
Yippee!! Thanks, Sara!! How many nodes are you gonna get?!?! I am nervous, excited, changed my mind 1000 times and back again hahaha I am like feeling it's Christmas all over again! I don't know this stuff gets me all hyped haha. :)

I just read your nodes post. So glad you got some in time. I decided not to get any. There are so many ways to invest in this game and I need to pick which ones to do. Even with limiting how many different things I own I still feel overwhelmed!

I get what you mean, Sara. I will say that even now with this low market, you're getting a heck of a great deal to buy a node now. At the same time, there are SOOOO many ways to earn in Splinterlands... land will still always be my favorite! HEE HEE :) I cannot wait for that to come out!

Hope you're doing well!!