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RE: New Reward Cards & Collection Power Update

in #splinterlands5 years ago

The way I see things, there are two different issues, the rewards and the player experience.

Personally I think the rewards need to be gutted across the board. Daily quests should give a set number of rewards regardless of tier, IE everyone gets 3 rewards for completing their daily quest.
That change would make season rewards roughly linear among ranks instead of the exponential increase we see currently. The bulk of rewards should come at the end of the season after all.

The second issue is the player experience. Playing different tiers is a different experience. Unless its changed since I was last in silver you have a single ruleset at most. Gold can have two rulesets. Diamond almost always has two rulesets. (and I don't know about champions). The rulesets are the biggest strength of splinterlands. They are what force us to be creative and think and that is a large part why I don't like the gating. Without spending more I'm going to be stuck in "easy mode", with the bots, for at least several months.


I totally agree with you with regards to the ruleset gating and 'easy mode' I absolutely hated splinterlands until I got to silver and gold and actually saw interesting ruleset that my deck at the time actually excelled at. Without the ruleset people can just min max a setup and dominate new players without having to think.