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RE: SPS Governance Proposal: Brawl - Count all frays equally with examples about effects (tier 1-4)

in #splinterlandslast year (edited)

You act as if there's sooo many liquid players w/o guilds that can fill GF frays, not everyone can afford to rent these sets either as it could cost more than potential earnings from the game. All this will be doing is forcing more guilds to move down in Brawl Tiers, & have even less guild liquidity in T3 & above. Our guild will most likely be moving back down to T2 because of this just after entering T3 a couple weeks ago. All this does is support the top 100 guilds and penalizes the majority. Been looking for guild members to fill GF frays for over a year and have not been successful. The amount of Frays required for GF are too extreme for the amount of players that can sufficiently fill them, to reiterate, most people in this economy cannot afford to pay out of pocket for these sets along with the current market conditions as earnings are quite minimal and hardly help with the cost of renting.