Building My Part of the HIVE Honeycomb
Each an every one of us that participate or interact with the HIVE Blockchain are actually helping to build it and maintain it, just as bees do everyday in the real World. The bees must do this everyday until the hive or colony ceases to exist, and so too, we must continually help to maintain the HIVE BLOCKCHAIN through our participation which can be anything from running witnesses nodes, coding, creating Dapps, upvoting, staking (Powering Up), blogging etc etc. This blockchain lesson of Community was most prominently displayed with the recent steem/HIVE Blockchain Hard-Fork demonstrating that the technology is nothing without a community that believes in it and more importantly uses it.
Carrying over from the old blockchain, especially since Splinterlands is HIVE friendly and I am still playing, I am picking up with my series HOOKED ON SPLINTERLANDS, where I post tips, tricks, and other things I learn as I attempt to make CHAMPIONS' LEAGUE. I have been playing for about half a year, and have had many battles and made several purchases. I have also learned many different strategies while losing in battle, while also trying to consistently complete the Daily Quest in order to claim those prizes.
SPLINTERLANDS gives each player a "Daily Quest" to complete in order to collect some in game bonuses which can be anywhere from Player Cards to Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) to potions and/or orbs. Since I have not been playing that long, I only marginally noticed when the prizes recently changed for the Daily Quests going from only Player Cards to now including other prizes from within the game, which I actually like. The main reason I like this change is that the prizes can occasionally include a nice chunk of DEC, which you can then use as you buy things that you prefer as opposed to being given random Playing Cards that might not be all that beneficial to your game.
Remember that the higher you climb into the Splinterland Leagues, the greater the daily rewards are as well. Lately it seems as though players have gotten better, making it harder to rank higher when battling. I have nonetheless been persistent on claiming those Daily Quest prizes, and my last claim was amazing. To my astonishment, I actually gained two Gold Foil cards after my last Daily Quest, and just can't wait to complete my next DQ, especially with less than five days to go before the Splinterlands' Season ends. I am hoping to make Diamond League Level II in order to gain as many prizes as possible.
Battle Anyone?
Thanks for stopping by and I hope everyone is enjoying some of this honey of a price action for HIVE COIN..............................
to the HONEY-MOON!
+++ @streetstyle
que tal amigo,estoy aprendiendo en esta canaima jaja a manejarla,espero este bien,yo viviendo un calvario con la comida amigo,no tengo para comprar comida,esta super cara,el dinero no me alcanza para nada,este pais mal,si compro un huevo no compro arroz,un desastre ,a veces me quedo tranquila aguantando pero ya es mucho,soy profesora amigo jubilada y mensual gano dos dolares que es un aceite y dos cajas de fosforo para encender la hornilla,eso da pena decirlo,bueno saludos y agradecida amigode usted,espero me valla un poco mejor aqui
Saludos Petra y espero que se divierta en el juego de SPLINTERLANDS. Lo siento por todo lo que esta pasando en sus pais. Triste que gente en poder no piensan en los demas, especialmente por sus mismos paisanos.
Mientras ud. siga aqui. Espero que lo precios de HIVE coin le ayude algo, y yo siguere apoyando sus esfuerzos aqui en HIVE. SALUDOS.
Champions? You have come a long way... I was giving you my cast-offs not so long ago!
Anyhow, thank you for your initial support and mentoring, it truly was the catalyst that I needed for SPLINTERLANDS and I will forever be grateful for that. Glad to know you are here on the HIVE blockchain.
Take care my friend and have a great weekend.Lofty goals @slobberchops, I think the highest I have made it to is Diamond League II, and I could reach it last season, so hoping to go that high again this season but lately the players have gotten much better (or should I say bots?).
Need to get involved with this
Yes, it is fun and can be challenging, while some even make money with this by renting out their cards. I have been playing for about 6 months and still find it entertaining. I have just now started figuring out how to rent out some of my higher ranked cards that I don't use or have extra. Any questions let me know. Take care.
Its good to see that splinterlands in hive blockchain and user too.
Yes sir.