewards in whatever token is part of that game.
  • QUESTION / Gameplay in higher leagues: In certain situation it is better to play a lower lvl monster than a higher level monster. Example: The Cube in noxious fumes ruleset wins in certain situations more often in the version of lvl 9 than lvl 10 (because of one LESS health at lvl 10). Do you think it is a good idea to implement the option to choose to adjust a lvl of a card played while submitting teams?

    • Yeah that's something we haven't gotten around to. Just generally avoiding where it's better to have a card at lower levels. That may not be possible in all cases but that's never been a high enough priority.
  • question : can we have the list of all tourneys with requirement that weirdbeird promised us a couple of week s ago? :p

    • Answer: He's not here today
  • Question: What kind of new quest potion will be getting after this update?

    • Adding more going forward just not initially.
  • Question Nate any splinterfest goodies for those that attend?

    • There's some cool stuff, custom cards, custom merch and a few things under wraps.
  • QUESTION AGAIN Even though in the past its been stated that Vouchers were going to be required to get Riftwatcher packs, there seems to be a belief from some Mavs that the Devs have changed their minds and will now NOT require vouchers for all Riftwatcher packs. If true, this has a HUGE impact on the strategy for nodes in 2 obvious ways:
  1. devaluation of the importance of vouchers will impact the future value of vouchers and thus affect the perceived revenue stream to calculate NODE returns. So clarifying the policy will be helpful for everyone to make an informed choice and calculate their expected returns based on up to date information.
  2. the decision to hold vouchers for Riftwatchers vs spend them on NODES is a real issue that many players face. It would be perceived as unfair if the previously stated policy of requiring Riftwatchers is changed AFTER NODES LAUNCH. IE if you are considering changing the voucher requirement for Riftwatchers, its best to at least let us know that it might NOT be required.

Can you please comment on this further? We have been led to believe that vouchers were going to be required... so now are you saying maybe 5%, 10%, 50%, 95%? There's a big gap there and people are waiting to find out what they should spend their vouchers on (or if they are even needed)

  • Answer: I don't recall officially stating that vouchers are going to be required to get all riftwatchers packs. I feel it will be similar to Chaos Legion so vouchers are used for bonus packs but again, we've got to see what will happen in a few months. So that's what I'm thinking now and it could change. A lot of these things could change and it could change. I would love to be able to tell you and we don't want to box ourselves in the corner.

  • Question: What’s the status of the non-card market?

    • Answer: It's gonna come out after Modern and Wild comes out. End of June/Early July
  • question: 35 people want to know, can we get an animated goblin thief, listening to town hall on stream now ty
    • Answer: Yeah I'll see what I can do (Nate) and here's some eye-candy!


  • Question: Is there any tender love and care for the mobile app in sight? I am not talking about bringing it up to date with new reward system and modern vs wild. I am talking about making it running smother and looking better.
    • Answer: We've mentioned this before we do have a team now focused on that specifically but right now they're focused on getting it to work with the new things.
  • QUESTION: Can we get a promotional tournament, where winners get flight tickets and accommodation to Splinterfest?
    • Answer: I think that's cool. Sounds good to me. Liam, make it so!
  • Question: any update on the new legendary summoner stats?
    • Answer: Yeah I mean I mentioned that we should be next week. I think there's gonna be a void in the amount of armor abilities for the life splinter if anyone wants to read into that at all.


Final Thoughts

  • Matt: I'm looking for what repeated last year to happen this year without all the technical difficulties we had so let's get that working so obviously fixing validator nodes, fixing the economy. We need to keep the game, the ecosystem growing so we're picking the most important things to focus on that will really move the needle for the community.
  • Hardpoint: Shout out to the whole team! Excited for the Summer of Splinterlands! Thank you everyone!
  • Aggroed: Thank you to the community. I really like this vision and put this into the hands of the players. We'll go build a game in a box and build something entirely different and make sure that works. You don't have to be Matt, Aggroed, etc so newer teams can get the job done and hopefully that will come with airdrops and rewards for those participating who have been here for awhile. I'm excited for this future. I think the days of Bitcoin under 30 will be rare. I have some assurance of in bitcoin if they keep printing money (these governments). It's a joy to get to do this every day, to build this game, and be with this community.

We decided we'll be with our families and take a one-week break and see what the ranked rewards looks like.

Here's the Link to the YouTube video from Splinterlands' Official YouTube Channel if you want to see the Town Hall as well for a reference.

Please remember my post is not meant to be financial advice and is just my opinion.
Follow These Folks:
1Up (#OneUp):If you enjoyed my post and want to try Splinterlands, please use my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=rosiew https://peakd.com/@splinterlands/ https://peakd.com/@peakmonsters/ https://peakd.com/@monster-curator/ https://www.1up.zone/

Here are some great links to join as well!
Splinterlands Discord:
Monster Market Discord (Monster Curator):
PeakD Discord (PeakMonsters as well):
NFT Studios Discord (aka 1UP Discord #OneUp): https://discord.gg/Tw7KjNsQGs https://discord.gg/DR3J9rfRFV https://discord.gg/7mQmzZeugE https://discord.gg/4VYBcNuVQd


Blimey. That was a long one!


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I wouldn't buy anything with Velcro
It's a total rip-off.

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(1/6)@rosiew, I sent you an on behalf of @gillianpearce

Yes it was! HAHA Thanks for being here, Gillian!! :)

you do excellent work! love it! 😘

Thank you so much, Bronko!

How can I forget even after a long time best AMA notes maker. I remember I try to do the same but u publish first always. :)

!1UP for your continuous efforts to simplify AMA to those who can't attend

YAY! Thank you so much dlmmqb!! :) I really appreciate your kind words. :) I hope you're doing well! :)

Lots going on. Excited 😜!!


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YAY! Thank you so much for all the PGM, LUV 1UP, HBIT and Pizza! :) And Yess... it's VERY Exciting times for sure!

I can’t wait so excite !MEME

Credit: arthursiq5
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ hiveme.me!

Dang good Town Hall this week. Thanks for capturing all the goodness :D

:) Thank you, J2R! I appreciate your support!! :) And yes it was a GREAT Town Hall!


You have received a 1UP from @dlmmqb!

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YAY! Thanks for the 1Up, @dlmmqb !! :)

As always THANK YOU Rosie!

Yippee!! Thanks, Sara!! How many nodes are you gonna get?!?! I am nervous, excited, changed my mind 1000 times and back again hahaha I am like feeling it's Christmas all over again! I don't know this stuff gets me all hyped haha. :)

I just read your nodes post. So glad you got some in time. I decided not to get any. There are so many ways to invest in this game and I need to pick which ones to do. Even with limiting how many different things I own I still feel overwhelmed!

I get what you mean, Sara. I will say that even now with this low market, you're getting a heck of a great deal to buy a node now. At the same time, there are SOOOO many ways to earn in Splinterlands... land will still always be my favorite! HEE HEE :) I cannot wait for that to come out!

Hope you're doing well!!


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
tjnew14 tipped rosiew (x1)
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